
To be eligible to participate, students must be a United States citizen, enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program at NMU, have a need for support and meet at least one of the following: be from a low-income household as determined by federal guidelines, are a first generation student where neither parent has earned a bachelor’s degree or have a documented disability.


Student Support Services provides a wide array of services designed to support many aspects of a student's educational experience while attending NMU. Each student has an individual support plan that identifies necessary services to assist in meeting academic and personal goals.

Request Tutoring

Student Support Services provides tutoring support through a College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) master certified program. Individualized tutoring is provided for 100 level entry level courses through senior-level coursework. In addition, many of our tutors can provide valuable instruction in time management, note taking and test preparation skills.


Do you know a student who may be eligible and would benefit from our services?  

If you would like to refer this student to the program, please select the “Referral” button to the left to submit a referral form. Once the referral form is complete, we automatically provide the student with an application. Upon receiving the student’s application, we will process it and notify the student of their status.

Contact Information

2101 C. B. Hedgcock
