




Minutes of the Regular Session


Thursday-Friday, February 22-23, 2007



A regular session of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University was held on Thursday and Friday, February 22 and 23, 2007, at Weber's Inn, Ann Arbor, Michigan.  The meeting was convened in the Directors Room at 10:00 a.m. by Chair Mary C. Lukens.


Trustees present included:


      Mary C. Lukens, Chair     Samuel S. Benedict     Douglas B. Roberts, Vice Chair

      Alan T. Ackerman            Brian D. Cloyd           Gilbert L. Ziegler

      Stephen F. Adamini          Jon G. LaSalle             Leslie E. Wong, ex officio


Senior staff and counsel present included:


      Michael J. Roy, V.P. for Finance and Administration and Treasurer of the Board

      Pamalene R. Grundstrom, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary of the Board

      Alfred N. Joyal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

      R. Gavin Leach, Assoc. V.P. for Finance and Planning

      Catherine L. Dehlin, General Counsel





Chair Lukens welcomed new Trustees Steve Adamini and Gil Ziegler and incoming Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Susan Koch.  Trustees and staff introduced themselves. 


President Wong made opening remarks for the Orientation Session.  He said that everyone is invited to keep their Board Notebooks which include copies of this meeting's presentations and a set of resource documents.  Ms. Cathy Dehlin then reviewed and discussed key provisions of Act 48 of 1963, the Board's enabling legislation.  Dr. Fred Joyal and Ms. Dehlin reviewed and discussed the role and function of the Board as it relates to Charter Schools, including currently held contracts and authorizer legislation.  Ms. Pam Grundstrom, Ms. Dehlin, and President Les Wong reviewed the Board Bylaws, Procedures, and Best Practices documents.  President Wong suggested that each Trustee be provided with a copy of AGB's Statement on Board Accountability to use as a resource.  Ms. Grundstrom will follow through. 


Discussion followed and the Board agreed that the Bylaws should undergo a legal review and that an Ad Hoc Bylaws Review Committee should be named to work with General Counsel Cathy Dehlin to conduct the review, propose revisions for a first reading at the May 2007 meeting of the Board, and to submit a final recommendation at the July 2007 Board meeting.  The following Trustees volunteered to serve on the Committee:  Alan Ackerman, Steve Adamini, and Mary Lukens (ex officio).  The Board will take action on this recommendation during the Business Session later today. 



President Wong reviewed and discussed the University's Mission and Vision.  The Mission Statement is under review.  It was discussed extensively at the President's Council level during that group's summer retreat, and a proposed revision has been drafted.  Discussions will continue throughout the campus before a final recommendation comes to the Board.  The Vision Statement was reviewed and discussed by the President's Council and no revision is recommended at this time. 


Dr. Fred Joyal reviewed and discussed the University's accreditation.  He explained that AQIP (Academic Quality Improvement Program) serves as the University's overall accreditation provider.  We are in our first AQIP cycle and are making progress and meeting challenges as they arise.  He also noted that several individual programs within the University hold accreditations which are noted in the presentation. 


Chair Lukens recessed the meeting for a break from 11:30 until 11:40 a.m.


Ms. Dehlin reviewed and discussed legal issues, including the Freedom of Information Act, the Open Meetings Act, and updates on Proposal 2 and Domestic Partner Benefits.  Discussion followed and Ms. Dehlin responded to questions and comments from Trustees.  Mr. Gavin Leach then reviewed collective bargaining at the University and the faculty/staff profile.  Discussion followed and Mr. Leach responded to questions and comments from Trustees. 


President Wong reviewed presidential initiatives.  Dr. Joyal reviewed Instruction; Academic Affairs Initiatives – including challenges for the new provost; Research; Public Service – including Public Broadcasting, Northern Initiatives, Centers of Excellence, USOEC; and Student Services and Enrollment.  Dr. Mike Roy and Mr. Leach reviewed and discussed Finance and Administration Initiatives, including transition plans for the vice presidency, facilities, finance and planning, and auxiliary services.  President Wong gave an NMU Foundation update, including progress on the next Capital Campaign.  He responded to questions and comments from Trustees. 








Dr. Joyal led the Trustees and Staff in a moment of silence in memory of Dr. Teresa Hunt, outstanding Professor of English and NMU's AQIP Accreditation Coordinator, who passed away in December following a brief illness. 





President Wong expressed his appreciation for the leadership of Provost Search Advisory Committee Co‑Chairs Dr. Peter Goodrich and Prof. Darlene Walch and for the work of members of the committee in completing a successful Provost search.  He announced that the appointment for Dr. Susah Koch as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, effective July 1, 2007, is in the Formal Recommendations.



Academic Affairs:  Mr. LaSalle reported on the Academic Affairs Committee meeting held via conference telephone call on Thursday, January 11, 2007.  The recommendation from the Committee to change the name of the Department of Art and Design to the School of Art and Design is in the Formal Recommendations. 





President Wong announced that the recommendation to present Mrs. Phyllis Maki with the NMU President's Lifetime Achievement Award is in the Formals.  Mrs. Maki, Honorary NMU Alumna and Past President of the NMU Foundation Board of Trustees, has served for many years as a dedicated leader and effective advocate for the University, the Marquette Community, and the Upper Peninsula region.  She is very deserving of this award.  Trustees are encouraged to attend the award presentation during a special dinner in the Great Lakes Rooms on Saturday, March 24. 





At this time the Board took action on the following recommendation:


            It was moved by Dr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. LaSalle, and supported unanimously by the Board of Trustees to appoint an Ad Hoc Bylaws Review Committee consisting of Alan Ackerman, Steve Adamini, and Mary Lukens (ex officio) to work with General Counsel Cathy Dehlin on a review and recommendation for revision of the Board Bylaws.  The revision will be presented for a first reading at the May 2007 Board Meeting, and for final approval at the July 2007 Meeting of the Board. 





The Board took the following action regarding the Formal Recommendations:


            It was moved by Mr. Cloyd, seconded by Mr. LaSalle, and unanimously supported by the Board of Trustees to approve the Formal Recommendations.





President Wong made this announcement for the public record. 





Chair Lukens recessed the meeting for lunch at 12:50 p.m.





Chair Lukens reconvened the meeting at 1:40 p.m.



RETREAT SESSION 1.  (Addendum #3)


Trustee Doug Roberts, who served on the State's Emergency Financial Advisory Panel, presented the group's report entitled:  Michigan's Defining Moment (Addendum #4).  He said the Panel reviewed and assessed the current state budget problem and offered recommendations on how to proceed.  An excerpt of the Report that summarizes the Panel's recommendations follows:


"After careful study and considerable discussion, this bipartisan panel believes that Michigan

·         Needs fundamental reform of both spending and taxes;

·         Must create a modern tax structure that abandons the focus on the economic system of the 20th century and looks to the developing economy of the new century;

·         Must end the disinvestment in education and those other assets that define the quality of life that knowledge-based workers seek –cultural offerings, natural resources, and vibrant cities; and

·         Must develop a fiscal plan that includes a combination of revenue increases, spending cuts, and reform of how public services are delivered."


Discussion followed and Dr. Roberts responded to questions and comments from his fellow Trustees who expressed their appreciation of his service on this panel. 


NMU Lobbyist David Haynes gave a state budget/revenue update.  He outlined the problem, including the elimination of the Single Business tax ($1.9 billion in lost revenue) and revenue deficits in Fiscal Years 2007 and 2008 totaling approximately $1 billion.  He reviewed alternatives to address the deficit, such as replace the SBT with a new tax, cut the state budget, or a combination of new tax and budget cuts.  He discussed the Governor's proposed tax and cut plan and alternative plans, including numerous tax replacement proposals, being suggested by legislative leaders.  Mr. Haynes reviewed the schedule for legislation, noting that President Wong will testify before the House appropriations Higher Education Subcommittee on March 6 and that the Senate Higher Education Subcommittee hearings are expected in April.  Following that, the House and Senate will likely consider tax debate and votes.  Conference committees and revenue estimating conferences are likely to continue, along with negotiations, into the early fall.  He said the final budget may not be available until mid to late fall.  Discussion followed and President Wong and Mr. Haynes responded to questions and comments from Trustees. 


Mr. Leach reviewed appropriations and budget information, including fund types and activities, resources and operating budget levels, and comparisons of appropriation and cost per FYES (fiscal year equated student) from 1977 to 2007.  He also reviewed facilities and financial aid costs. 





Chair Lukens recessed the meeting at 4:00 p.m.





Chair Lukens reconvened the meeting on Friday, February 23, 2007, at 8:00 a.m. in the Directors Room of Weber's Inn, Ann Arbor, Michigan


Trustees present included:


      Mary C. Lukens, Chair     Brian D. Cloyd           Douglas B. Roberts, Vice Chair

      Stephen F. Adamini          Jon G. LaSalle             Gilbert L. Ziegler

Samuel S. Benedict                                               Leslie E. Wong, ex officio


The Trustee absent was Alan T. Ackerman


Senior staff and counsel present included:


      Michael J. Roy, V.P. for Finance and Administration and Treasurer of the Board

      Pamalene R. Grundstrom, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary of the Board

      Alfred N. Joyal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

      R. Gavin Leach, Assoc. V.P. for Finance and Planning

      Catherine L. Dehlin, General Counsel



RETREAT SESSION 2.  (Addendum #5)


Mr. Leach reviewed enrollment challenges and successes, noting NMU's continued enrollment growth in recent years in spite of declining high school graduating numbers in the Upper Peninsula.  He highlighted increased enrollment numbers from outside the U.P., including Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minnesota.  He also noted increased academic credentials (high school GPA and ACT scores) for incoming freshmen. 


Dr. Roy, Mr. Leach, and President Wong led an interactive budget presentation using a budget model developed by Mr. Leach.  They reviewed budget issues for 2008 and then used the budget model to illustrate how different scenarios would develop using variables in tuition, appropriation, and enrollment levels.  Discussion followed and staff members responded to questions and comments from Trustees. 












President Wong requested a closed session to address his personnel evaluation.  The Board then took the following action to authorize a closed session: 


It is recommended that the following resolution relative to holding a closed session of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University be approved:


RESOLVED, that the Board shall meet in Closed Session at 10:50 a.m. on February 23, 2007, pursuant to Section 8 of the Open Meetings Act:


To consider the personnel evaluation of President Leslie E. Wong, at his request. 


      Mr. Adamini moved that the resolution be approved.  It was supported by Mr. LaSalle.  On a roll-call vote, the Board voted as follows:


                                         Aye                         Nay


                                    Mr. Adamini

Mr. Benedict

                                    Mr. Cloyd

                                    Mr. LaSalle

                                    Ms. Lukens

                                    Dr. Roberts

                                    Mr. Ziegler                  None


The resolution was thus approved unanimously.





Chair Lukens adjourned the meeting at 10:50 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,




­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Pamalene R. Grundstrom,

Secretary of the Board