Minutes of the Regular Session
A regular session of the Board of Trustees of Northern
Michigan University was held on Thursday and Friday, October 5 and 6,
2006, in the
Trustees present included:
Karl A. Weber, Chair Larry C. Inman Douglas B. Roberts
Alan T. Ackerman Jon G. LaSalle Leslie E. Wong, ex officio
Brian D. Cloyd Mary C. Lukens
The Trustee absent was Samuel S. Benedict.
Senior staff and legal counsel present included:
Michael J. Roy, V.P. for Finance and Administration and Treasurer of the Board;
Pamalene R. Grundstrom, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary of the Board;
Alfred N. Joyal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; and
Catherine L. Dehlin, General Counsel.
President Wong presented the following recommendation:
It is recommended that the following resolution relative to holding a closed session of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University be approved:
RESOLVED, that the Board shall meet in Closed Session at 2:10 p.m. on October 5, 2006, pursuant to Section 8 of the Open Meetings Act:
To consider matters connected with the strategy and/or negotiation of its collective bargaining agreements;
To consider the purchase or lease of real property on which the University does not hold an option;
To consult with the attorney for the University on matters relating to pending litigation, it being the opinion of the Board that consideration of such matters in an open meeting would have a detrimental financial effect on the litigation and/or settlement position of the University;
To consider material exempt from discussion or disclosure by state or federal statute.
Aye Nay
Mr. Ackerman
Mr. Cloyd
Mr. Inman
Mr. LaSalle
Ms. Lukens
Dr. Roberts
Mr. Weber
The resolution was thus approved unanimously.
Chair Weber recessed the meeting at 2:08 p.m.
Chair Weber reconvened the meeting on Friday, October 6, 2006 at 8:30 a.m. in the Board of Trustees Meeting Room, 602 Cohodas.
Trustees present included:
Karl A. Weber, Chair Larry C. Inman Douglas B. Roberts (arrived at 8:45 a.m.)
Alan T. Ackerman Jon G. LaSalle Leslie E. Wong, ex officio
Brian D. Cloyd Mary C. Lukens
The Trustee absent was Samuel S. Benedict.
Senior staff and legal counsel present included:
Michael J. Roy, V.P. for Finance and Administration and Treasurer of the Board;
Pamalene R. Grundstrom, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary of the Board;
Alfred N. Joyal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; and
Catherine L. Dehlin, General Counsel.
Ms. Grundstrom reported that Dr. James Greene has requested to address the Board.
Dr. Greene addressed the Board, expressing his concerns regarding the ROTC Program and offering alternative courses of action to address the concerns. Chair Weber thanked him for his comments.
Discussion of Long-Term Tuition Guidelines: (Addendum #1)
President Wong said that in follow-up to discussions about the process and timing of tuition decisions, Trustee Roberts has prepared a Long-Term Tuition Proposal. To aid in discussion of the Proposal, Vice President Roy has prepared a response, including a presentation of models and questions and comments. Dr. Roy and Dr. Roberts led a discussion of the proposed guidelines and the data presented. Several points were noted: 1) Several Trustees spoke in favor of using the term "guidelines" rather than policy; 2) The guidelines would provide a model to aid the Board in decision making and to aid students and parents in budgeting for anticipated tuition increases; and 3) The guidelines could be adjusted as the state budget and other important factors, such as formula funding, change over time. The Trustees thanked Dr. Roberts for preparing this proposal and noted that this material will be helpful to President Wong as he continues discussions with legislators and others in the higher education community.
Enrollment and Retention Report: (Addendum #2)
Associate Vice President for Institutional Research Paul Duby and Admissions Director Gerri Daniels reported to the Board. Ms. Daniels reviewed the process for individuals to move from prospects to enrolled status. Dr. Duby then reviewed current enrollment highlights, freshman data, and retention factors and goals. Discussion followed regarding how Trustees Emeriti and current students can be more involved in recruiting new students. Ms. Daniels and Dr. Duby responded to questions and comments from Trustees. Chair Weber thanked Ms. Daniels and Dr. Duby for an excellent report given on short notice.
Chair Weber recessed the meeting for a break at 10:00 a.m.
Chair Weber reconvened the meeting at 10:15 a.m.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Focus on Public Broadcasting (Addendum #3)
President Wong introduced Director of Broadcast and Audio Visual Services Eric Smith who gave a progress report on Public Broadcasting. He reviewed the timelines for WNMU-TV/FM Digital Conversion, including master control and transmitter replacements. He then reviewed the overall costs and sources of funding for WNMU-TV/FM digital conversion. Discussion followed and Mr. Smith responded to questions and comments from Trustees. Chair Weber and President Wong both complimented Mr. Smith and his staff on their work.
Mr. Erik Maillard, ASNMU President, reported on the activities of the student government (Addendum #4). He reviewed current activities, programs, and accomplishments and plans for the future. Discussion followed and Mr. Maillard responded to comments and questions from Trustees.
Executive Director of Advancement Martha Haynes presented an update on the activities of the NMU Foundation and Alumni Operations.
Alumni were surveyed to evaluate current programs and services and to assess needs and expectations. As a result, we have contracted with an outside vendor to provide a network for alumni, similar to Facebook or MySpace. We also have a new program with Lenovo whereby Alums will be able to purchase Lenovo computers at a significant discount and the Alumni Association endowment will receive a donation as part of each purchase under this program. NMU's version of the Stormy Kromer hat is available for purchase through the Alumni Office.
The Alumni and Foundation offices are continuing to hire new staff to increase programming and services and in preparation for the next capital campaign.
The Foundation total assets are currently at a record high of just over $22 million. Our investment earnings were 10.02% this year and at an average of 11.44% over the past three years. We are working on the campaign prospectus, the first written piece on the campaign. It will be provided to the individuals who participate in the feasibility study and is considered an internal working document. We are looking at a $50 million goal, with the largest portion of that going to Student Enhancement, along with three other themes, including: Academic Excellence, Community Enrichment, and Internationalization. An insiders' case statement will be prepared that describes our achievements, prospects, aspirations, and will be the internal brains of the campaign. A Feasibility Task Force will begin work over the summer. Trustee Jon LaSalle will serve on that group. We have conducted a prospect screening to identify the top 14,000 prospects and will further identify the top 1,000 to be contacted by our new development officers.
Ms. Haynes concluded with two good news items.
1. NMU Alumnus Dr. John Beaumier has given a generous
$1 million gift to fund the
2. A major gift has been received from the family of a heart attack patient who was saved by an NMU nursing student this summer. The attack occurred in a restaurant in the Houghton area and our student responded to a request for help from the victim's husband. She administered CPR and assisted other responders until the patient was able to be transported to the hospital. The family credits her with saving a life and they have given a very generous gift to the University which will be used to create a critical care simulation room for the Nursing Program. The room will be named for the student and will be dedicated in conjunction with next May Commencement, when the student is scheduled to graduate.
Discussion followed and Ms. Haynes responded to questions and comments from Trustees.
Ms. Lukens reported on the Academic Affairs Committee meeting held yesterday (Addendum #5). The Committee recommended an amendment to Formal Recommendation F-2, appointing charter school board members, as follows (the amendment is in bold):
That the following individuals be appointed as board members for the following Public School Academies, with approval of the Nah Tah Wahsh appointments being contingent upon confirming the legality of tribal members serving on the board:
Kenneth Dunton expiration date: June 30, 2008
Arthur Bone expiration date: June 30, 2009
Shannon Tolbert expiration date: June 30, 2008
Mary Little-Winberg expiration date: June 30, 2008
Sharon Philemon (reappoint) expiration date: June 30, 2008
William Sagataw expiration date: June 30, 2008
Marilyn Shawano (reappoint) expiration date: June 30, 2008
Martha Parks expiration date: June 30, 2009
Dr. Roberts reported on the Finance Committee meeting held yesterday (Addendum #6). He complimented Internal Auditor Matt Riipi on this work and said that the Five-Year Plan is one of the best planning documents the Board sees. Based on the recommendation of the Committee, the Board of Trustees took the following action:
It was moved by Mr. Ackerman, seconded by Mr. Inman, and supported unanimously by the Board of Trustees to approve the Student Managed Investment Fund Policy. A copy of the Policy is on file with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
Mr. Weber reported on the Executive Committee meeting held yesterday (Addendum #7). He spoke highly of President Wong's performance during the past year. Based on the recommendation of the Committee, the Board of Trustees took the following action:
It was moved by Mr. Inman, seconded by Ms. Lukens, and supported unanimously by the Board to approve President Wong's incentive payout for 2005-2006.
Mr. Weber said the Committee also had a legal services update. President Wong's recommendation is to not engage one law firm to serve as our legal counsel, but that we will select law firms as needed in particular areas. The Executive Committee was comfortable with that, especially because Cathy Dehlin is on board as general counsel.
Ad Hoc Nominating
Mr. Ackerman reported on the Ad Hoc Nominating Committee meeting held on August 11, 2006 (Addendum #8). Following the recommendation of the Committee, and there being no nominations from the floor, the election of officers was held:
It was moved by Mr. Inman, seconded by Mr. Cloyd, and supported unanimously by the Board to elect Mary Lukens as Chair and Douglas Roberts as Vice Chair of the NMU Board of Trustees for calendar year 2007.
Chair Weber recessed the meeting for a break at 11:10 a.m.
Chair Weber reconvened the meeting at 11:15 a.m.
President Wong made this announcement for the public record.
The Board took the following action regarding the Formal Recommendations:
It was moved by Mr. Inman, seconded by Ms. Lukens, and unanimously supported by the Board of Trustees to approve the Formal Recommendations as amended.
President Wong made opening comments about the $1,000,000 USDA Rural Development Grant awarded to NMU Public Broadcasting. He introduced Mr. Gene DeRossett of USDA and Congressman Bart Stupak who offered comments and signed the grant check. President Wong thanked Congressman Stupak and Senators Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin for their important work in securing this grant. He introduced Legislative Representatives Tom Baldini from Congressman Bart Stupak's office; Sheri Davie from Senator Debbie Stabenow's office; and Amy Berglund from Senator Carl Levin's office. Photos were taken.
Chair Weber adjourned the meeting at 11:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamalene R. Grundstrom
Secretary of the Board