Starting a Student Organization (Registration/Re-Registration)
To start a student organization, you will need one eager student and one enthusiastic NMU faculty or staff member to serve as the adviser. Then you will register your new group with the Center for Student Enrichment (CSE) on The Hub NMU to become an active group.
Student Organization Guidelines:
- Registered student organizations are formed by groups of enrolled students who desire, through mutual interest in a specific area, to be organized for a purpose and obtain certain goals and objectives that support NMU students, the university and the community.
- Only student members of the Northern Michigan University community may be officers or members of registered student organizations.
- Each registered student organization shall have at least one adviser who shall be either a member of the faculty or staff of the University; exceptions may be made by the Director of the Center for Student Enrichment or his/her designee.
- Registered student organizations must have missions that are consistent with the University's mission and the goals and objectives of the sponsoring unit.
- Registered student organization’s goals, objectives and activities are not to deviate from established university policies, regulations or campus wide events.
- Registered student organizations shall not be for commercial or for-profit purposes. They should operate under the principles of a nonprofit organization.
- Registered student organizations must re-register their student organizations annually.
You can view our Registration Policy here.
Registration and Re-Registration
Annual Registration/Re-Registration begins in August and should be completed by the fourth week of classes during the fall semester in order to maintain an active student organization status and access to services for pre-existing organizations. (All registration closes after Summer Orientation and reopens in August). To register/re-register you must be listed as an officer of your student organization. Student organization officers are responsible for completing the Registration/Re-Registration Form.
How to Register a New Student Organization
Before you start a NEW student organization, make sure that it is not already a group listed on The Hub NMU. If it is, you can contact the group. If it is no longer active, you can contact the CSE at and be listed as an officer.
- Login to on your laptop with your NMU credentials.
- Click on Groups, then All Groups.
- Click on Register a New Student Organization.
- Thoroughly read and complete the registration form and click Submit.
How to Re-Register a Previous Student Organization
- You must be listed as an officer of your student organization to re-register. If you are not listed as an officer, you should contact the previous officers listed so they can give you officer access. If you are unable to contact them, you can contact
- Login to on your laptop with your NMU credentials.
- Click on Groups and search your group's name.
- You will see a blue banner and click Group Re-Registration.
- Thoroughly complete the Re-Registration form and click Submit.
Once the form is completed, it will be sent to the CSE to be reviewed. Once your student organization registration/re-registration is approved, you will become an active student organization. Your group will be required to re-register annually (each fall semester) with the CSE.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Every registered student organization’s officers are expected to maintain their group’s page on The Hub NMU.
Registered Student Organization Privileges
Privileges for Student Organizations:
- The use of university facilities for meetings, tabling and other activities. Priority use for the Jamrich Ticket Booth and the Wildcat Leader Lounge.
- Access to advertisement options on campus.
- The ability to conduct approved fundraising projects on campus.
- The chance to apply for funding from the Student Finance Committee for all-campus projects and/or programs.
- The use of a locker and mailbox for free to the extent that they are available.
- Locker: Located in the Northern Center and Harden Hall. Sign up in-person at the CSE or by emailing
- Mailbox: Located on the first floor of the Northern Center. Sign up in-person at the CSE.
- Participation in campus activities including:
- Fall Fest & the Winter Student Organization Fair
- Homecoming & WinterFest
- Leadership Recognition Banquet
- Summer Orientation Student Organization Fair
- Utilization of the Promotional Services, 1101 Northern Center, for the design of posters, table ads, banners, etc.
It is important to remember that a student officer is required to re-register annually with the Center for Student Enrichment. This keeps our files and organizations list up to date so people can easily learn about your group and get involved in your activities.
Annual re-registration will begin in August and must be completed by the fourth week of classes during the fall semester in order to maintain an active student organization status and access to services for pre-existing organizations.
Steps to Re-Register:
- Log into
- Select your student organization under your list of groups
- At the top of the screen, you will see a blue banner with a button directing you to re-register your organization
- Review the Registration Policy here.
You must be listed as an officer of your group's page to re-register. If you need to be added as an officer you can contact
General Student Organization Cycle
- Registration/Re-Registration on The Hub NMU for student organizations opens for the upcoming academic year.
- Registered Student Organizations have the opportunity to participate in Fall Fest.
*Student Organizations need to re-register annually with the CSE to be considered an active student organization on campus.
- Registered Student Organizations have the opportunity to participate in Homecoming activities.
- Registered Student Organizations have the opportunity to participate in the Winter Student Organization Fair.
- Student Organizations need to go through the steps of transition with new officers.
- Registered Student Organizations have the opportunity to participate in the Summer Orientation: Student Organization Fair.
- All student organizations registration is reset after summer orientation.
- Registration/Re-Registration will be closed until August.
Creating Contact Information
Group Mailing Address
As a registered student organization, you may use an official mailing address at Northern Michigan University once you sign up for a mailbox in the Center for Student Enrichment, 1101 Northern Center. This process is free and must be completed in person.
Please fill out your student group address as follows:
Student Organization Name
Northern Center, Mailbox #
1401 Presque Isle Ave.
Marquette, MI 49855
Group Email Account
All registered student organizations are eligible for an email account. To request an account, your student organization adviser should send an email to If you have a specific name you’d like to use for your account (up to eight characters), be sure to include that in the email as well. Once your group’s status has been verified, your adviser will be sent an email with the name of the account and password.
Group Website
The Hub NMU gives you access to build your own website!
- Log into with your NMU credentials
- Click on “Groups” and select your group page
- Click on "Website" in the left menu and edit your web pages
- For more in-depth steps, click here
This website appears on the NMU search engine if someone is looking for your registered student organization.
Constructing a Constitution
Constitutions are vital to the long-term success of a student organization because they provide structure and continuity from one year to the next. A constitution establishes why the organization exists and contains rules that are rarely changed. If you take the time to write a clear and concise constitution that addresses the important questions about your student organization, you will save yourself and your group time and energy in the long run.
Either a constitution or the answers to some basic questions are required when you register a student organization.
Article I – Organization Name
Section I: Name. This constitution establishes [Our Organization at Northern Michigan University], hereafter known as [Organization].
Please note that Northern Michigan University may only be listed at the end of your organization’s name and not at the beginning if you desire to include it.
Article II – Purpose
Section I: Purpose Statement. The purpose of the student organization shall be: (a) to foster broad student interest and participation in activities by providing leadership, programs, and service; and (b) to assist students in developing skills and leadership abilities.
Section II: Policy Agreement. Our organization is willing to abide by all NMU policies and guidelines, especially relating to on or off campus activities which our club may host/sponsor or in which we may participate.
Section III: Affiliations. If your organization is affiliated with a national or international organization, details of the affiliation should be adequately described.
Article III - Membership
Section I – Membership. Any student regularly enrolled at Northern Michigan University may become a member of the ________ student organization with voting and office-holding privileges.
Section II: Dues. If applicable, list dues requirements [amount, frequency of payment, and consequences of non-payment]. This shall be determined by the organization.
Section III: Selection. Describe the process of new members joining the organization.
Section IV: Voluntary Member Withdrawal. Example: Any member of our organization can, at any time, voluntarily withdraw his/her membership from the organization.
Section V: Non-Voluntary Member Removal. A member can be removed by...[reasons and specific process]
Section VI: Non-discrimination. In keeping NMU's policy of nondiscrimination, our organization does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, veteran status and physical or mental ability or disability.
Article IV – Executive Officers
The executive officers of ________ shall be as follows: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer. The aforementioned officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.
Article V – Duties of Executive Officers
Chairperson – To preside at Executive Committee membership meetings and general membership meetings; appoint special committees with the approval of the Executive Board; present an annual report; and perform other such duties as may be required by the bylaws or resolutions of the Executive Committee.
Vice-Chairperson – To preside in Chairperson’s absence and perform other such duties as may be required by the bylaws or resolutions of the Executive Committee. Plan and organize publicity for activities and special events.
Secretary – To attend to all general correspondence of the organization and to keep minutes of all Executive Committee and Membership meetings and to preserve the records of the organization. He/she will also perform other such duties as may be required by the bylaws or resolutions of the Executive Committee.
Treasurer – Supervise the financial administration of all revenue, periodically report to the Executive Committee and membership on the financial condition of the student organization, and perform other such duties as may be required by the bylaws or resolutions of the Executive Committee.
Article VI – Elections
Election of officers shall take place during _______________________________. The Executive Committee shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of students (preferably older members selected from the membership); the outgoing chairperson, ex-officio, shall serve as Chairperson of the Committee. They also may serve again, if elected. Any student member is eligible for nomination as an officer of the Executive Committee who fulfills the qualifications as set up by the Executive Committee.
Article VII – Constitutional Amendments
Section I. Amendment Proposal. Amendments can be proposed by...[list who within the organization]
Section II: Procedures. Rules regarding the proposal of amendments are as follows...[list timelines and format preferred for amendments]
Section III: Voting. The amendments shall be voted on…[list voting procedures and specific voting margins]
Building Bylaws
Now that you read about constructing a constitution, you can create bylaws to provide more specific procedures for operating your student organization.
Bylaws are concerned with how your student organization will accomplish its goals and ultimately embody its mission statement. Drafting bylaws will let members discuss and decide what the organization is and how it operates in a deliberate manner.
Bylaws can typically be changed by a simple majority vote at a meeting where there is a quorum. These guidelines are crucial when leadership roles are constantly transitioning and members are flowing in and out frequently. If your student organization seems to be straying from its intended goals, a referral to your bylaws may help clear things up. They are vital to the long-term success of an organization because they provide structure and continuity from one year to the next.
What Bylaws Contain:
- Officers and Elections
- Duties and powers
- Frequency of officer meetings
- Rules and dates for election
- Procedure for recall
- Elections and dates of elections
- Eligibility for membership on board
- Length of terms
- Who is delegated to speak for the organization in emergencies
- Meetings
- Types: regular and special
- Procedure for calling special meetings
- Who shall preside at special meetings
- Petition
- Motion
- Quorum (designate a percentage of the membership)
- What constitutes a quorum (usually a majority of members)
- Parliamentary authority/votes required to take action
- Standing Committees
- Amendments
- Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
- Notice to membership of proposed amendments
- Type of notice required
- Vote required to affect amendment
- Procedure for proposing an amendment
- Membership
- Provision for notification of membership if no regular meeting date is established
- Membership provisions
- Who can be a member
- Types of membership
- Method for admitting new members
- Method for dropping members
- What constitutes “good standing” for members
- Membership dues
- Amount: annual membership
- When payable
- Initiation fees
- To whom all dues are payable
- How to recall members
- Elections
- Time when elections are held
- Method of nomination
- Method of voting
- Duration of all offices
- The vote required to elect
- Board of Directors
- Authority to hire salaried staff
- Names (Finance, Membership, Constitution and Bylaws, etc.)
- Functions (Duties and Limitations)
- How selected or elected
- Term of office
- Quorum (usually majority of members)
- Meetings (number and how called)
*These rules can be changed at any meeting by a simple majority. Great student organizations plan ahead to ensure a quick start-up in the fall with well-trained officers. They also leave excellent records from the previous year(s).
Recruiting Members
University Student Involvement Fairs and Events:
Registered student organizations are encouraged to be an active member of the NMU community through involvement fairs and annual university events held on campus throughout the year. These opportunities allow for organization exposure and recruitment of new members.
Some of the annual university events include:
- Fall Fest
- Homecoming
- Make A Difference Day (MADD)
- Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Day of Service
- Snowfest
- Leadership Recognition Banquet (LRB)
- Summer Orientation
Information tables may be reserved on The Hub NMU by Registered Student Organizations in designated locations to help promote their group, an event or program.
- Have handouts available with information about your student organization
- Have an “I’m interested” sign-up sheet or QR code for prospective members
- Make your table as attractive as possible. Bring along a banner, trophies, photographs, and/or other memorabilia.
- Have a knowledgeable student representatives on hand.
- At least one student member of the organization must be present for the entire time scheduled. Advisers are welcome, but a student representative should be prepared to answer them.
- Dress appropriately. If at all possible, have representatives wear clothing printed with the student organization name, logo, etc.
- Feel free to provide “giveaway” items like stickers or individually wrapped candy.
New Member Interest Events:
Provide a fun event, social or interest meeting for prospective members to come and check out your group.
To learn more about how to recruit and retain members, we will provide information and interactive presentations through our Skill Builder! workshop series. You can register on The Hub NMU.
How to update members on The Hub NMU.
As the semester goes on, it is important to keep current officers updated on your group's page. If an officer is leaving they need to add any new officers and delete themselves from the group's page. Click here for further instructions.
How to update officers on The Hub NMU.
Setting Goals
Because you have become involved with your student organization, you probably have a great deal of enthusiasm for its purpose. Use the information below as a guide as you are setting goals for your student organization.
Why set goals?
- Goals help set a firm direction for something definite to work toward.
- Goals create motivation within an organization.
- Goals give a clear understanding of ideas and responsibilities for group members.
- Goals provide a concrete means of measuring progress and success.
- Goal setting can be a teambuilding exercise for individuals to become committed to the organization.
Established goals should be SMART:
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Action oriented (your goal is doing something)
R – Realistic
T – Timing and time frame (is the time right and when will it be accomplished?)
Here is a simple process that can help with goal setting and realizing those goals:
- BRAINSTORM: Gather together and record all ideas. No matter what, don’t evaluate or criticize ideas at this point.
- NARROW FOCUS: Discuss the ideas created during brainstorming. Now, narrow the list to a more manageable and practical list.
- STATE GOALS: Now you have a few attainable goals. They should be stated broadly at first and then narrow down to the details.
- Raise money...Add $200 to our treasury by the end of the semester.
- Sponsor speakers...We will sponsor educational guest speakers during the year.
- SET OBJECTIVES: Objectives are smaller steps necessary to achieve your goals. To set objectives, follow the same guidelines for starting goals.
- By the end of the semester, we will add $200 to our treasury...We will raise money by holding two bake sales.
- We will sponsor educational guest speakers during the year...Our group will host two speakers each semester.
- SET UP A TIME LINE: Frame your ideas in the context of other goals--and your obligations as students--or they might fall by the wayside. Pencil in dates on a calendar and distribute a copy of it to each member.
- FOLLOW THROUGH: Refer to your goals every time you meet to make sure you are remaining focused. If adjustments need to be made, feel free.
- INVOLVEMENT: Involve as many members as possible in the process from brainstorming to when goals are actually accomplished. Involvement leads to commitment.
Reserving a Room
Registered Student Organizations can reserve a room in an academic building or the Northern Center through The Hub NMU by creating an event. (see steps below)
What to KNOW before you get started:
- You must be a Registered Student Organization.
- You must be an NMU student and listed as an “Officer” on your group’s page.
- Your "Event" needs to be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the planned activity in order to allow sufficient time for approval and preparation.
- Please be sure to be specific in the form on what you would like.
- Your requests are not guaranteed and are granted based on availability.
- Different spaces are overseen by different departments. Depending on the location you select, your request will be submitted to the appropriate department that oversees the space that you request.
- Your request will only be reviewed during business hours (Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.).
- We are unable to process any requests in the academic buildings (like Jamrich) during the first two weeks of the semester due to the Registrar's Office finalizing classrooms for faculty.
How to Create an Event/Request a Room on The Hub NMU:
Step 1: Create an Event on The Hub
- Go to and sign into The Hub NMU with your NMU credentials.
- Go to "Groups" and search for your group, then click the gear icon.
- On the left-hand side, click "Events".
- Click "Create Event", follow the steps and it will walk you through the process.
- At the bottom, click "Create Event" again. You will then be redirected to the Student Organization Event Approval Form.
Please Note:
- Under When - If you are requesting an event that is recurring on different dates but during the same time, you can utilize the, “Recurring Event Settings” tool.
- Under Where - If you aren’t sure where you would like a room, just leave it blank or type in the building you requested. Do not check the TBD box.
Step 2: Request a Room/Space - Student Organization Event Approval Form
- Once you are redirected to the Student Organization Event Approval Form, it’s important to thoroughly read through the instructions, follow the steps and the form will walk you through the process to reserve a room.
- Click "Submit".
Once your event is submitted, it will go through a workflow approval process. If your event is able to be approved, it will be published to the events page on The Hub NMU! If you make changes to the description, date, time or location on an event that has already been approved, your event will automatically be re-submitted for approval again.
How to view the Student Organization Event Approval From:
On the Home page of The Hub NMU, look on the left-hand side panel under "My Activity," you can click "My Surveys/Forms" and view your approval status. If your form still says "Draft," it has not been submitted to the CSE.
Updating an Approved Event:
If you have an event that has already been approved and need to make changes/updates, you will need to edit your original event which will direct you to complete a new form. In the comment section state any changes made to the original event.
Audio Visual Services:
To reserve Audio Visual Services, contact their office at 906-227-2290 or email For more information, visit the Audio Visual website.
- Jamrich 1100: If you are requesting this room, you are required to contact AV as soon as your event is approved to discuss your AV needs. Charges for AV vary depending on what is needed.
NMU’s Food Policy:
Bringing food on campus for events outside of bake sales/fundraising by student organizations is restricted and requires the submission of the Food Exemption Form. Review the university's policy on food service here.
Pepsi Products: Pepsi Beverage Company is the exclusive beverage provider on the campus of Northern Michigan University; all beverages distributed, marketed and/or advertised must be from the Pepsi Beverage Company.
If you have any questions regarding the food exemption form, please contact the Northern Center at 906-227-2623 or
Notes for NMU Departments - The Hub NMU
- NMU Departments do not reserve rooms, spaces or information tables through The Hub NMU.
- Only Registered Student Organizations utilize The Hub NMU for room reservations.
- NMU Departments reserve space directly with the department who oversees the space/room.
- NMU Departments can promote their event(s) on The Hub NMU.
Information Tabling in Jamrich
Information tables may be reserved in designated locations by registered student organizations for FREE!
Designated Locations:
First floor of Jamrich (including the Jamrich Ticket Booth), front of the library (this space is on hold while under construction) or outside in the Academic Mall (between Jamrich, the New Science Building, and Harden Hall).
How to Reserve an Information Table:
Step 1: "Create an Event"
- Go to and sign in with your NMU credentials.
- Go to "Groups", type your group name, then click the gear icon.
- On the left-hand side, click "Events".
- Click "Create Event", follow the steps and it will walk you through the process. Make sure to include "Information Table" in the name of your event.
- At the bottom, click "Create Event" again. You will then be redirected to the Student Organization Event Approval Form.
Step 2: Request an Information Table via the Student Organization Event Approval Form
- Once you are redirected to the Student Organization Event Approval Form, it’s important to thoroughly read through the instructions, follow the steps and the form will walk you through the process to reserve an information table.
- Under the questions, "What type of activity are you planning?", check Tabling.
- Click "Submit".
If your event is able to be approved, it will be published to the events page on The Hub NMU!
Please Note: If you make changes to the description, date, time or location on an event that has already been approved, your event will automatically be re-submitted for approval again.
Helpful Tips for Tabling:
- Have handouts available with information about your student organization
- Have an “I’m interested” sign-up sheet or QR code for prospective members
- Make your table as attractive as possible. Bring along a banner, trophies, photographs, and/or other memorabilia.
- Have a knowledgeable student representatives on hand.
- At least one student member of the organization must be present for the entire time scheduled. Advisers are welcome, but a student representative should be prepared to answer them.
- Dress appropriately. If at all possible, have representatives wear clothing printed with the student organization name, logo, etc.
- Feel free to provide “giveaway” items like stickers or individually wrapped candy.
Tabling Guidelines:
If it is found that a student organization is not following the expectations below, their information table privileges may be revoked.
- Follow NMU's Student Handbook.
- Tables are first come, first served.
- Be respectful of other groups.
- Your group members/activities cannot block the free flow of traffic or encroach on another table.
- Your group is expected to clean up after their tabling event.
- Review the Free Speech at NMU.
Additional Guidelines for Tabling Outside:
- Keep tables away from building entrances.
- Tables should be on the grass or designated walkway areas in the Academic Mall.
- Bring your own tables and chairs.
Bake Sale/Fundraisers:
- Only one fundraiser or bake sale is allowed in a building at a time.
- Follow food handling guidelines for bake sales. Contact Northern Center with questions (906-227-2623 or
Tabling Outside and Need a Table?
ASNMU offers free table rentals for outdoor events. Contact them to reserve at 906-227-2452 or visit 1203 Northern Center.
Free Speech at NMU
Bake Sales
Bake Sales have an exemption to NMU's Food Service Policy. If your registered student organization is hosting a Bake Sale and approved on The Hub NMU, you do not need to complete the food exemption form.
Bake Sale Expectations:
If it is found that a student organization is not following the expectations below, their Bake Sale privileges may be revoked.
- Bake Sales must be approved by the Center for Student Enrichment. Submit your request on The Hub. Instructions above (Information Tabling in Jamrich)
- Only ONE fundraiser/Bake Sale can be hosted at a time in the same building.
- Your group members/activities cannot block the free flow of traffic or encroach on another table.
- Your group is expected to clean up after your Bake Sale.
- Must follow the expectations of the Student Handbook.
The Northern Center & Event Services team is the exclusive provider of food for all non-academic events on campus. Bringing food on campus for events outside of bake sales by student organizations is restricted and requires the submission of the Food Exemption Form. Review the university's policy on food service here.
Pepsi Products: Pepsi Beverage Company is the exclusive beverage provider on the campus of Northern Michigan University; all beverages distributed, marketed and/or advertised must be from the Pepsi Beverage Company.
For Catering Services or questions regarding the policy, you will need to contact the Northern Center at 906-227-2623 or email For more information, visit The Northern Center website.
Jamrich Ticket Booth
The Jamrich Ticket Booth is reserved for Registered Student Organizations. This is a great location to host a Bake Sale or Information Table. It is also where Campus Cinema holds their concessions for their weekly movie showings. Their movies are listed on The Hub NMU.
Location: The Jamrich Ticket Booth is located on the first floor of Jamrich across from Starbucks.
Managed by: The Center for Student Enrichment
How to Reserve: Reserve through your student organizations page on The Hub NMU. Detailed instructions above (Information Tabling in Jamrich)
*If a department would like to reserve this space, you will need to call the Center for Student Enrichment at 906-227-2439.
Wildcat Leader Lounge
The Wildcat Leader Lounge is reserved for Registered Student Organizations. This is a great location to meet with your members and have a quite space to hang out. This space also provides a TV, games, art supplies, lounge seating, white board, and some student organization lockers (contact the CSE to request a locker).
Location: Northern Center, 1216. First floor of the Northern Center down the hall from the Wildcat Express Center (see map below).
Managed by: The Center for Student Enrichment
How to Reserve: The Leader Lounge is a shared space. First come, first served. No reservation required.
*If a department would like to reserve this space, you will need to call the Center for Student Enrichment at 906-227-2439.

Running an Effective Meeting
Effective meetings provide communication and structure for an organization. Meetings vary greatly from group to group depending on the number of members, the mission of the organization, and activity level of the group. Despite the differences in organizations, there are some basic tips to help meetings run more smoothly and keep members coming back.
- Have concrete goals for each meeting. Set an agenda and ask for additions or changes at the beginning of each meeting.
- Make sure all members are aware in advance of the meeting day, time, and place. You might use mailings, phone calls, postings or email to keep in touch. Email the agenda as a reminder.
- Always start meetings on time! This will prove to the other members that you know how valuable their time is. You will receive a lot of positive reinforcement for your consideration, as well as help others to be on time.
- Prepare an agenda. Type the agenda and have enough copies for every member. This will also keep structure to your meeting. Here is a skeletal outline of a basic agenda:
- Attendance
- Review of last week’s minutes
- Announcements/Correspondence
- Executive Board/Committee Reports
- Old Business
- New Business
- Responsibility Sign-Up
- Comments, Questions, Concerns
- Time to Socialize
- Have a process for group decision-making that is consistently used. In a larger group, it would be easier to have a show of hands, while a smaller group may always seek to reach consensus.
- Keep track of the discussion and decisions made at meetings. Have a secretary or individual be responsible for taking notes at the meetings so minutes can be sent out to members. It is a good idea to keep a file of minutes for the year to look back on during evaluation time or just for information. A good format for minutes would be the following:
- Members Present
- Members Absent
- Reports/Updates
- Progress on Old Business
- New Business
- Assignments and Responsibilities
- Next Meeting (day, time, place)
- Don't be afraid to add spice to your meetings! Have a guest speaker and/or refreshments once in a while. Conduct fun, new icebreakers at the beginning of meetings (especially early in the year).
Communicating Effectively
Effective communication is essential to maintaining a good organization. Keeping members informed keeps them involved with the organization. Excellent organizations develop their own plans for communication that take into account the special characteristics and needs of the situations. Following are some techniques that your organization should consider.
Popular Communication Methods. Figure out how your members want to receive information and stay in touch.
- NMU email
- Group text
- Facebook group
- Snapchat group
- Group Chat on The Hub NMU
- Group Me App
- Use a virtual newsletter
Inform members of meetings. It’s always helpful to do a few things to remind everyone of your next meeting. Some ways of doing this are:
- Reminding members of the next meeting during the current meeting or by putting it in the meting agenda.
- Sending individual meeting notices.
- Scheduling the meetings on The Hub NMU and syncing The Hub's events to your Google calendar. Click here to sync your calendar.
- Having the secretary or another appointed person remind members a day or two before the meeting via your groups preferred communication method.
Have members build meeting agendas. Members will be more engaged if they help set the topics covered in a meeting. Some groups build the agenda for the next meeting by asking members for their ideas on items that should be included at the conclusion of each meeting. Others ask members to leave agenda items with the secretary any time up to 24 hours before the meeting.
Plan meetings that facilitate good communication. Analyze your meetings – do they encourage a high level of two-way communication? Consider some ways in which your meetings could allow for better communication:
- Use smaller groups to discuss some issues.
- Ask each member to share their thoughts on important topics rather than hearing only from the few who may volunteer an opinion.
- Have a “good of the order” item on the agenda where members can express a thought or opinion on anything.
Keep minutes of meetings and distribute them by email. If your organization is like most student groups, you will have very few occasions when all of your members are at a given meeting. Minutes keep members informed and up to date even if they occasionally miss a meeting. You can also save all of your meeting minutes under files on The Hub. Click here to learn more about managing your files on The Hub NMU.
Encourage officers to spend time with members of your organization on an individual basis. Many people, especially newer members, will feel more comfortable sharing their ideas, feelings and concerns about the organization in one-to-one situations.
Retreats, social events and other occasions to build personal relations will do great things for the communication in your organization. The more familiar and comfortable members of an organization are with each other, the easier it is to communicate.
Promoting Your Organization
Whether it is for an open meeting, a small event or a campus-wide program, there is a need to let people know about it. How you inform people is usually determined by the size and scope of your event, your budget, and in some cases by the amount of time that you have. Try to develop a promotional plan that fits the audience you are trying to reach.
Following are some promotional methods to consider.
Free Publicity!
Post your event on The Hub NMU
When you create an event on, if it is approved, your event will be posted on The Hub’s event calendar. You can also utilize the Community Feed to promote your event or find volunteers.
Reserve an Information Table
Information tables may be reserved on The Hub NMU in designated locations to help promote your group, an event or program. Locations: First floor of Jamrich, front of the library or outside in the Academic Mall (between Jamrich, the New Science Building, and Harden Hall). Note: If you need to borrow a folding table, contact the ASNMU office, 1203 Northern Center, at 906-227-2452 or
Send us your Photos
Show off your student organization during summer orientation and the Leadership Recognition Banquet by submitting photos of your group in action throughout the year! Your photo(s) can be sent anytime to
Contact the student newspaper, The North Wind
- to have your event covered by student journalists and shared with the campus and surrounding Marquette community.
- to submit a letter to the editor. Daily articles can be read online at or on Facebook at
Contact the student radio station, WUPX
Ask to have a public service announcement made about your event.
- Email:
- Phone Number: 906-227-2348
- Location: 1204 Northern Center
Contact Campus Cinema
Promote your event with a slide at Campus Cinema films screenings. Send a slide to
Contact the Library
The Library has a display board that student organizations can use for a specific outreach initiative like an event or program. Groups are also welcome to coordinate a book or movie display at the front of the library.
- Email:
- Phone Number: 906-227-2260
- Location: Elizabeth and Edgar Harden Hall
Takeover NMU's official Instagram Account
This is overseen by the NMU Marketing and Communications department.
How to Sign Up:
- Ask your group members for a volunteer to host the Instagram Takeover.
- Come up with a plan. What is the purpose of this takeover?
- Complete the Instagram Takeover form here.
*Not all individuals who submit an application to host a takeover will be selected. Decisions regarding takeovers will be made at the discretion of University Marketing and Communications.
Submit a Video for the Weekly “What's New at NMU?” Feature
Every Monday the Marketing Department posts a graphic on the official NMU Instagram that lets students know what's going on during the upcoming week/weekend. If you or a member of your group would like to ensure that an event or speaker is on that graphic OR you would like to pre-record a video promoting the event, Marketing will share it on the NMU socials. The minimum requirements are listed below:
- The video is 15 seconds or less
- The video is taken in vertical format
- The event is open for all NMU students to attend
Write for the Official NMU Blog
This is an awesome opportunity to elaborate more on your student organizations and reflect how it has affected your personal journey here at NMU. The blog is flexible so what you want to write about is truly up to you and Marketing will help guide you through the process. To get started, fill out the ‘Start Your Story’ form here.
Use Hashtags
- #sharenmu for the Marketing to potentially share your post on NMU’s socials.
- #EnrichNMU to share your photos with the Center for Student Enrichment. We will use these photos to promote your student organization during Summer Orientation and the Leadership Recognition Banquet.
Use sidewalk chalk
Sidewalks can be chalked to promote an event or activity. Chalking has to be at least 20 feet from building entrances. Note: Chalking on poles, walls, etc. (anything other than a sidewalk) is not permitted.
Publicity for a Price
Print through Promotional Services
Have a poster and/or a table announcement designed and/or printed. These items can be designed by your members or, for a nominal charge, by Promotional Services. Prices are located on their website at, under the Student Organizations tab.
- Email:
- Phone Number: 906-227-1623
- Location: 1101 Northern Center
Please Note: The original design may be stamped by Promotional Services prior to printing, which will eliminate stamping each poster.
Print through NMU’s Printing Services
- Email:
- Phone: 906-227-2454
- Location: Services Building (next to Public Safety)
Please Note: Registered student organizations can receive $100 towards printing through Printing Services for this academic year (Fall 2022-Winter 2023).
Put an Ad in the Northwind
For ad services, contact for current rates and opportunities. Ads can be designed by your members, the North Wind, or by Promotional Services.
NOTE: For all of these forms of promotion, you will need to provide basic information that includes the name of the program, a short description, date, time, location, ticket information (if applicable), sponsor and who can be contacted for more information.
As always, try to think of a unique or innovative way of promoting your event or activity. Things that are new and different stand out!
Notes for NMU Departments - The Hub NMU
- NMU Departments do not reserve rooms, spaces or information tables through The Hub NMU.
- Only Registered Student Organizations utilize The Hub NMU for room reservations.
- NMU Departments reserve space directly with the department who oversees the space/room.
Posting on Campus
Materials posted on campus must be registered with the Center for Student Enrichment and stamped with the “Registered for Posting” stamp before they are displayed. Posters can only be posted on designated posting areas across campus (see below).
General Posting Policy:
NMU registered student organizations and departments may advertise their event for 30 days, with the exception of a series of events or activities, which may be registered for a longer period of time, but no later than the date of the last event/activity.
Non-Profit Organizations (501C3) are permitted to post up to 20 posters for a maximum of one week.
- Posting materials must have contact information and event information (Organization/Department Name, Date, Time, Location, Who to Contact).
- Materials placed in posting areas may not exceed 17” x 23”.
- The name of the sponsoring organization or department must be clearly displayed on each item being posted.
- For Alcohol & Cannabis Guidelines please review the Posting Materials Policy below.
Please see the Posting Materials Policy for complete details.
Please Note:
- Regularly scheduled meetings do not constitute an activity. Under no circumstances will posting of materials continue beyond the end of the current semester. Non-profit agencies may post up to 20 posters for a one-week time frame. Commercial advertising of any type will not be allowed.
- Organizations/businesses that are not a student organization, NMU Department or a 501c3 cannot post on campus.
Printing on Campus
Print through Promotional Services
Have a poster and/or a table announcement designed and/or printed. These items can be designed by your members or, for a nominal charge, by Promotional Services. Prices are located on their website at, under the Student Organizations tab.
- Email:
- Phone Number: 906-227-1623
- Location: 1101 Northern Center
Please Note: The original design may be stamped by Promotional Services prior to printing, which will eliminate stamping each poster.
Print through NMU’s Printing Services
- Email:
- Phone: 906-227-2454
- Location: Services Building (next to Public Safety)
Please Note: Registered student organizations can receive $100 towards printing through Printing Services for this academic year (Fall 2023-Winter 2024). Printing Services is located in the NMU Central Receiving department (the same building as Public Safety). You can contact Printing Services at or 906-227-2454.
Designated Posting Areas on Campus (122 total)
*Some of the locations listed in the link above are subject to change due to construction.
The information found in the section below is a guide. All tax questions should be referred to the State of Michigan Treasury Department, the Internal Revenue Service, and/or a Certified Public Accountant.
For tax purposes, student organizations are considered a separate entity from Northern Michigan University and do not fall under its tax umbrella. Therefore, they should not use NMU’s Tax ID or presume they are tax exempt. To be tax exempt, the student organization must apply and be granted tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service.
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Any student organization collecting dues or income of any type are encouraged to have a bank account. In order to set up a bank account, your group must apply for an Employer Identification Number from the Internal Revenue Service. The EIN application is located on the SS-4 form. For further assistance reference SS-4 form Instructions.
Non-Profit Organization Tax Exempt Status
Some student organizations choose to apply for federal income tax exempt status through the IRS. The most common type is a 501(c)3. Organizations wishing to apply for non-profit status may find more information in the IRS Publication 557. Groups with national affiliation may check with their national organization to see if they fall under the national tax-exempt number.
Ways to obtain funding:
The Student Finance Committee (SFC): May be approached by any registered student organization for funding events that will impact the campus community.
- The funds that the SFC allocates are a result of the student activity fee, which all enrolled students taking six or more credits pay.
- Events funded by the SFC must directly impact or have the potential to impact all students at Northern Michigan University.
- The committee consists of NMU students and meets regularly to review budgets submitted by student organizations.
For more information, visit their website at or click here.
Productive fundraising tips:
- Having a clearly defined purpose for raising funds
- Identifying a goal of how much your organization wants to raise
- Brainstorming to determine the most effective fundraiser
- Cooperation of the people involved in the fundraiser
- Busy location and time
- Effective promotion
Some successful fundraisers in the past:
- Bake/food sales - Guideline: Food Handling for Bake Sales/Fundraisers
- Craft, plant, candy sales
- Sign up as a group to be Hockey Ushers - contact
- Providing assistance with university-sponsored events
- Dine to Donate - work with a restaurant
- Silent Auction
- Donation box at a free event
- Contests
- Benefits
- Clothing Sales
- Raffles
Fundraiser Rules and Regulations
You must have the fundraiser approved by the Center for Student Enrichment. This approval process will take place when you "Create an Event" on The Hub NMU. Always feel free to discuss your fundraising needs/ideas with staff members in the Center for Student Enrichment. Oftentimes other student organizations have conducted fundraisers similar to the one you may be considering and, because of their experiences, office members can pass along advice. On occasion, the office is also aware of fundraising opportunities around campus or in the community.
For more information please review NMU's Fundraising Guidelines.
Games of Chance
Raffles and other “games of chance” require a license from the Michigan Gaming Control Board. Make sure to find out if there are any other rules you need to follow when you return your form. You will need to obtain a license, please go to
Raffles are a game of chance where tickets are sold, a winner(s) is determined by randomly drawing a ticket stub from a container, and a prize is awarded. If your organization is holding a 50-50 or a “drawing for a door prize,” you need to register your raffle with the State of Michigan, and pay the following fees:
- If the total value of all the prizes awarded in one day is $500 or LESS, the license fee is $15.
- If the total value of all the prizes awarded in one day is $500 or MORE, the license fee is $50.
Please allow four to six weeks for processing your request.
A raffle license is not required when ALL OF THE FOLLOWING elements are present:
- There is no presale of tickets (all of the tickets are sold at a single gathering).
- The drawing is conducted at the same gathering that the tickets are sold.
- The total value of all the prizes does not exceed $100.
For more information, you can review NMU's Fundraising Guidelines here.
Volunteering as a Student Organization
Volunteering as a student organization is easy and fun!
The benefits include:
- Helping your local community
- Personal improvement of individual members
- Group building: When student organization members volunteer together, they experience qualities that build a strong group bond. These include trust, friendship, teamwork, spending time together, and working towards a common goal.
- Recognition: There is no better way to advertise an organization than to volunteer! It is easy, free, and shows you care about being part of the local community.
- Award: Student organizations that show a commitment to volunteering can be nominated for the Community Service Award that is awarded at the Leadership Recognition Banquet.
Some annual volunteer events include:
- Make A Difference Day (MADD)
- Trunk or Treat
- Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Day of Service
- Spread Goodness Week
Be sure to keep an eye on your email and The Hub NMU for information on how to sign up your group!
Where to find other volunteer opportunities:
- The Hub NMU - On the left-hand menu, click on Feeds and then Volunteering Opportunities
- Superior Edge
- Yoopers United
For more volunteer opportunities, join Superior Edge! This is a great way to get involved, document your volunteer hours and reflect on your experiences. To join you will need to attend a Superior Edge orientation to become acquainted with logging hours and requirements.
Officer Transitions
There comes a time for every student organization when the officers and members leave/graduate. The transition to a new group can be difficult for the organization. The key to an effective transitional period is good communication.
ELECTIONS: There are features on The Hub that you can use to assist with elections. If elections are being held electronically, this feature may be useful to your organization. Click here for the steps.
UPDATING OFFICERS/MEMBERS: It is VERY important that officers and members are maintained in The Hub NMU. Following elections, student organizations should update their officer and member list. ONLY current officers can update the officer list. After adding in new officers, outgoing officers can be deleted from the list. Click here for the steps.
TRAINING NEW OFFICERS: Good organizations plan for transition – new officers are trained and prepared for the roles they will be filling. Prepare a reference/orientation packet or job description. In addition to other relevant information, include a short written report by each of the officers describing their roles, responsibilities and specific duties. A number of organizations have begun keeping a “how to” notebook for major projects and programs.
Make sure to give them information regarding gall of the groups logistics. Where bank statements, mailbox keys, locker combinations, files, logins/passwords will be stored should be known to remaining/new officers. Make sure you have a point of contact at the end of the winter semester for summer, registration for recruitment activities such as Summer Orientation (registration opens in May) and Fall Fest (registration opens in August) will open.
MAILBOX KEYS: If you have a mailbox for your student organization, please return or renew the mailbox key. The key needs to be turned in by Wednesday, April 20. A $15 fee will be charged to your student account if the key is not returned or renewed.
In addition to training, set aside a time for incoming and outgoing leaders to meet. Use this time as an orientation to filing systems, records, names of contacts, office supplies, etc. Introduce the new leaders to any people they'll be working with closely.
Below are some additional suggestions:
- Discuss past, present, and on-going projects. Share information about what has worked and what hasn’t. Include ideas and suggestions that may be helpful in the future. If your transition occurs between semesters, devote more time to getting acquainted with current members and leaders.
- Have the new executive board conduct the final two or three meetings of the semester. This will help them get experience, gain credibility with the group and receive feedback from the outgoing executives.
The most important thing to remember is that outgoing leaders need to provide guidance to the new officers. This is a chance to insure continuing success of the group and share some experienced leaders’ expertise.
Support Services
Northern Michigan University recognizes the important role that student organizations play in the life of the campus community. A number of support services are offered to help your organization be successful. In order to take advantage of these resources, organizations must register annually.
Registration: Annual registration must be completed by the fourth week of classes in the fall semester in order to maintain services for pre-existing organizations. Registration includes updating leadership contact information for students who may be interested in joining and takes only a few minutes to complete. New student organizations may register at any time throughout the year.
Below is a list of support services available to registered student organizations.
For any questions, or to reserve any of the opportunities outlined below for your group, please contact the Center for Student Enrichment (CSE) at 906-227-2439, or stop by 1101 Northern Center, across from the Wildcat Den.
University Promotion:
- Sign Posting on Campus: Have an event coming up? Trying to attract new members? A poster on campus might be just what you need. All posters must be registered through the Center for Student Enrichment, 1101 Northern Center. Want help designing a poster? Please view the Promotional Services opportunity listed on this page.
- Promotional Services: Flyers, table tents, posters, North Wind ads, T-shirts, etc. — you name it and the talented students who work in Promotional Services can create an attractive and effective design at a very reasonable price.
University Access:
- Reserve University Facilities: Being a registered student organization allows groups to schedule a room for their meeting/event almost anywhere on campus, have their fundraising event approved or schedule a table to recruit students! Get started by "Create Event" on The Hub. *Please note that requests are not guaranteed and are granted based on availability. Any food fundraisers outside of bake sales must apply for a food exemption through Simply Superior.
- Campus Mailbox: The advantages of using a campus mailing address vs. a member's address is that when members/officers change, the mailing address remains the same. Make the leadership transition less painful by registering for a campus mailbox today! Mailboxes are located on first floor of the Northern Center. Contact the Center for Student Enrichment (CSE), 1101 Northern Center, to be assigned a mailbox.
- Storage Lockers: Located in the Northern Center and Harden Hall, organizations can reduce the headache of passing on materials or storing event supplies by signing up for a storage locker. This is a service provided free of charge. Stop by the CSE or call the office to inquire about availability.
- University Student Involvement Fairs and Events: Registered student organizations are encouraged to be an active member of the NMU community through involvement fairs and annual university events held on campus throughout the year. These opportunities allow for organization exposure and recruitment of new members.
- Involvement Fairs: Fall Fest and Snowfest
- NMU Student Life Events: Homecoming, WinterFest, Leadership Recognition Banquet and Make A Difference Day
University Resources:
- Apply for University Funds: Have an idea for an event but don’t have the funds to execute it? You are able to apply for funding through the Student Finance Committee. For more information, contact the ASNMU treasurer/Student Finance Committee chairperson in the ASNMU Office (1203 Northern Center, 906-227-2452). Many student organizations have sponsored a speaker or an entertainer that reflects the interests of their group.
- Recognition of Accomplishments: Every April 500+ students and guests attend the Leadership Recognition Banquet where outstanding efforts by student organizations are recognized. In addition, accomplishments by student organizations are recognized throughout the year in the North Wind and by other means.
- Advice and Assistance: When you enter the Center for Student Enrichment, you will find friendly staff who are available to answer questions and discuss ideas or concerns you may have about your student organization. Call on us; we are here to help!
After an activity, the members are usually ready to celebrate success. Before the celebration, however, all of the members should take time to evaluate the activity before they leave.
In order to evaluate a program, project or the performance of our organization over the course of an entire year, we need to determine in advance what goals we are trying to accomplish. For project or program goals we might be trying to attract a certain number of people, raise a certain level of revenue, create an awareness, or involve a certain percentage of our organization’s members. In evaluating a year, we may consider a membership level that we want to be at, the success of annual programs and projects that we do, the experiences that our members have in the organization and the impact that we hope to have on campus. Whatever it is that you will be using to measure your levels of accomplishment, it is important to determine them in advance and to involve as many members as possible in deciding what they will be.
Evaluations can be done in writing or through a discussion. In either case, keeping a written summary on file is very important. Some areas to consider in evaluating are:
- What made this project/program or year a success (to what extent were goals met)?
- What could be done to improve this project/program or year?
- What additional recommendations would you like to make to members who will be involved with this program/project next year?
- Any other information you would like to include.
Evaluations should be conducted as soon as possible after a program/project is completed or at the end of the year if you are evaluating the year. They should involve all relevant parties – members, officers, those who attended or participated and your organization's adviser. Successors in your organization will appreciate the thoughtfulness and help that you will be providing them by doing a good job of evaluating your efforts. It will allow them to see the world from your shoulders, rather than from the ground!
Achieving Longevity
Building and maintaining traditions: Most great student organizations have some long-standing traditions — annual events, a logo, standard t-shirts or sweatshirts, ways in which they run meetings, start and end the year, welcome new members, etc. Traditions make an organization unique, and they help members realize they are a part of something special. If your organization has traditions, be sure to maintain them. If it doesn't, consider establishing a few.
Maintaining a historical record: Many organizations use pictures, scrapbooks, journals, and files to keep a record of who has belonged to their group, what it has accomplished, awards and recognition it has received, and to record the special stories that every organization has. Consider having a "historian" as an organization officer; future members will appreciate it and so will you when you come back to campus in 10 years for Homecoming!
Alumni Relations: The Alumni Relations Office can help you track down "lost" alumni. Alumni of your organization can help your current group in many ways. Consider having a bi-annual or annual newsletter for alumni (they would love to hear what you are currently doing!), sponsoring a reunion at Homecoming, or anything else that can connect your organization with former members.
Effectively utilizing an adviser: Many of the long standing student organizations have carefully selected an adviser and have devoted a considerable amount of time to developing a productive relationship. Advisers can provide valuable advice and can also recount past experiences with your organization.
Recognizing Efforts
Every April 500+ students and guests attend the Leadership Recognition Banquet where outstanding efforts by student organizations are recognized. In addition, accomplishments by student organizations are recognized throughout the year in the North Wind, social media, and by other means.
Leadership Recognition Banquet
The Leadership Recognition Banquet has become a very special occasion and tradition at Northern Michigan University. The Leadership Recognition Banquet is an opportunity to recognize students, advisers, and student organizations for their contributions to the campus community. It occurs every April with over 500 student leaders and their advisers in attendance. Winners of seven special awards for student organizations are honored at the Leadership Recognition Banquet.
- Organizations of the Year (2): Recognize two outstanding organizations that have demonstrated unity in their membership and have achieved success in accomplishing their goals.
- Community Service Award: Recognizes the organization that has demonstrated a high degree of volunteer service contributions to the surrounding Upper Peninsula communities during the academic year.
- Diversity Event/Project of the Year: Recognizes an outstanding effort by a student organization to plan, promote, and implement a single event/project during the year that promoted the understanding, appreciation, and embracement of diversity.
- Event of the Year: Designed to recognize an outstanding effort by an organization to plan, implement, and promote a single event during the year.
- Project of the Year: Recognizes an outstanding effort by an organization to plan and implement a project that benefited the campus and/or community during this past year.
- Adviser of the Year: Recognizes an individual who has done an outstanding job in her/her role as an adviser to a student organization.
- Michael D. Nunnally Individual Student Volunteer Award: Recognizes an outstanding NMU student volunteer who has made an impact on the community through service.
Special Note: Show off your student organization at the Leadership Recognition Banquet by submitting photos of your group in action throughout the year! Student organization photos will be displayed during the banquet’s slide show, which is a highlight of the event. Your photo(s) can be sent anytime to