C Programming

Consider the following,

	struct date {
		int month, day, year;

	struct date  todays_date, *date_pointer;

	date_pointer = &todays_date;

	(*date_pointer).day = 21;
	(*date_pointer).year = 1985;
	(*date_pointer).month = 07;

	if((*date_pointer).month == 08 )

Pointers to structures are so often used in C that a special operator exists. The structure pointer operator, the ->, permits expressions that would otherwise be written as,


to be more clearly expressed as


making the if statement from above program

	if( date_pointer->month == 08 )

	/* Program to illustrate structure pointers */
	#include <stdio.h>

		struct date { int month, day, year; };
		struct date today, *date_ptr;

		date_ptr = &today;
		date_ptr->month = 9;
		date_ptr->day = 25;
		date_ptr->year = 1983;

		printf("Todays date is %d/%d/%d.\n", date_ptr->month, \
			date_ptr->day, date_ptr->year % 100);

So far, all that has been done could've been done without the use of pointers. Shortly, the real value of pointers will become apparent.

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