C Programming

Another Linked List Example

/* linked list example */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <alloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

/* function prototypes */
struct node * initnode( char *, int );
void printnode( struct node * );
void printlist( struct node * );
void add( struct node * );
struct node * searchname( struct node *, char * );
void deletenode( struct node * );
void insertnode( struct node * );
void deletelist( struct node * );

/* definition of a data node for holding student information */
struct node {
   char name[20];
   int  id;
   struct node *next;

/* head points to first node in list, end points to last node in list */
/* initialise both to NULL, meaning no nodes in list yet */
struct node *head = (struct node *) NULL;
struct node *end = (struct node *) NULL;

/* this initialises a node, allocates memory for the node, and returns   */
/* a pointer to the new node. Must pass it the node details, name and id */
struct node * initnode( char *name, int id )
   struct node *ptr;
   ptr = (struct node *) calloc( 1, sizeof(struct node ) );
   if( ptr == NULL )                       /* error allocating node?      */
       return (struct node *) NULL;        /* then return NULL, else      */
   else {                                  /* allocated node successfully */
       strcpy( ptr->name, name );          /* fill in name details        */
       ptr->id = id;                       /* copy id details             */
       return ptr;                         /* return pointer to new node  */

/* this prints the details of a node, eg, the name and id                 */
/* must pass it the address of the node you want to print out             */
void printnode( struct node *ptr )
   printf("Name ->%s\n", ptr->name );
   printf("ID   ->%d\n", ptr->id );

/* this prints all nodes from the current address passed to it. If you    */
/* pass it 'head', then it prints out the entire list, by cycling through */
/* each node and calling 'printnode' to print each node found             */
void printlist( struct node *ptr )
   while( ptr != NULL )           /* continue whilst there are nodes left */
      printnode( ptr );           /* print out the current node           */
      ptr = ptr->next;            /* goto the next node in the list       */

/* this adds a node to the end of the list. You must allocate a node and  */
/* then pass its address to this function                                 */
void add( struct node *new )  /* adding to end of list */
   if( head == NULL )      /* if there are no nodes in list, then         */
       head = new;         /* set head to this new node                   */
   end->next = new;        /* link in the new node to the end of the list */
   new->next = NULL;       /* set next field to signify the end of list   */
   end = new;              /* adjust end to point to the last node        */

/* search the list for a name, and return a pointer to the found node     */
/* accepts a name to search for, and a pointer from which to start. If    */
/* you pass the pointer as 'head', it searches from the start of the list */
struct node * searchname( struct node *ptr, char *name )
    while( strcmp( name, ptr->name ) != 0 ) {    /* whilst name not found */
       ptr = ptr->next;                          /* goto the next node    */
       if( ptr == NULL )                         /* stop if we are at the */
          break;                                 /* of the list           */
    return ptr;                                  /* return a pointer to   */
}                                                /* found node or NULL    */

/* deletes the specified node pointed to by 'ptr' from the list           */
void deletenode( struct node *ptr )
   struct node *temp, *prev;
   temp = ptr;    /* node to be deleted */
   prev = head;   /* start of the list, will cycle to node before temp    */

   if( temp == prev ) {                    /* are we deleting first node  */
       head = head->next;                  /* moves head to next node     */
       if( end == temp )                   /* is it end, only one node?   */
          end = end->next;                 /* adjust end as well          */
       free( temp );                       /* free space occupied by node */
   else {                                  /* if not the first node, then */
       while( prev->next != temp ) {       /* move prev to the node before*/
           prev = prev->next;              /* the one to be deleted       */
       prev->next = temp->next;            /* link previous node to next  */
       if( end == temp )                   /* if this was the end node,   */
           end = prev;                     /* then reset the end pointer  */
       free( temp );                       /* free space occupied by node */

/* inserts a new node, uses name field to align node as alphabetical list */
/* pass it the address of the new node to be inserted, with details all   */
/* filled in                                                              */
void insertnode( struct node *new )
   struct node *temp, *prev;                /* similar to deletenode      */

   if( head == NULL ) {                     /* if an empty list,          */
       head = new;                          /* set 'head' to it           */
       end = new;
       head->next = NULL;                   /* set end of list to NULL    */
       return;                              /* and finish                 */

   temp = head;                             /* start at beginning of list */
                      /* whilst currentname < newname to be inserted then */
   while( strcmp( temp->name, new->name) < 0 ) {
          temp = temp->next;                /* goto the next node in list */
          if( temp == NULL )                /* dont go past end of list   */

   /* we are the point to insert, we need previous node before we insert  */
   /* first check to see if its inserting before the first node!          */
   if( temp == head ) {
      new->next = head;             /* link next field to original list   */
      head = new;                   /* head adjusted to new node          */
   else {     /* okay, so its not the first node, a different approach    */
      prev = head;   /* start of the list, will cycle to node before temp */
      while( prev->next != temp ) {
          prev = prev->next;
      prev->next = new;             /* insert node between prev and next  */
      new->next = temp;
      if( end == prev )             /* if the new node is inserted at the */
         end = new;                 /* end of the list the adjust 'end'   */

/* this deletes all nodes from the place specified by ptr                 */
/* if you pass it head, it will free up entire list                       */
void deletelist( struct node *ptr )
   struct node *temp;

   if( head == NULL ) return;   /* dont try to delete an empty list       */

   if( ptr == head ) {      /* if we are deleting the entire list         */
       head = NULL;         /* then reset head and end to signify empty   */
       end = NULL;          /* list                                       */
   else {
       temp = head;          /* if its not the entire list, readjust end  */
       while( temp->next != ptr )         /* locate previous node to ptr  */
           temp = temp->next;
       end = temp;                        /* set end to node before ptr   */

   while( ptr != NULL ) {   /* whilst there are still nodes to delete     */
      temp = ptr->next;     /* record address of next node                */
      free( ptr );          /* free this node                             */
      ptr = temp;           /* point to next node to be deleted           */

/* this is the main routine where all the glue logic fits                 */
   char name[20];
   int id, ch = 1;
   struct node *ptr;

   while( ch != 0 ) {
      printf("1 add a name \n");
      printf("2 delete a name \n");
      printf("3 list all names \n");
      printf("4 search for name \n");
      printf("5 insert a name \n");
      printf("0 quit\n");
      scanf("%d", &ch );
      switch( ch )
          case 1:  /* add a name to end of list */
                   printf("Enter in name -- ");
                   scanf("%s", name );
                   printf("Enter in id -- ");
                   scanf("%d", &id );
                   ptr = initnode( name, id );
                   add( ptr );
          case 2:  /* delete a name */
                   printf("Enter in name -- ");
                   scanf("%s", name );
                   ptr = searchname( head, name );
                   if( ptr ==NULL ) {
                       printf("Name %s not found\n", name );
                      deletenode( ptr );

          case 3:  /* list all nodes */
                   printlist( head );

          case 4:  /* search and print name */
                   printf("Enter in name -- ");
                   scanf("%s", name );
                   ptr = searchname( head, name );
                   if( ptr ==NULL ) {
                       printf("Name %s not found\n", name );
                      printnode( ptr );
          case 5:  /* insert a name in list */
                   printf("Enter in name -- ");
                   scanf("%s", name );
                   printf("Enter in id -- ");
                   scanf("%d", &id );
                   ptr = initnode( name, id );
                   insertnode( ptr );

   deletelist( head );

©Copyright B Brown. 1984-1999. All rights reserved.