Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee

Thursday, September 24, 2009, 2009



A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University was held on Thursday, September 24, 2009.  It was convened by Chair Brian D. Cloyd at 11:30 a.m. 


Participating were: 


Mr. Brian D. Cloyd, Chair                  Dr. Leslie E. Wong, President                                   

Mr. Stephen F. Adamini                     Dr. Douglas B. Roberts (ex officio)  

Mr. Jon G. LaSalle



2008-09 Presidential Evaluation

President Wong presented his draft self-evaluation for review.  The final document will be distributed to board members as part of his performance review process.  The evaluation will be completed for the December Board meeting.


2009-10 Presidential Goals

The Committee reviewed President Wong’s 2008-09 Goals Achievement and the draft 2009-10 Goals.  The draft goals are part of the formal recommendations.  The final 2009-10 Goals will be completed after the December performance review.


President’s 401(a) Plan

The Committee approved submission of the President’s 401(a) plan to the IRS for a determination letter confirming the plan language meets tax code requirements for “qualification.”  This is a precautionary measure to avoid any future tax issues.


Strategic Planning Committee

The Committee discussed the format of the focused discussion establishing a board strategic planning process.  The Committee recommends the appointment of a Strategic Planning Committee made up of Board members and staff charged with developing a Strategic PlanThis is not part of the formal recommendations and requires a motion and vote by the full Board.


Recommendation for the Design of Future Board meetings/Board Processes

The Committee agreed to a permanent agenda item for an executive session at the end of the Thursday meeting beginning with the December Board meeting.  The first agenda item for this meeting will be to discuss this process and design of Board meeting.


Board Budget

President Wong presented spending for the past two academic years.  Dr. Wong will present a budget for the current year that will be reviewed at each Executive Committee meeting.


Trustee Emeriti Policy

The Committee reviewed the current Trustee Emeriti Policy and agreed to form an ad hoc committee to make final recommendations at the December Executive meeting and Board meeting.  The Executive Committee recommends to the Board the approval of the appointment of this committee.  The Committee would include Mr. Adamini, Mr. LaSalle, and Dr. Wilkinson.  This is a special action item and is not included in the formal recommendations.  It requires a motion and vote by the full Board.


Mr. Cloyd adjourned the meeting at 12:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,




Brian D. Cloyd, Chair

Executive Committee