Board of Trustees
Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee
January 29, 2010
Members Present:
Brian Cloyd, Chair (via telephone) Brent Graves
L. Garnet Lewis (via telephone) Martha Haynes
Michael Andary Gavin Leach
Howard Cohodas Jason Morgan
Kathleen Godec Cynthia Prosen
Members Absent:
Mary Campbell
The ad hoc Strategic Planning Committee meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m.
The Committee reviewed email discussions that took place since the last meeting. The Committee agreed key focus areas for the Board include tuition (including finding alternative revenue sources such as increasing online programs), branding (what does NMU want to be, what can NMU be realistically, and keeping NMU flexible enough to respond to potential new programs and workforce demands), and entrepreneurial initiatives (to allow the university to pursue either funding generated program initiatives and/or specific market opportunities).
Chair Cloyd will take this information to the full Board at the February retreat. Ms. Nease will send copies of the email conversations to the Board members prior to the retreat.
This Committee will continue to meet during the regular Board meetings in April, July and September 2010.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:55 p.m.