Addendum #6


Board of Trustees

Ad Hoc Recruitment and Retention Committee

July 8, 2010



Members Present:  Mr. Gil Ziegler, Chair, Dr. L. Garnet Lewis, Dr. Douglas Roberts, Dr. H. Sook Wilkinson, Dr. Leslie Wong


The Recruitment and Retention Committee was called to order at 3:05 p.m.


2010-2011 Projected Enrollment


Enrollment projections for 2010-2011 were reviewed.  Dr. Paul Duby provided an overview of the information.  Overall enrollment is projected to remain stable in fall of 2010.  Discussion followed regarding state/national trends and the changing demographics of the student population. 


Retention Rates


The projected retention rates for fall 2010 were reviewed and discussed.  Dr. Duby provided a brief summary of the performance and retention measures.  It was noted that the University’s support services and faculty interest are key contributors to student success.


Four-Year Graduation Rates


NMU graduation rates were reviewed.  Dr. Duby provided background information.  Discussion ensued concerning state and national comparisons, choices students might make that cause a delay in graduation, and the impact graduating in four years or less would have on a student’s overall cost of degree.  


Good of the Order


Mr. Ziegler commended Ms. Cindy Paavola, Mr. Bill Bernard, and Dr. Paul Duby for their continued efforts in providing this information.


The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.