July 14, 2011
A. Minutes:
1. That the minutes of the April 29, 2011 meeting of the Board be approved.
B. Gifts, Grants, Agreements and Contracts:
1. A gift to the Department of Contracted Programs/Industrial Maintenance from Baldor Motors, New Berlin, WI, 6 pc. – F8259601 Baldor Motors and 5 pc. – F8259701 Baldor Motors ($5,500 value).
2. A gift to the Department of Engineering Technology Department from Mr. Adam Bignell, Royal Oak, MI, Model HT2000 Power Module, HTREM Remote Panel, and T13X Smart Grid Panel ($2,800 value).
3. The grant between the National Writing Project Corporation and Northern Michigan University, to conduct a National Writing Project site, in the amount of $35,000, with an additional amount of $25,720 ($3,500 from the Education Department, $3,500 from the College of Professional Studies, $3,000 from the College of Arts and Science, $1,000 from the English Department, and $14,720 from tuition and fees), and an In-Kind University amount of $45,555 ($16,985 from the Education Department and $25,070 from the College of Arts and Sciences, and $3,500 in waived indirect costs), for a total award of $106,275, extending the contract to June 30, 2012, under the direction of Dr. Mark Smith.
4. The grant from the National Science Foundation to implement a faculty development program that integrates training in active learning pedagogy within a technology-facilitated student-centered learning environment, transforming undergraduate education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, in the amount of $159,888, for the period May 1, 2011 through April 30, 2014, under the direction of Dr. Jill B. Leonard, Dr. Jacqueline Bird, and Dr. Jon D. Phillips.
C. Personnel Actions:
1. Amtmann, Raymond, Instructor, College of Business, a continuing appointment, effective August 24, 2011 (Term to Continuing)
2. Andronis, Paul T., Head and Professor with Tenure in the Department of Psychology, a three-year term appointment, effective July 1, 2011. (Professor to Department Head)
3. Edge, Christi, Assistant Professor, School of Education, a tenure track position, effective August 24, 2011. (New appointment)
Eslinger, Robert A., Director – Continuing
Education/Workforce Development, Department of Continuing Education, a term
position, beginning May 16, 2011 and ending
December 31, 2012. (New
5. Galbreath, Kurt, Assistant Professor Biology Department, a tenure track position, effective August 24, 2011. (New appointment)
6. Green, Sharon, Instructor, Music Department, a continuing appointment, effective August 24, 2011. (Term to Continuing)
7. Harrington, Michael, Instructor, Criminal Justice, a tenure track position, effective August 24, 2011. (New appointment)
8. Howard, Jennifer A., Assistant Professor, English Department, a continuing appointment, effective August 24, 2011. (Term to Continuing)
9. Kakas, Brian M., Assistant Professor, Art and Design Department, a tenure track appointment, effective August 24, 2011. (New appointment)
10. Kapla, Dale P., Head and Assistant Professor with tenure, Criminal Justice Department, a three-year term position, effective July 1, 2011. (Renewal)
Lang, Paul L., Interim Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs/Professor
with Tenure in the Department of Criminal Justice, Academic Affairs Division, a
one-year term appointment,
effective June 1, 2011. (Dean
to Interim Provost)
12. LaLonde, Robert W., Assistant Professor, School of Art and Design, a continuing appointment, effective August 24, 2011. (Term to Continuing)
13. Ross, Edward O., Assistant Professor, School of Art and Design, a tenure track position, effective August 24, 2011. (New appointment)
14. Sanner, Elyssa, Assistant Professor, Academic Information Services/Library, a tenure track appointment, effective June 13, 2011. (New appointment)
15. Tompkins, SaraJane, Assistant Professor, Academic Information Services/Library, a continuing appointment, effective August 24, 2011. (Term to Continuing)
16. Wallace, Harvey, Interim Dean, College of Professional Studies, a one-year term appointment, effective June 13, 2011. (Department Head to Interim Dean)
17. Waters, Kevin, Instructor, Criminal Justice, a tenure track position, effective August 24, 2011. (New appointment)
18. Zlat, Mounia, Assistant Professor, Psychology Department, a tenure track position, effective August 24, 2011. (New appointment)
19. Promotion to Associate Professor, effective August 24, 2011:
Kapla, Dale P., Criminal Justice
20. That Dr. Mary Ellen Powers be granted the status of Professor Emeritus of Nursing, effective September 1, 2011.
21. That Professor Anna Sanford be granted the status of Professor Emeritus of Nursing, effective September 1, 2011.
D. Degrees
1. That the final list of the April 2011 graduates and the preliminary list of August 2011 graduates be approved. The lists are on file with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
E. Property and Finance
1. The
Art and Design technology fee be increased to $200/semester to support Mac Book
Pros for Art and Design majors and fund the enhancement and replacement of new
technologies needed throughout the Art and Design computer arts labs and
2. A course fee of $25 per lab be charged to all students taking a clinical laboratory sciences lab course. The fee will cover the cost of supplies needed for lab courses.
3. The bowling course fee be adjusted, as necessary, and that this fee be equal to the actual costs that are assessed by agreement with a third party provider for lane usage.
4. The
Administration be authorized to proceed with construction
of the $16.4 million Combined Heat and Power Renewable Energy Plant Project and
to address long-term maintenance
items of the existing Ripley Heating Plant for a total project cost not
to exceed $17.2 million.
F. Special Items:
1. That the following individuals be appointed as board members for the following Public School Academies:
Nah Tah Wahsh Public School Academy
Jacqueline Kang expiration date: June 30, 2014
Marilyn Shawano (reappoint) expiration date: June 30, 2014
North Star Academy
Roger Zappa expiration date: June 30, 2012
Chris Kibit expiration date: June 30, 2014