Faculty Work Subcommittee

July 13, 2011




Members Present: 

Mr. Richard Popp, Chair (via phone)

Dr. H. Sook Wilkinson (via phone)

Mr. Jon LaSalle

Dr. L. Garnet Lewis

Dr. Les Wong, ex officio


Guest:  Dr. Terry Seethoff, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs


The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. 


Mr. Popp gave a brief summary of the July 11, 2011 subcommittee meeting and reviewed the suggested goals.


Stakeholder Perspective:

Dr. Terry Seethoff addressed the subcommittee regarding his perspective on promotion, tenure and faculty work.  Dr. Seethoff discussed the three principal areas of evaluation as outlined in the AAUP Master Agreement:  assigned responsibilities/teaching, scholarship and/or professional development and service.  He also discussed the evaluation process for promotion and tenure applications. 


Dr. Seethoff also reviewed the department bylaw process and how it is directly tied to the promotion and tenure application process.  An extensive bylaw review process began in December of 2011 to refine the expectations of scholarship. 


Mr. Popp thanked Dr. Seethoff for his expertise. 


Development of Objectives:

The subcommittee agreed on two overarching objectives:  review and understand the existing structure of faculty work and to look for opportunities to improve the process of how work is evaluated. 



The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.