Board of Trustees

Academic Affairs Committee

September 25, 2014


Members Present: Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen, Chair, Dr. L. Garnet Lewis (via phone)


Others Present: Mr. Stephen Adamini, Mr. Scott Holman, Mr. Richard Popp, Dr. H. Sook Wilkinson, Mr. Gil Ziegler, Dr. Paul Lang, Dr. Fritz Erickson, ex officio


The Academic Affairs Committee meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.


Academic Senate Update

Professor Rachel Nye, Chair of the Academic Senate, provided a summary of Senate activities.  The Academic Senate has met twice since the beginning of the semester and the standing committees have begun their work. 


Center for Teaching & Learning

Dr. Jill Leonard, Center for Teaching and Learning Scholar and Professor of Biology, provided the committee with an update on the Center’s activities.  The Center’s mission is to facilitate excellence in the classroom and in online instruction and promote the scholarship of teaching and learning.


MSU/MGH Collaboration

Dr. Mary Jane Tremethick, Associate Dean and Director and Dr. Scott Drum, Associate Professor, School of Health and Human Performance, discussed a collaboration involving Michigan State University and Marquette General Hospital.   The multidisciplinary and multi-institutional collaboration will provide teaching faculty with increased grant writing opportunities and provide our students with increased research opportunities. 


Middle College Update

Dr. Dale Kapla, Assistant Provost for Undergraduate Programming and Faculty Affairs, discussed the Marquette Area Technical Middle College; a partnership between NMU and the Marquette -Alger Regional Educational Service Agency. The Middle College will focus on Career Technical Education and STEM courses.  The pilot cohort will begin taking classes at NMU in winter 2015.


Introduction of New Administrators

Dr. Paul Lang, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs, introduced three new administrators in the Academic Affairs division.



Accreditation Update

Dr. Paul Lang discussed the Higher Learning Commission’s response to our portfolio.   There are 21 core components for accreditation and we did well in these areas.  Dr. Lang will provide a more detailed report at the December Board of Trustees meeting.    


Dr. Zurbuchen thanked the Committee and the meeting was adjourned at 3:03 p.m.