September 26, 2014
A. Minutes:
1. That the minutes of the July 26, 2014 meeting of the Board be approved.
B. Gifts of Property:
1. Gift of land from Dr. John English, 8 parcels in S7, T47N R23W, Chocolay Township, Marquette County, Michigan. ($175,000 value)
2. Gift to the DeVos Art Museum from Ms. June Schaefer, Pelkie, MI, 2 – 30” x 40” Shiras Photographs, 9 – 14” x 17” Shiras Photographs. ($7,250 value)
3. Gift to the exercise Science Lab – PEIF 146 from Ms. Jean Kinnear, Marquette, MI, Canoe Adapter for Concept II Rower. ($440 value)
4. Gift to the DeVos Art Museum from Estate of Ira W. Hutchison, III, Marquette, MI, 22” x 17” x 16” Sculpture by Stan Hill. ($4,500 value)
5. Gift to the Continuing education and Workforce Development Department from Eagle Mine, Champion, MI, Training Videos Mary Lou George “The Time was right,” “Little Song about noise, A, “We’re MSHA,” “SOMOS MSHA,” “Highwall Hazard Recognition Identification deyegies, ‘enfientes, de corte’,” “Communicion degrieges: Risk Communication Synchronized w/GHS Sincon,” “zada con eve HS; seguirdad con la electrical cuidado contral Picada: electrical safety,” “First Aid: Until Help Arrives,” and “Fire Safety: Extinguishing Risk: Segaridad eninendias.” (1,716 value)
6. Gift to the School of Art & Design from Anastasia Hollenbach, Rogers City, MI, Metal Casting Equipment (Kerr Injectomatic II, Model 15867; Grobet Vulcanizer; Procraft Grobet/Hammel Dixon Vacuum Assist Machine for Investment Castings; assorted casting flasks, sprue bases, melting dishes, tongs, etc.). ($1,623 value)
C. Personnel Actions:
1. Andronis, Paul T, Head and Professor with Tenure in the Department of Psychology, a three-year term appointment, effective July 1, 2014. (Renewal)
2. DeFonso, Chet R., Head and Associate Professor, Department of History, a term position beginning July 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2014. (Contract extension)
3. Zinser, Brian A., Instructor, Walker L. Cisler College of Business, a tenure track appointment, effective August 20, 2014. (New)
4. The following list of staff appointments:
Schuiling |
Kerri |
07/01/2014 |
Health/Human Performance, School Of |
Noble |
Cynthia |
C. |
02/17/2014 |
Health/Human Performance, School Of |
Jones |
Coral |
A. |
02/24/2014 |
Dining Services-University Center |
Santiago |
Joshua |
L. |
08/28/2014 |
Academic and Career Advisement Center |
Hough |
Lucy |
R. |
11/08/2013 |
Admissions |
Mingay |
Ryan |
J. |
08/29/2014 |
Dining Services-Marketplace |
Forward |
Matthew |
J. |
07/01/2014 |
Intercollegiate Athletics/Recreational Sports |
Dunham |
Maria |
L. |
08/25/2014 |
Intercollegiate Athletics/Recreational Sports |
Mitz |
Brian |
M. |
07/01/2014 |
Intercollegiate Athletics/Recreational Sports |
Carradine |
Alex |
T. |
09/02/2014 |
Intercollegiate Athletics/Recreational Sports |
Lewis |
Hannah |
E. |
08/22/2013 |
Center for Student Enrichment |
Evans |
Julie |
K. |
09/16/2013 |
Continuing Education/Workforce Development |
Devroy |
Gretchen |
A. |
09/30/2013 |
Human Resources |
Isleib |
Lila |
R. |
10/14/2013 |
Financial Aid |
Premeau |
Michele |
L. |
02/26/2014 |
Health Center |
Neiheisel |
Steven |
R. |
11/01/2013 |
Enrollment Management/Student Services |
DeLoose |
Stacey |
M. |
11/11/2013 |
AIS / Instructional Design Technology |
Peterson |
Danielle |
R. |
11/19/2013 |
NMU Foundation |
O'Day |
Liam |
C. |
11/24/2013 |
Plant Operations |
Michaels |
Edward |
Joseph |
12/01/2013 |
Counseling and Consultation Services |
Reynolds |
Anthony |
M. |
12/02/2013 |
Intercollegiate Athletics/Recreational Sports |
Lafave-Guidebeck |
Patricia |
L. |
12/09/2013 |
Student Service Center |
Henry |
Justine |
Erin |
01/02/2014 |
NMU Foundation |
Middler |
Michelle |
Marie |
01/02/2014 |
Registrar |
Larsen |
Brent |
M. |
01/02/2014 |
Housing and Residence Life |
Penglase |
Sean |
D. |
02/17/2014 |
Physics |
Wittenbach |
Kyle |
J. |
03/03/2014 |
Intercollegiate Athletics/Recreational Sports |
Allen |
Dawn |
M. |
03/10/2014 |
Financial Aid |
Reynolds |
Melody |
E. |
03/10/2014 |
Modern Languages and Literature |
Parrella |
John |
L. |
03/17/2014 |
Intercollegiate Athletics/Recreational Sports |
Roth |
Michelle |
A. |
03/24/2014 |
Health Center |
Czarny |
Jeffrey |
D. |
04/07/2014 |
Public Safety and Police Services |
Collick |
Neal |
V. |
06/11/2014 |
Housing and Residence Life |
O'Neill |
Joanne |
K. |
05/12/2014 |
Housing and Residence Life |
Ritari |
Paula |
L. |
05/29/2014 |
Bookstore |
Spruytte |
Jamilyne |
06/02/2014 |
Graduate Education and Research |
Stone |
Dianne |
M. |
06/09/2014 |
Dining Services-Marketplace |
Klumpp |
JoLene |
06/16/2014 |
Continuing Education/Workforce Development |
Nease |
Jacob |
P. |
06/28/2014 |
Auxiliary Services |
Erickson |
Fritz |
J. |
07/01/2014 |
Office of the President |
Kiszka |
Sara |
M. |
07/01/2014 |
Academic Information Services/Archives |
Defever |
Justine |
M. |
07/13/2014 |
Housing and Residence Life |
Klauck |
Courtney |
T. |
07/13/2014 |
Housing and Residence Life |
Porydzy |
Brittany |
R. |
07/13/2014 |
Housing and Residence Life |
Centko |
John |
D. |
07/14/2014 |
Tech and Occupational Sciences |
Hall |
Derek |
J. |
07/16/2014 |
Identity, Brand, and Marketing |
Peterson |
Brett |
I. |
07/21/2014 |
Dining Services-Central Office |
Poirier |
Tod |
M. |
07/29/2014 |
Learning Resources Division |
Rinne |
Karen |
M. |
08/11/2014 |
Academic Information Services/Library |
LaJoye |
Karey |
L. |
08/11/2014 |
Health Center |
Burnett |
Anna |
I. |
08/11/2014 |
International Programs |
Dever |
Rhea |
E. |
08/25/2014 |
Human Resources |
Fox |
Phillip |
T. |
08/29/2014 |
Intercollegiate Athletics/Recreational Sports |
LaLonde |
Dana |
Grace |
09/02/2014 |
Academic Information Services/Library |
Boudreau |
Trevor |
W. |
09/03/2014 |
Public Safety and Police Services |
McLean |
Sarah |
R. |
09/03/2014 |
Admissions |
5. Professor John Hubbard be granted the status of Professor Emeritus of Art & Design effective October 1, 2014.
6. Professor William Leete be granted the status of Professor Emeritus of Art & Design effective October 1, 2014.
D. Degrees
That the August 2014 preliminary list of graduates be approved. The
lists are on file with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
E. Property and Finance:
1. Fiscal Year 2015 Long-Term Maintenance Project List. A copy of the Project List is on file with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
2. Provide the administration with authority to enter into partnership agreements with high schools and community colleges and charge a differential rate that is at or below existing published rates.
3. The Financial Report for Northern Michigan University for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014, and all related transactions be approved. The audit of these statements was conducted by Rehmann Robson, Certified Public Accountants. The statements were reviewed and approved by the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees. A copy of the Financial Report is on file with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
4. Northern Michigan University’s Facilities Five-Year Master Plan, as required by the Department of Management and Budget, and the 2015-2016 Capital Outlay Project Request be approved. A copy of the plan and the project request is on file with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
5. Easement Agreement between NMU and the Michigan Department of Transportation. A copy of the Agreement is on file with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
F. Special Items:
1. The formation of the division of Extended Learning.
2. Pursuant to the State of Michigan Public Act 152, Northern Michigan University will be an 80/20 Employer.
The following Board of Trustees meeting schedule for calendar
year 2015 be approved
4. The revisions to the ASNMU Constitution resulting from the April 2014 ballot be approved with implementation beginning with the 2014-15 academic year. A copy of the Constitution is on file with the Secretary of the Board.
Associated Students of Northern Michigan University
~ Constitution ~
We, the students enrolled at the Marquette campus of Northern Michigan University, in order to provide for democratic self-governance, to insure the preservation of student rights, to take action in the best interest of the student body and university community, to provide an official voice through which student opinion may be expressed, and to promote the academic, social, and cultural well-being of all students, hereby establish the legislative assembly, executive, and judicial branches of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University.
Article I - Legislative Branch
Legislative Assembly
The legislative powers of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan
University shall be vested in the Assembly.
2. Membership
The Assembly of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University shall consist of representatives based on the following criteria:
Academic Representatives
· One representative per academic college
· One General university programs representatives
· Additionally, for each 1,000 students enrolled in the above College and General Program areas, one additional representative will be added for that College or General Program.
· Population numbers will be gathered and used from the Fall semester of the current academic year during which the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University elections are held.
· In the event of a decimal fraction for representation, using the formula outlined above, the number will always be rounded down.
Residence Representatives
· One Representative shall be elected to represent students residing in Quad I and II (Gant, Spalding, Halverson, Payne, Van Antwerp and Hunt Halls.)
· One Representative shall be elected to represent students residing in on-campus apartments.
· One Representative shall be elected to represent students residing in Magers, West, Meyland, and Spooner Halls.
· One Representative shall be elected to represent students in off campus housing.
· Additionally, for each 850 students residing in the above living areas, one additional representative will be added for that residence.
· Population numbers will be gathered and used from the Fall Semester of the current academic year during which the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University elections are held.
In the event of a decimal fraction for representation, using the
formula outlined above, the number will always be rounded down.
Chair of the Assembly
The General Assembly is required during the first
official session to elect a Chair of the Assembly. The President of the
Associated Students of Northern Michigan University must also approve the
3. Vacancies
A vacancy shall occur when a member informs the Assembly in writing of his/her resignation or is removed from office. Vacancies shall be filled through an application and interview process, followed by approval of three-fourths of the Assembly.
4. Rules and Procedures of the Assembly
A. Quorum: A quorum consisting of a majority of the Assembly's voting members shall be necessary to conduct all formal business. Vacant positions shall not be considered a part of the total voting membership for purposes of establishing a quorum and other voting requirements.
B. Parliamentary Authority: The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised) shall govern the Assembly in cases in which they are inconsistent with this Constitution and its Bylaws.
C. Minutes: Minutes shall be taken at all Assembly proceedings. These minutes shall be considered public and available upon request.
Meetings: Meetings of the Assembly shall be held no less than every
other week during the Fall and Winter Semesters when classes are in regular
E. Voting: Each Representative shall have one vote with the exception of
the Chair of the Assembly who shall be a non-voting member of the
Assembly. In the event of a tie, the Chair of the Assembly shall vote.
F. Presidential Privilege: The President of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University is entitled to a time period of no less than five minutes at the beginning of the Assembly's meeting to address the Representatives.
5. Committees
The Assembly shall assume authority on behalf of the student body to establish standing and special committees, as it deems necessary. These committees may be abolished by a two-thirds vote of the Assembly.
Committee for Appointments
At its first regularly scheduled meeting of the Fall Semester, the Assembly shall choose from among its voting members, four representatives to sit with the Vice-President on a Committee for Appointments. This committee shall recommend students to fill all appointed positions and vacant positions under the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University. Students recommended for appointment shall require majority vote approval of the Assembly.
Elections Committee
An Elections Committee shall be formed annually to handle all Associated Students of Northern Michigan University student body elections and referendum.
Student Affairs Committee
All representatives serving from residential constituencies shall sit on the Student Affairs Committee.
Academic Affairs Committee
All representatives serving from Academic Colleges and the General University Programs shall sit on the Academic Affairs Committee.
Student Finance Committee
The Student Finance Committee is a permanent standing committee of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University and will be chaired by the Treasurer of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University in accordance with Article II, section 3 of this Constitution.
Other Standing Committees
The members of all standing committees under the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University must be approved by majority vote of the Assembly. Each standing committee may interview candidates to fill vacancies on their respective committees and present their recommendations to the Assembly for approval.
The Associated Students of Northern Michigan University Assembly and Executive Council shall establish new committees, as it deems necessary.
6. Authority of the Assembly and its Members Representatives
A. The Assembly shall assume authority on behalf of the student body for developing legislation. In the development of such legislation, each representative shall attempt to take into consideration the wishes of his/her constituents.
B. The Assembly may recommend to the Northern Michigan University Board of Trustees by three-fourths approval, a revision of the student activity fee, to be assessed upon all students enrolled at the Marquette campus, provided the student body has approved a referendum concerning the fee. This fee shall be collected as specified in the Bylaws.
C. The Assembly may override a presidential veto by a three-fourths majority vote, providing the vote to overturn occurs within two weeks of the original veto by the President.
D. The Assembly shall have the power to regulate and conduct all Associated Students of Northern Michigan University elections.
The Assembly may call a general assembly of the Associated Students of
Northern Michigan University.
The Assembly shall have the power to insure the existence of a student
judiciary system and to periodically evaluate its effectiveness in reference to
Constitutional, Bylaw, and student government review.
7. Chair of the Assembly
The Chair of the Assembly facilitates the Assembly's meetings by ensuring that proper procedures are followed.
Article II - Executive Branch
1. Executive Council
The executive power of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University rests with the Executive Council of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University. The Executive Council shall consist of the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University.
2. Powers and Duties of the President
A. The President is the official head of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University, and as such speaks for the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University.
B. The President of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University shall serve as the chair of the Executive Council.
C. The President or his/her designate shall serve as the official representative of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University and be a member ex-officio of all committees, with the exception of the Elections Committee, established under this constitution, Bylaws, or under the executive decree.
The President may call a general assembly of the student body.
D. The President may call special sessions of
the Assembly if he/she deems it appropriate to the functioning of the
Associated Students of Northern Michigan University.
E. The President shall call for the
determination of an election schedule.
F. The President may veto any legislation passed
by the Assembly within two weeks from when action was taken. The
President must submit in writing to the Assembly his/her reasons for the veto.
G. The President has the power to recommend
policies to the Assembly at the beginning of each semester and periodically
thereafter. This must be in the form of a written report.
3. Powers and Duties of the Vice-President
A. The Vice-President shall serve as the chair of the Executive Council in the absence of the President.
B. The Vice-President shall assist the President in the execution of his/her duties.
C. The Vice-President also serves as Chair of the Appointments Committee.
D. The Vice-President shall succeed to the office of President in the event of a vacancy in that office.
4. Responsibilities of the Treasurer
A. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the President.
B. The Treasurer of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University will also serve as the Chair of the Student Finance Committee.
C. The Treasurer shall prepare and present to the Assembly and Executive Council a detailed request for the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University Operating Budget for the Fall, Winter, and Summer Sessions.
D. The Treasurer shall maintain an accurate, up-to-date ledger by line item for all expenditures from the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University Operating Budget.
E. The Treasurer shall present a written report of all expenditures and the present balance by the line item at each regular meeting of the Assembly and Executive Council.
F. The Treasurer shall have unlimited access to all records of financial transactions involving the Student Discretionary Activity Fund.
G. The Treasurer shall be privy to all findings of the auditor's report involving the Student Discretionary Activity Fund.
5. Powers and Duties of the Executive Council
A. The Executive council shall meet no less than once a week during the Fall and Winter Semesters when classes are in regular session.
B. The Executive Council shall assist the President in the execution of his/her function.
6. Vacancies in the Presidency and Vice Presidency
A. In the event of removal, resignation, incapacity, or extended absence of the President, the elected Vice-President shall assume the office of President.
B. In the event of removal, resignation, incapacity, or extended absence of the Vice-President, the vacancy shall be filled by Presidential appointment and is subject to confirmation by a three-fourths vote of the Assembly.
C. In the event that both the President and Vice-President are removed, resign, or otherwise vacate their offices, the Assembly shall choose from among its voting members a President and Vice-President who shall assume the roles of the Executives.
Article III
The Associated Students of Northern Michigan University are furthermore governed by the additional:
1. Requirements and Qualifications
Only persons who meet the following criteria shall be eligible for membership in the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University, Subcommittees and appointments to other committees:
A. Must be registered for six or more credit hours during the Fall and Winter Semesters on the Marquette campus of Northern Michigan University.
B. Must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
C. Must be free of any form of University imposed Disciplinary Probation, as defined in the Student Handbook, part 2-Student Code, 2.7-Sanctions, imposed through the University's judicial process.
D. Associated Students of Northern Michigan University members must live in their constituency or be enrolled in their constituency during the Fall and Winter Semesters of their term of office.
E. ASNMU Judiciary members are exempt from Constituency requirements.
F. Executive Council for the purpose of constituency requirement must be enrolled on the Marquette campus.
2. Election Requirements
A. The President shall set the timeline for annual elections in accordance with Article II, section 2, letter F of this Constitution.
B. Australian ballot shall elect all representatives of Associated Students of Northern Michigan University from their constituencies during the general elections.
C. General elections shall be held no later than two weeks prior to the end of the Winter Semester on a date set by the Elections Committee with the approval of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University.
D. The Associated Students of Northern Michigan University shall assume office no later than one week following the election and shall serve the until the next Assembly assumes office in the next academic year.
3. Impeachment and Removal
A. The President, Vice-President, members of the ASNMU Judiciary and Assembly representatives shall be liable to impeachment for misconduct and neglect of office.
B. Any member of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University and ASNMU Judiciary may bring impeachment charges through their respective branch before the Assembly. Upon a three-fourths affirmative vote of the Assembly, the charges will be referred to the ASNMU Judiciary or other comparable student judiciary.
C. Upon conviction by the members of the ASNMU Judiciary or other comparable student judiciary, the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University or ASNMU Judiciary member charged shall be removed from office and forever be banned from service in any form in Student Government and any committee or position of appointment granted by the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University.
Persons appointed to positions by The
Chairperson of the Assembly, (i.e.
Treasurer, secretaries, and any member of a subcommittee) Treasurer, and Affairs Chairs may be removed by a
three-fourths affirmative vote of the Assembly, without the need of Iimpeachment
and review of the ASNMU Judiciary.
4. Advisors
A. The Advisor(s) for Associated Students of Northern Michigan University shall be appointed directly by the President of Northern Michigan University.
B. No less than one Advisor must be appointed by the second week of the Fall Semester.
5. Referendum
A. The sole authority to call a referendum is a privilege of the President of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University.
B. A referendum may be called at any time by the President of Associated Students of Northern Michigan University, and approved by a three-fourths majority vote of the Assembly.
Article IV - Judicial Branch
1. ASNMU Judiciary
The judicial responsibility of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University shall be vested in the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University Judiciary.
2. Membership and Eligibility
Eligibility requirements of
the ASNMU Judiciary shall be in accordance with the provisions of the ASNMU
Constitution and subsequent Bylaws.
The ASNMU Judiciary shall consist of five members. Each member will be appointed
by the President of ASNMU, followed by approval of three-fourths of the General
Assembly. Judiciary members’ terms are up two academic years.
The membership of the ASNMU Judiciary shall pick a Chair during the first
official session of the ASNMU Judiciary in the fall semester.
3. Vacancies
vacancy shall occur when a justice informs the Chair of the ASNMU Judiciary and
the President of ASNMU in writing of his/her resignations or is removed from
office. Vacancies shall be filled by Presidential appointment and approval of
the General Assembly of ASNMU.
If no presidential appointment is approved by the Assembly by the third regularly scheduled meeting following the resignation of an ASNMUJ member, the Academic Affairs chair and Student Affairs chair may collectively submit one name per ASNMUJ vacancy as a nomination.
4. Rules and Procedures
A. Quorum: A quorum
consisting of a majority of the ASNMU judiciary members shall be necessary to
conduct all formal business. Vacant positions shall not be considered a part of
the total voting membership for purposes of establishing a quorum and other
voting requirements.
B. Meetings: The Chair shall call sessions of the judiciary if he/she
deems it appropriate to the functioning of the ASNMU Judiciary.
Meetings shall grant no less than five minutes for both the plaintiff and the defense to present their cases.
C. Voting and Opinions: Each judiciary member shall have one vote, with the exception of the Chair. The Chair shall vote only to make or break a tie.
The chair shall provide a written opinion of the judiciary. These opinions shall be considered public and available upon request.
5. Powers
The ASNMU judiciary shall have final jurisdiction in the
following areas:
A. The constitutionality of any action taken by the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University and its committees.
B. Questions concerning the qualifications of any member of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University.
C. Interpretations of the Constitution of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University.
D. Appeals of complaints lodged with the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University Elections Committee concerning elections and referendum.
E. The ASNMU Judiciary shall be responsible to swear in all members of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University.
Article V
A. Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by a majority vote of the Associated Students of Northern Michigan University Assembly or by petition of ten percent of the qualified voters.
A ballot shall be effective within thirty class days of presentation.
Having been approved by a simple majority of those votes cast during the referendum election, the proposed amendment
shall be presented to the Board of Control Trustees.
The ASNMU Constitution shall be available to students on the ASNMU website and
in paper form. The Constitution will be updated online on an annual basis by
the Director of Information Technologies and paper copies shall be reprinted as
deemed necessary by the general assembly.
Submitted and approved by the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University in September 2012