



Minutes of the Special Formal Session


Wednesday, December 23, 2020


A special formal session of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University was held on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, in Marquette, Michigan.  The meeting was convened at 4:07 p.m. via Zoom Video Conference by Chair Steven M. Mitchell.


Trustees present included:

Mr. Steven M. Mitchell, Chair

Ms. Donna L. Murray-Brown

Ms. Lisa I. Fittante

Ms. Tami M. Seavoy, Vice Chair

Ms. Alexis M. Hart

Mr. Stephen E. Young

Mr. James K. Haveman

Dr. Fritz J Erickson, ex officio

Mr. Robert E. Mahaney



Senior Staff and Counsel present included:

Mr. Brad Canale, Chief Executive Officer – NMU Foundation

Mr. R. Gavin Leach, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees

Dr. Kerri Schuiling, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ms. Deanna Hemmila, Executive Director – Board/Government Relations

Ms. Cathy A. Andrew, Secretary of the Board of Trustees

Mr. Kurt McCamman, Legal Counsel


The meeting was live-streamed on YouTube at



Secretary Andrew took roll call and noted that a quorum was met with all Trustees present.



Chair-elect Seavoy said that per the bylaws the current board chair and president serve as ex-officio members of all board standing and ad hoc committees.  The standing committees include: Executive, Academic Affairs, Extended Learning and Community Engagement (ELCE), and Finance.  Chair-elect Seavoy read the charges for each committee as follows:


·       Executive Committee (Addendum #1) – she noted that there were no changes being recommended to the structure, duties, or functions of the Executive Committee.


·       Academic Affairs Committee (Addendum #2) – Chair-elect Seavoy noted there were no changes being recommended to the committee charge, duties, or functions.  She appointed the following to serve on the committee:



·       Finance Committee (Addendum #3) – Chair-elect Seavoy noted there were no changes being recommended to the committee charge, duties, or functions.  She appointed the following to serve on the committee:



·       Extended Learning and Community Engagement (ELCE) Committee (Addendum #4) – Chair-elect Seavoy appointed the following to serve on the committee:



Chair-elect Seavoy recommended the following change to the ELCE Committee charge to keep it consistent with the charge on the other standing committees:


Scope of inquiry shall be to: 

·       Advise the Board of Trustees on matters pertaining to academic personnel, programs and  budgets, related to Extended Learning and Community Engagement, and to assure that these are properly integrated in support of the mission;

·       Periodically review and assess ELCE learning priorities;

·       Review and ensure that the University assesses the effectiveness of ELCE initiatives;

·       Provide insight in support of ELCE programs, policies, and procedures.


In support of the above, the ELCE Committee is expected to review and report (or recommend, when appropriate) to the full Board of Trustees the following:

·       Reports regarding the planning processes, goals, and objectives of the Extended Learning and Community Engagement Division;  

·       Reports regarding enrollment in credit and non-credit programs in ELCE;

·       Reports on such matters as distance teaching and learning programs, economic development, community outreach, business engagement, continuing education, workforce development, and other areas relevant to the work of the Extended Learning and Community Engagement Division.


Chair-elect Seavoy said the ad hoc committees are those that do not meet on a regular basis and are active when a matter is likely to come before the Board. 


·       Ad hoc Policy Review Committee (Addendum #5) – Chair-elect Seavoy appointed the following to serve on the committee:



Chair-elect Seavoy said she is recommending the committee charge be changed to meet on an “as-needed basis” instead of on a “regular basis.”


·       Chair-elect Seavoy is recommending a new Ad hoc Committee for External Partnerships (Addendum #6). Chair-elect Seavoy is recommending this new ad hoc committee and appointed the following to serve on the committee:



She noted that the charge for this new committee has not been formally approved and read the new charge:


The Northern Michigan University Ad Hoc Committee of the Board for External Partnerships will serve as the Board’s vehicle for review of substantial University partnerships and collaborations that impact Board policy or represent a significant commitment on the part of the University. 


Through the committee chair, the Ad Hoc Committee for External Partnerships reviews proposals from the Northern Michigan University administration for establishing new, large-scale partnerships.


The committee will meet as needed to review proposals, reports, recommendations, and timelines.  When appropriate, the committee makes recommendations to the Board regarding new partnership proposals.


·       Ad Hoc Committee for Recruitment and Retention – (Addendum #7).  Chair-elect Seavoy said the Board has met as a committee of the whole in the past.  She is recommending an ad hoc committee and appointed the following to serve on the committee:



She noted that the charge for this committee is the same as in the past:


The Northern Michigan University Ad Hoc Committee of the Board for Recruitment and Retention will advise the Board on matters pertaining to recruitment and retention policies and assure that these are properly aligned with the mission of the university.


The Ad Hoc Committee, through the Chair, will review and assess recruitment and retention priorities and ensure that the University assesses the appropriateness and effectiveness of practices through monitoring enrollment and retention reports and state and national trends.  The Committee may also review policies and retention and graduation rates.


The committee will meet as needed to review reports and will make recommendations to the Board regarding policies, as appropriate.


Chair-elect Seavoy announced that Mr. Robert E. Mahaney and Mr. Stephen E. Young will serve as ex officio appointments to the NMU Foundation Board of Trustees for calendar year 2021.


The following action was taken:


It was moved by Trustee Haveman and seconded by Trustee Hart that the Board of Trustees consent to the 2021 committee appointments, changes to the committee charge for the ELCE Committee and Ad Hoc Policy Review Committee, and new Ad Hoc Committee for External Partnerships, and new Ad Hoc Committee for Recruitment and Retention.


On a roll-call vote, the Board voted as follows:


                                    Aye                             Nay


                              Lisa I. Fittante

                              Alexis M. Hart

                              James K. Haveman

                              Robert E. Mahaney

                              Steven M. Mitchell

                              Donna Murray-Brown

                              Tami M. Seavoy

                              Stephen E. Young




President Erickson made the following comments:

·       The Board had previously approved a comprehensive Five-Year Campus Master Plan that will lead to some momentous changes to the campus.

·       As the university moves forward with protentional transformational building projects, there’s a need to provide a short-term loan, not to exceed $10 million, to the NMU Foundation to continue the pace of that implementation.

·       This loan is provisional until the resources are required.

·       The loan will be paid back.

·       This will allow the university to continue key facility projects of the Campus Master Plan.


The following action was taken:


It was moved by Trustee Young and seconded by Trustee Murray-Brown that the Board approve the resolution authorizing the making of a loan to the NMU Foundation to support the development and construction of the college of Business and other projects for the use and benefit of NMU, in furtherance of the goals and objectives of NMU’s 2019 Campus Master Plan and Five-Year Facilities Master Plan.


Being no discussion, Chair Mitchell called the vote:


On a roll-call vote, the Board voted as follows:


                                    Aye                             Nay


                              Lisa I. Fittante

                              Alexis M. Hart

                              James K. Haveman

                              Robert E. Mahaney

                              Steven M. Mitchell

                              Donna Murray-Brown

                              Tami M. Seavoy

                              Stephen E. Young



Being no further business, Chair Mitchell adjourned the meeting at 4:24 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



/signed/Cathy A. Andrew

Secretary of the Board of Trustees