



Minutes of the Special Formal Session


Tuesday, June 20, 2023


A special formal session of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University was held on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, via Zoom video conference.  The meeting was convened at 3:30 p.m. by Chair Stephen E. Young.


Trustees present included:

Mr. Stephen E. Young, Chair

Mr. Steven W. Lindberg

Ms. Lisa I. Fittante

Mr. Gregory J. Seppanen

Ms. Alexis M. Hart, Vice Chair

Mr. Greg M. Toutant

Ms. Melissa A. Holmquist

Dr. Brock F. Tessman, ex officio

Ms. Brigitte R. LaPointe-Dunham



Senior Staff and Counsel present included:

Mr. R. Gavin Leach, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer of the        Board of Trustees

Dr. Dale P. Kapla, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ms. Cathy A. Andrew, Secretary of the Board of Trustees

Ms. Deanna Hemmila, Executive Director – Board/Government Relations

Mr. Carrick Craig, Legal Counsel


The meeting was live-streamed on YouTube at



Secretary Andrew took roll call of the Trustees and noted that a quorum was met with all Trustees being present.




Finance Committee

Trustee Hart, Chair of the Finance Committee, reported on a meeting held today, Tuesday, June 20, 2023.  A copy of the report is appended to these minutes.  (Addendum #1)



The following action was taken:


It was moved by Trustee Hart and seconded by Trustee Seppanen to approve the proposed fiscal year 2023-2024 tuition and fee rates as presented in the Finance Committee Report (Addendum #2)


Discussion followed:


Vice Chair Hart thanked the members of the Finance Committee and Administration for their efforts in putting together the proposal and being very thoughtful of the sensitivity of tuition increases noting the university needs to make continued investments in academic programs and strategic initiatives that are focused around student wellbeing and campus safety.  She said with the overall general fund budget increases as well, this will allow the University to keep up from an inflationary perspective and meet its contractual obligations for salary increases.  She stated that it is great that NMU is still able to offer some of the most affordable tuition in the State of Michigan, noting that with tuition restraint language NMU needs to be mindful of keeping the tuition gap between NMU and the other universities from becoming too large, while continuing to provide the quality academic programming and services to our employees and students.


Chair Young thanked President Tessman, Vice President Leach, and their teams for putting this together, as well as the Finance Committee for bringing forward a proposal that is very fair, noting this decision is always very difficult and deliberate.  He said NMU has some good momentum going this year with President Tessman and renewed energy and enthusiasm and, hopefully, this decision today will help further those efforts that are happening on campus and in the community.


Being no further discussion, Chair Young called the question.


On a roll-call vote, the Board voted as follows:


                                    Aye                                                     Nay


                              Stephen E. Young

                              Alexis M. Hart

                              Lisa I. Fittante

                              Gregory J. Seppanen

                              Melissa A. Holmquist

                              Brigitte R. LaPointe-Dunham

                              Steven W. Lindberg

                              Greg M. Toutant



The following action was taken:


It was moved by Trustee Holmquist and seconded by Trustee LaPointe-Dunham to approved the Formal Recommendations as presented.  (Addendum #3)


Being no discussion, Chair Young called the question.


On a roll-call vote, the Board voted as follows:


                                    Aye                                                     Nay


                              Stephen E. Young

                              Alexis M. Hart

                              Lisa I. Fittante

                              Gregory J. Seppanen

                              Melissa A. Holmquist

                              Brigitte R. LaPointe-Dunham

                              Steven W. Lindberg

                              Greg M. Toutant



Chair Young adjourned the meeting at 3:40 p.m.




Respectfully submitted,


/signed/Cathy A. Andrew

Secretary of the Board of Trustees