



Minutes of the Special Formal Session


Friday, April 19, 2024


A special formal session of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University was held on Friday, April 19, 2024, via Zoom video conference.  The meeting was convened at 9:32 a.m. by Chair Stephen E. Young.


Trustees present included:

Mr. Stephen E. Young, Chair

Mr. Steven W. Lindberg

Ms. Lisa I. Fittante

Mr. Gregory J. Seppanen

Ms. Alexis M. Hart, Vice Chair

Mr. Greg M. Toutant

Ms. Melissa A. Holmquist

Dr. Brock F. Tessman, ex officio

Ms. Brigitte R. LaPointe-Dunham



Senior Staff and Counsel present included:

Mr. R. Gavin Leach, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees

Ms. Cathy A. Andrew, Secretary of the Board of Trustees

Dr. Anne Dahlman, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Mr. Matt Franti, Sr. Director – Budget and Finance

Ms. Deanna K. Hemmila, Executive Director – Board/Government Relations

Dr. Dale Kapla, Senior Associate Provost for Academic Affairs

Mr. Carrick Craig, Legal Counsel


The meeting was live-streamed on YouTube at



Secretary Andrew took roll call of the Trustees and noted that a quorum was met with all Trustees present.



President Tessman outlined the following related to the AAUP Faculty Union Tentative Agreement:


·       AAUP membership ratified the Tentative Agreement on Thursday, April 18, 2024.

·       The TA was triggered by a Wage Reopener that was part of the 2020-2021 contract.

·       The process involved was intense and done in good faith.

·       Details of the agreement focus on increases to base salary for 2024-25 and 2025-26:

o   Average increase of 6.25% for year 2024-25 and 2.75% for 2025-26

o   6.25% increase is a tiered-increase (percent of increase is dependent upon where the faculty member falls on the current tier).  Examples:

§  Make less than $50,000 – increase is 8.5%

§  Make more than $100,000 – increase is 4.75%

·       Example:  Make $61,200 would receive 7.8% increase for 2024-25

o   Increase applies across the board to all AAUP faculty, which includes contingent faculty.

·       Thanked the AAUP negotiating team: Dr. Rick Mengyan, Dr. Jamie Crabb, and Professor Lynn Johnson.

·       Thanked the administrative negotiating team: Mr. Matt Franti, Dr. Dale Kapla, and Mr. Gavin Leach.

·       Thanked the Board who supported the teams and the process.


Discussion followed President Tessman’s outline:

·       Trustee Hart asked where this puts faculty with respect to the market median as it relates to CUPA data.  Mr. Franti noted that when comparing CUPA data as these increases are effective with fiscal year 2024-25 the comparative data is not yet available.  However, assuming a 3.5 – 4% increase at current data, he estimates anywhere from 80-90% of the faculty would be at or above the median after applying these increases.

·       Trustee Hart asked for confirmation regarding the agreement having an adjustment on minimum base salary to reflect this increase for those faculty who come in.  Mr. Franti said the formula that was applied to determine each individual’s increase was also applied to the minimums stated for 2023-2024.


The following action was taken:


It was moved by Trustee Hart and seconded by Trustee Seppanen that the Board of Trustees ratify and approve the Tentative Agreement (TA) dated April 11, 2024, between Northern Michigan University and the American Association of University Professors/AFT Local 6761 Northern Michigan University Chapter (AAUP), which was ratified by the AAUP yesterday on April 18, 2024.  The TA addresses and satisfies in full the wage reopener clause contained in Article 9, Section, specifically including those additional Sections delineated in the TA, of the AAUP Contract 2021-2026 Master Agreement, which was approved on November 12, 2021.


Under the terms of the TA, base salary increases for 2024-2025 would average 6.25% utilizing a sliding scale system, and base salary increases for 2025-2026 would equal 2.75% as detailed in the TA.


The TA will be formalized as a Memorandum of Understanding effective upon the date both the AAUP and the Board ratify the TA.


Discussion followed:


Trustee Hart said she is happy that the teams came up with such a collaborative and equitable agreement that considers inflation and recognizes the importance of the faculty and their wages.  She has heard nothing but positive feedback regarding the discussions and respect throughout the discussion, and she appreciates the creativity of the tiered model approach.  She noted her understanding that this will be the largest increase for the faculty in approximately 40 years.  Hart thanked the AAUP and administrative negotiating teams for their efforts. 


Trustee Seppanen said he is impressed with where we have come within the last year noting President Tessman and his team have done a great job positioning NMU itself to keep growing forward; he appreciates it and noted the great job the teams did.


Trustees Holmquist also thanked the teams and noted the fantastic job they did.


Trustee Lindberg also thanked the teams involved in the negotiations and coming up with such an eloquent solution and hopes it becomes a negotiation model for the future.


Chair Young agreed with the previous statements and the motion and thanked the AAUP and administrative negotiation teams noting how appreciative the Board is in all of these efforts.


Being no discussion, Chair Young called the question.


On a roll-call vote, the Board voted as follows:


                                    Aye                                                     Nay


                              Stephen E. Young

                              Alexis M. Hart

                              Lisa I. Fittante

                              Gregory J. Seppanen

                              Melissa A. Holmquist

                              Brigitte R. LaPointe-Dunham

                              Steven W. Lindberg

                              Greg M. Toutant


Motion carried.




Chair Young thanked everyone for adjusting their schedules for this important meeting and adjourned the meeting at 9:52 a.m.



Respectfully submitted,


/signed/Cathy A. Andrew

Secretary of the Board of Trustees