Addendum #4





Board of Trustees Room, 602 Cohodas Administrative Center

August 8, 2003, 8:00 a.m.



Members Present:     Mr. Karl Weber, Chair, Ms. Mary C. Lukens, Mr. Samuel Benedict, Dr. Fred Joyal,

Mr. William Bernard, Dr. Michael Roy, ex officio, and Mr. Alan Ackerman


Guests:                       Ms. Sandra Poindexter



The Academic Affairs Committee meeting was called to order.


Faculty Presentation

Professor Sandra Poindexter, College of Business, gave a presentation on a holistic teaching approach and reviewed the results of a five-year faculty/student survey regarding the adoption of technology into the classroom. 


Charter School Board Approvals

Dr. Fred Joyal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, presented a proposed list of new and renewed board members for the Bahweting Anishnabe Charter School Academy, Nah Tah Wahsh Public School Academy, North Star Public School Academy, and Walton Charter School Academy for approval.  After motion duly made and seconded the Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees the approval of the list of board members.  This motion is part of the formal recommendations.


Proposed Changes in Student Code

Mr. William Bernard, Associate Provost for Student Services and Enrollment, presented proposed changes to the Student Code for the following sections:  1.) Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy, 2.) The Structure of the Judiciaries of Original Jurisdiction, and 3.) Use of Tobacco Products.  After motion duly made and seconded the Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees the approval of these changes.  This motion is part of the formal recommendations.


2003-2004 Academic Year – Looking Ahead

Dr. Fred Joyal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, distributed a handout on recent academic initiatives and curriculum proposals that may come before the Board of Trustees this academic year.


Mr. Weber thanked the Committee, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:03 a.m.