Addendum #4





Board of Trustees Room, 602 Cohodas Administrative Center

December 15, 2005, 2:00 p.m.


Members Present:     Ms. Mary C. Lukens, Chair, Mr. Brian Cloyd, Mr. Larry Inman, Mr. Jon LaSalle,

Mr. Karl Weber, Dr. Fred Joyal, Dr. Les Wong, ex officio


Guests:                        Dr. Paul Duby, Dr. Tawni Ferrarini, Dr. Cynthia Prosen, Dr. Richard Rovin,

Dr. Robert Winn


The Academic Affairs Committee meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.


Department of Communication Disorders Name Change

Dr. Fred Joyal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, presented a proposal to change the name of the Department of Communication Disorders to the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences.

After motion duly made and seconded the Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees the approval of the departmental name change.  This motion is part of the formal recommendations.


Deletion of Architectural Technology Associate Degree Program

Dr. Fred Joyal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, presented a proposal to delete the Architectural Technology Associate Degree Program.  After motion duly made and seconded the Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees the approval of the deletion of this program.  This motion is part of the formal recommendations.


Academic Senate Update

Dr. Tawni Ferrarini, Chair of the Academic Senate, summarized the events surrounding the elimination of the Writing Proficiency Exam and discussed online course development and mass implementation at NMU.


Parents Survey

Dr. Paul Duby, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Research gave a Power Point presentation on the results of the Parents Survey given to parents of admitted new freshmen students who then withdrew from the University.


Dr. Fred Joyal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, gave a Power Point presentation on the activities surrounding the internationalization initiative at NMU.  Topics included study/academic travel abroad, concentrated learning experiences abroad, international scholar visits, special international projects, and relationship building.


MGH/NMU Collaboration

Dr. Cynthia Prosen, Dean of Graduate Studies, gave a Power Point presentation on NMU research initiatives.  Topics included research climate, financial and other concerns, changes in progress, NMU/MGH research collaborations and current NMU/MGH projects.


Dr. Richard Rovin, Neurological Surgeon at Marquette General Hospital, gave a Power Point presentation on the Upper Michigan Brain Tumor Center.


Dr. Robert Winn, Associate Professor of Biology, gave a Power Point presentation on the current collaboration between MGH and NMU on student involved research into brain tumor formation.


Ms. Lukens thanked the Committee, and the meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.