


Minutes of the Annual Retreat


Thursday-Friday, February 13-14, 2003


The Annual Retreat of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University was held on Thursday-Friday, February 13-14, 2003, in the Board of Trustees Meeting Room, 602 Cohodas Administrative Center, and the Sixth Floor Conference Room, 604 Cohodas Administrative Center, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan.  The Retreat was convened at 9:40 a .m. Thursday by Chair Mary Campbell.


Trustees present included:


            Mary L. Campbell, Chair

            Karl A. Weber, Vice Chair

            Alan T. Ackerman

            Samuel S. Benedict

            Scott L. Holman

            Larry C. Inman (Mr. Inman joined the Retreat at 1:15 p.m. on Thursday, February 13.)

            Mary C. Lukens

            Judith I. Bailey, ex officio


The Trustee absent was Douglas B. Roberts



Vice Presidents/Board staff present included:


            Michael J. Roy, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer of the


            Pamalene R. Grundstrom, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary of the

                        Board; and

            Alfred N. Joyal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.





Chair Mary Campbell welcomed new Trustee Alan T. Ackerman.  She said new Trustee, Larry C. Inman, will join the Board meeting after lunch today and new Trustee, Douglas B. Roberts, will be unable to attend the meeting due to a family emergency.





President Bailey presented the following recommendation:


It is recommended that the following resolution relative to holding a Closed Session of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University be approved:

RESOLVED, that the Board shall meet in Closed Session at a time determined by the Chair in connection with the Annual Retreat of the Board of Trustees held on Thursday and Friday, February 13-14, 2003, pursuant to Section 8 of the Open Meetings Act:


To consider material exempt from discussion or disclosure by state or federal statute.


Ms. Lukens moved that the resolution be approved.  It was supported by Mr. Holman.  On a roll-call vote, the Board voted as follows:


                                         Aye                         Nay


                                    Mr. Ackerman

                                    Mr. Benedict

                                    Ms. Campbell

                                    Mr. Holman

                                    Ms. Lukens

                                    Mr. Weber



The resolution was thus approved unanimously.





Trustees met with the President, Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents, Academic Deans, and selected staff from the President's Division in a "get acquainted" session.  President Bailey reviewed NMU's administrative structure for the Trustees and staff members introduced themselves to the Trustees. 





Chair Campbell recessed the Retreat at 10:25 a.m.





Chair Campbell reconvened the Retreat at 1:15 p.m.


Trustee Larry C. Inman joined the meeting at this time.





President Bailey reviewed NMU's mission, vision, and accreditation.  Dr. Fred Joyal reviewed the functions of a comprehensive university including instruction, research, public service, and student life.  Dr. Mike Roy gave an overview on intercollegiate athletics at NMU. 





To help Trustees understand the makeup of NMU's faculty and student body, Dr. Joyal reviewed several faculty member profiles and Mr. Bill Bernard, Associate Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment, reviewed several student profiles.





Chair Campbell recessed the Retreat at 3:05 p.m.





Chair Campbell reconvened the Retreat at 3:20 p.m.





Mr. Thomas Hustoles of Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, the University's Legal Counsel, presented information on the Freedom of Information Act and the Open Meetings Act.  Dr. Roy presented an overview of collective bargaining and labor relations at NMU. 





Trustee Sam Benedict commented on working relationships between the Board and the University.  He said the Board adds value to the University by maintaining good working relationships with the administration, faculty and students; helping the University to move forward; challenging the University to improve; being candid with each other; and maintaining mutual trust and respect even when a tense relationship exists.  He said NMU faces several challenges including reducing the cost of educating students; managing maintenance and utility costs for our excellent facilities; finding the best balance of full-time faculty/class size/course schedules without jeopardizing the "high touch" aspect of our identity; and continuing to increase enrollment and retention of quality students.  Mr. Benedict said as we look at ways to cut our budget, we must look at the tradeoffs while keeping our core mission of educating students in the forefront.  He said the Board should not try to run the University.  The Trustees should lead and provide support, assistance, and advice for those whose job it is to run the University. 


Trustee Scott Holman discussed his association with NMU as a student and for 28 years as a volunteer on numerous University boards (Alumni Board, College of Business Advisory Council, Development Fund Board of Trustees, NMU Board of Trustees).  He graduated from Ishpeming High School and was a "Right to Try" student at Northern.  He later served for ten years on the Alumni Board.  He has also served on the College of Business Advisory Council and the NMU Development Fund Board of Trustees and was appointed to NMU's Board of Trustees in 1997.  Mr. Holman said he serves on these boards out of a desire to give something back to the University that gave him the opportunity for a college education.  Staying involved with his alma mater provides continuous learning and growing opportunities.  Meeting interesting people and participating in the life and growth of his University is a worthwhile involvement. 


Trustee Mary Lukens discussed how Trustees can be active with the University beyond the formal Board meetings.  She said opportunities for committee service and other volunteer activities are available.  For instance, she is the participating Trustee for the AQIP accreditation process NMU is currently pursuing.  She said each Trustee brings special assets to the University.  She stressed the importance of working with and being supportive of the administration, faculty and students as a Trustee.  She encouraged other Trustees to participate in the "Connect to NMU" recruitment activities and to do what they can to benefit the University outside of the Board room. 





Chair Campbell recessed the Retreat at 5:05 p.m.





Chair Campbell reconvened the Retreat on Friday, February 14, 2003, at 9:15 a.m.





President Bailey reviewed University-wide goals of increased enrollment, maintenance of resource levels, and enhancement of the learning environment.  Dr. Roy gave a budget overview, noting that our goal through budget reductions is to maintain a balanced budget while continuing progress toward our vision.  Dr. Joyal reviewed enrollment goals, challenges and successes.  Mr. David Haynes of Public Affairs Associates gave a legislative update, noting the challenges NMU will face during difficult budget times in the State.  He and President Bailey will be working will legislators and others in the State to be sure our voice is heard. 





Chair Campbell recessed the Retreat at 10:45 a.m.





Chair Campbell reconvened the Retreat at 11:00 a.m.





Chair Campbell and President Bailey discussed the Board's mission and function and provided Trustees with copies of the Public Act establishing the Board, the Board's Bylaws and Procedures, a table of annual actions and activities of the Board, and the Board's self-assessment instrument. 


Chair Campbell shared her perspectives on the expectations versus the realities of serving on the Board, noting four points where realities were different than what was expected:  1) the impact of the Open Meetings Act on how a Board conducts its business; 2) the importance of building and maintaining effective working relationships with legislators; 3) the importance of certain University issues to members of the local community; and 4) the many opportunities a Board member has to give to the institution beyond participating in Board meetings. 





1.  Associate Vice President for Finance and Planning, Mr. Gavin Leach, presented the recommended Revised General Fund Budget (Addendum #1) (Backup)


It was moved by Mr. Benedict, supported by Ms. Lukens, and passed unanimously to adopt the Revised General Fund Budget as presented.


2.  President Bailey presented the revised University Mission Statement (Addendum #2) (Backup) .


It was moved by Mr. Weber, supported by Mr. Inman, and passed unanimously to adopt the Revised University Mission Statement as presented.


3.  Ms. Grundstrom presented the revised Board Meeting Schedule for 2003, noting that the change to be approved is the addition of a special meeting focusing on the budget on April 8, 2003, in Marquette (Addendum #3) (Backup) .  Chair Campbell asked Trustees to contact Ms. Grundstrom if they have additional suggested agenda items for the April 8 meeting. 


It was moved by Mr. Benedict, supported by Ms. Lukens, and passed unanimously to adopt the Revised Board Meeting Schedule for 2003 as presented.


4.  Director of Engineering and Planning-Facilities, Ms. Kathy Richards, made a presentation on plans for the Art and Design Addition, Thomas Fine Arts, and Quad II Projects.  Mr. Bill Bernard made a presentation on future housing needs at NMU.


5.  Interim Executive Director of Development, Ms. Virginia Zinser, presented a recommendation to name the DeVos Art Museum in recognition of a major gift from the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation and the Dan and Pamella DeVos Foundation.


It was moved by Mr. Holman, supported by Mr. Inman, and passed unanimously that the Northern Michigan University Art Museum be named the DeVos Art Museum in recognition of a gift from the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation and the Dan and Pamella DeVos Foundation to establish an endowment for museum programming.





New Trustee Larry Inman thanked everyone for the warm welcome to the Board.  As a Northern alum, he said it is like "coming home."  Alan Ackerman also said how much he appreciates the hospitality shown to him as a new Trustee. 





Chair Campbell adjourned the Retreat at 11:58 a.m.



Respectfully submitted




­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Pamalene R. Grundstrom

Secretary of the Board