



Minutes of the Special Meeting of

Monday, June 30, 2003


A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University was held on Monday, June 30, 2003, in the Board of Trustees Meeting Room, 602 Cohodas Administrative Center, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan.  The meeting was convened at 4:40 p.m. by Chair Mary Campbell.


Trustees present included:         Mary L. Campbell, Chair (via conference call)

                                                Karl A. Weber, Vice Chair

                                                Samuel S. Benedict

                                                Scott L. Holman (via conference call)

                                                Larry C. Inman (via conference call)

                                                Mary C. Lukens (via conference call)

                                                Douglas B. Roberts (via conference call)

                                                Michael J. Roy, Interim President (ex officio)


The Trustee absent was Alan T. Ackerman.


Board staff present included:


        R. Gavin Leach, Acting Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of the Board

        Thomas Hustoles, representing Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone





It was moved by Mr. Benedict, seconded by Mr. Weber, and supported unanimously by the Board to adopt the following resolution:


WHEREAS, President Judith I. Bailey resigned from Northern Michigan University effective June 6, 2003; and


WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees recognizes its responsibility to lead the presidential search process and select the next President of Northern Michigan University; and

WHEREAS, the Board further recognizes that the search process include input from the University community and from the greater community;




The Board engage the services of an executive search firm, A.T. Kearney, to assist the Board in  the search process and that the Board authorize its Chair to negotiate and execute a contract, on behalf of the University, for these services.


It is further resolved that the Board establish a Presidential Search Advisory Committee (PSAC) to assist the Board in the identification of qualified candidates for the presidency and that Board of Trustees Member Samuel S. Benedict be named Chair of the PSAC.


It is further resolved that the members of the PSAC be those individuals and representatives of constituencies presented this day to the Board by Mr. Benedict and that he be charged to activate the PSAC with all due haste.


It is further resolved that Mr. Benedict be authorized to make such adjustments in the PSAC membership as he may find necessary.


It is further resolved that the Board Secretary serve as search coordinator, thereby providing assistance to Mr. Benedict and to A.T. Kearney.


It is further resolved that the Board expressly reserve all power and authority to issue directives, from time to time, to the PSAC, and that it issue the following directives to the PSAC as of this date:


The PSAC shall conduct itself and carry out its work in a manner that enhances the stature of Northern Michigan University.


The PSAC shall carry out its work with the University’s commitment to principles and policies of diversity and pluralism.


The PSAC shall review candidates in light of the Presidential Selection Criteria which will be approved by the Board and presented to the PSAC.


The PSAC shall be guided by presidential search best practices as provided by A.T. Kearney.


The PSAC shall conduct the reviewing of candidates in such a manner as to ensure that confidentiality is strictly observed in accordance with Michigan Law.


The PSAC shall understand at all times that it is the obligation and the right that the Board select the President.


The PSAC shall understand that the Board will make its own decision regarding the acceptability of the PSAC’s candidate recommendations, may add its own candidate recommendations at any time during the search process, and shall elect any individual of its choosing as President.


The PSAC shall recommend to the Board its slate of best-qualified candidates.  However, the PSAC may not remove any candidate from consideration until such time that the Board officially selects a President. 


After such time as the Board receives from the PSAC its slate of best-qualified candidates, the Board of Trustees as a whole will continue the search process and will select the President.


            The Board, and the Chair of the PSAC, will provide direction to the PSAC regarding communication between the Board and the PSAC; the PSAC and the Board may meet periodically; and any member of the Board may participate in any meeting of the PSAC.


Finally, it is resolved that the sole spokespersons for the University during the search process shall be Mr. Benedict in his role as Chair of the PSAC and Ms. Campbell in her role as Chair of the Board.


Adopted this 30th day of June, 2003.





Chair Campbell adjourned the meeting at 4:48 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Pamalene R. Grundstrom, Secretary of the BoardHolman