Addendum #5
Development Fund Strategic Plan
Goal I:
The NMU Development Fund will acquire assets to be used to advance the mission of the university. (Committee: Gift Acquisition and Policy)
Objective 1
Develop a university-wide policy on fund raising and solicitation
a. implement during 2004
b. educate university community on policy
c. determine methods of implementation, monitoring, evaluation and enforcement
Objective 2
Establish yearly fund raising goals for annual giving
a. scholarships
b. affinity programs
c. unrestricted funds
d. phonathon
e. special projects
f. targets for major gifts
Objective 3
Identify key programs and projects as priority development initiatives and conduct small “project campaigns” for their completion
a. consult with university constituents to determine special campaigns
b. establish procedures, targets and timelines
c. enlist the assistance of Development Fund Board members in these initiatives
Objective 4
Provide adequate staffing to assure fund raising goals are achieved
a. evaluate Development Fund priorities and institutional expectations
b. work with NMU administration to determine staffing for these priorities
Objective 5
Develop a planned giving program to enable donors to make deferred and estate gifts to the university
a. set monetary goals
b. begin implementation of the program by January 1, 2005
c. track deferred gifts and the donors of these gifts
d. inform legal and financial community about NMU philanthropic opportunities
e. develop easy-to-understand informational materials for distribution
Objective 6
Educate donors and prospective donors in philanthropy
a. inform constituencies of university needs
b. demonstrate advantages of financially supporting Northern
c. stress the importance of unrestricted gifts
Objective 7
Consider name change to NMU Foundation to reflect the full complement of the duties and functions of the organization
a. assess any legal implications of a name change
b. get support of President and NMU Board of Trustees for change
Objective 8
Begin discussions on the next campaign
a. establish a timeline
b. determine objectives and outcomes
Goal II:
The NMU Development Fund will invest and steward the assets of the fund in a responsible manner (Committee: Finance, Investment and Audit)
Objective 1
Explore innovative approaches to managing the Fund’s assets
a. review recommendations for investing funds
b. make recommendations to the full board as necessary
Objective 2
Create policies to provide consistent practices for the stewardship of funds
a. review existing practices
b. recommend modifications in current policies
c. refer policy ratification to the full board
Objective 3
Increase the Development Fund endowment
a. design and promote programs/projects to attract endowment gifts
b. increase donor awareness regarding the importance of endowments
Objective 4
Create a donor relations and stewardship plan
a. determine gift societies
b. implement plan by January 1, 2005
Goal III:
Determine priorities for distributing charitable assets acquired on behalf of Northern Michigan University (Committee: Gift Acquisition and Policy)
Objective 1
Work collaboratively within the campus community to identify priority areas for charitable funding
a. inform the board of these priorities and recommendations
b. disburse funds
Objective 2
Communicate to donors and the public on how funds are used
a. determine the most effective methods of disseminating information
b. illustrate results/impacts of funds to trustees and to the public
Goal IV:
To identify and engage board members who have a demonstrated commitment to Northern Michigan University. (Committee on Trustees)
Objective 1
Engage and energize current board members
a. keep board members appraised on progress of the strategic plan
b. provide opportunities for volunteer involvement in special campaigns
c. invite outside guest speakers to meetings
Objective 2
Establish guidelines and desired characteristics for prospective board members
a. review current and ideal demographics for trustees
b. select new board members based upon needed areas of expertise and geographic location
Objective 3
Create a succession plan and develop a pool of candidates for consideration
a. review board terms
b. methodically develop a group of individuals for Board consideration
c. identify and cultivate future leaders within the board
Objective 4
Educate members of the board on their roles and responsibilities
a. create a new board member orientation program
b. establish consistent rules of conduct for Board members
c. remind board members of responsibilities at each meeting
Measuring Progress:
As the strategic plan is implemented, the NMU Development Fund Board of Trustees will carefully monitor the progress in achieving our stated goals. At each meeting of the Board, we will summarize the progress we have made to date and report on that progress in the minutes of the meeting. The Strategic Planning Committee will develop some key indicators of progress that will be measured and reported.
Approved May 14, 2004