Board of Trustees

Academic Affairs Committee

September 27, 2007



Members Present:  Mr. Jon LaSalle, Chair, Mr. Stephen Adamini, Mr. Samuel Benedict, Mr. Brian Cloyd, Ms. Mary Lukens, Dr. Douglas Roberts,

Mr. Gilbert Ziegler, Dr. Susan Koch, Dr. Les Wong, ex officio


The Academic Affairs Committee meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.


Academic Senate Update

Dr. Larry Pagel, Chair, Academic Senate, provided a brief summary of the standing Senate committees, including the new Committee on Internationalization (COI).   He also discussed the Senate’s goal to review the Liberal Studies Program.  The new liberal studies goals were adopted in November 2006 and approved last semester.  The Academic Senate is sponsoring two forums this semester open to all faculty and staff.  Ms. Lukens suggested moving the forums to a day other than Friday to improve attendance. 


Charter School Board Approvals

Mr. William Pistulka, Charter Schools Officer, reviewed recent activities in the Charter Schools Office.  The Charter Schools are located in Marquette, Sault Ste. Marie, Wilson, Flint and Pontiac.  Currently, there are 2064 students enrolled in the five Charter Schools – an increase of 29 students.  Mr. Pistulka said all the schools are addressing issues related to graduation rates and attendance.    Mr. Pistulka will provide the Committee with graduation percentages for each Charter School and the State at the next meeting.


Mr. Pistulka stated Burton Glen Academy and Walton Academy are due for reauthorization this spring.


Study Abroad:  Zambia

Dr. Alec Lindsay and undergraduate students Michaela Erickson and Anne Bruce provided an overview of their recent Study Abroad trip to Zambia.   Thirteen undergraduate students traveled to Zambia in May for a four-week field study/research experience. The course included four safaris and the students posted entries on the “Zambassadors” Blog during the trip.  The students are currently planning a “Zamposium” planned for later this year.  It will include poster presentations, video, music, food, etc.


Public Broadcasting Update

Mr. Eric Smith, Director of Broadcast and Audio Visual Services, provided an update on the digital conversion project including renovations to the Learning Resources Division.  He described the many collaborative efforts between faculty and students.  The new digital conversion project will significantly assist students in all media related areas. 


Mr. Smith provided numerous examples of faculty and student collaboration with NMU Broadcast and Audio Visual Services.  He also announced that Dr. Dwight Brady, CAPS Department, received a 2007 Emmy Award for his documentary “Michigan’s Green Energy Economy.”


Mr. Smith also discussed a $4,000 production grant for a follow-up documentary related to the PBS “War” special. 


Good of the Order


Dr. Susan Koch announced a leadership team will be attending the AQIP Strategy Forum in November. 


Mr. LaSalle thanked the Committee and the meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m.