Revised Policy 9/6/07



Retirees who retire under the provisions of the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System (MPSERS) are afforded an opportunity to participate in a group policy for retirees (presently Blue Cross-Blue Shield).  The retirement system (MPSERS) presently contributes to the cost of this coverage.  Arrangements for such coverage are made WITH MPSERS at time of retirement.


Retirees who retire under the TIAA-CREF program, and who have met the same retirement qualifications as for the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System QUALIFY AS A RETIREE OF NORTHERN MICHIGAN UNVIVERSITY may participate in the group health coverage that is available to regular full-time employees of Northern Michigan University.  The cost of this coverage will be paid by the retiree and will be the same as for an active employee, or as established by the Board of Control TRUSTEES.  Arrangements for this coverage must be made with the Office of Personnel and Staff Benefits HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARMENT at time of retirement, and payments are to be made to the Cashiers Office FINANCIAL SERVICES. The retiree, if eligible, must also participate in the Medicare Program.


A spouse, upon death of the retiree, may also make arrangements to continue health coverage, dependent on the retirement program of the retiree and the rules then in effect.  THE SURVIVING SPOUSE, IF ELIGIBLE, MUST PARTICIPATE IN THE MEDICARE PROGRAM.






REVISED:  9/6/07