NMU received a $20,000 grant from Michigan Campus Compact for the Young Wildcat Scholars Program. The funding will allow 170 6th-grade students from Northern's five charter schools to travel to NMU for a three-day program on campus. The grant request was co-authored by Joe Lubig and Derek Anderson (Education).
Five former NMU English graduate students were among the 50 nationwide featured in Best New Poets 2010, which is compiled by the University of Virginia. They are Lisa Fay Coutley, Brandi George, Adam Houle, Sarah Wangler and Eric Smith.
Golf Outing Winners
Eighteen teams of faculty, staff and retirees competed in the NMU President's Golf Outing Sept. 12 at the NMU Golf Course in Chocolay Township. Members of the winning team were Dave Tornberg (Printing and Mail Services), Kerry Francisco (Academic Computing), Brandon Sager (Engineering & Planning) and Keith O’Brien (Academic Computing).
Adopt-A-Flower-Bed Winner Named
Phyllis Wong presented Paula Supanich (Plant Operations) with a gift for “best in show” as part of the 2010 Adopt-A-Flower-Bed program. Of the 11 beds maintained across campus by volunteer groups, Supanich's stood out as the best, according to the three judges: Wong, Terry Elders (Plant Operations) and retiree Dan Hakala. Muriel Kangas (Education) placed second for a Whitman Hall bed and the NMU Garden Club was third for its effort outside the University Center. The Adopt-A-Flower-Bed program is sponsored by NMU Grounds to help improve campus aesthetics and provide volunteer opportunities to those interested.
"I refer to the flower bed as the Gries Hall Garden and enjoy doing it because of all of the positive energy it creates," said Supanich, who has maintained it for three years with plants brought from home or donated by building faculty/staff and NMU Grounds. "I receive many compliments from those who work in the building and it seems to have united the building staff."
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