Jamrich Project Becomes Top Priority

A plan to modernize Jamrich Hall, the primary classroom facility on campus, has become the top priority on Northern's rolling five-year master plan. It will be included in a soon-to-be finalized version of NMU's capital outlay request.

Universities are required to submit their priority projects annually to the state in the event funding becomes available. The last capital outlay NMU received was in 2005 for C.B. Hedgcock, Art and Design and Thomas Fine Arts.

The goal with Jamrich is to completely renovate the building and construct a 36,000-square-foot addition for faculty offices currently housed in Gries Hall. This would allow for the demolition of Gries, as indicated in the campus master plan, reducing the overall square footage on campus. An advisory committee of faculty, staff and student representatives has been formed to further develop the project.

“We’re still in the early conceptual stages and getting feedback from the departments that would be impacted,” said Kathy Richards (Engineering and Planning). “Part of that is accommodating labs that are now in Gries. We will also look at lab and instructional needs and make adjustments accordingly in the size and number of classrooms. Jamrich will become a high-tech, flexible and sustainable learning environment. Our plan is to pursue LEED Green Building certification for the renovation. The work will include upgrading the existing building systems so they meet current codes and are energy-efficient.”

For the remaining priority projects and a recap of other action from today’s Board of Trustees meeting, see the related story.



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Updated: September 24, 2010

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