NMU Internal Audit
Northern Michigan University’s Internal Auditor Office exists for the purpose of self-examination of policies, procedures and practices that are related to federal and state laws, the university's own policies and guidelines and best practices for higher education institutions.
Jill Compton is NMU’s internal auditor. Ms. Compton reports directly to the president and the NMU Board of Trustees. Each year, she develops a set of proposed internal audits that are approved by the Board of Trustees then implemented during the year. The findings of each audit are reported back to the board’s finance committee, along with any subsequent changes or actions that are necessary.
The Internal Auditor’s Office provides value-added auditing services using an independent risk-based approach with emphasis placed on accountability, compliance and efficiency.
The internal audit department shall:
- Determine the efficiency and effectiveness of Northern Michigan University’s internal control structures
- Review the reliability and integrity of financial and operating information
- Review the controls established to ensure compliance with policies, regulations, procedures and laws
- Review the means of safeguarding the assets of the university
- Conduct investigative audits in situations where allegations of fraud, abuse or conflict of interest arise
- Provide departments and administration with technical assistance in the development of campus-wide procedures for business related activities to ensure that adequate consideration is given to internal controls and accountability
- Participate in the design of major information systems
- Provide advisory and training services for as required or requested to ensure fiscal and administrative integrity of the university
Internal audit will assist Northern Michigan University’s Board of Trustees, the president and supporting administration by providing value-added auditing services using an independent risk-based approach. Emphasis will be placed on accountability, compliance and efficiency.
The department shall have full, free and unrestricted access to all appropriate university records, property and personnel, to the extent which that access supports the mission and documented audit plan.
COVID-19 Response
The Internal Audit Department will continue to work during the State of Michigan's "stay at home" order. We will be available during the regular business hours of 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday, by telephone and email. As always, we will be available at any time when need arises. Staff may be available for face-to-face meetings if necessary within the bounds of Executive Order 2020-21.
Best regards,
Jill Compton, NMU Internal Audit and Risk Management
jicompto@nmu.edu (906) 227-2375