Winter 2023 Commencement Ceremony

About the Board
Northern Michigan University's eight-member governing board, the Board of Trustees, is appointed by Michigan's governor and has general supervision of the institution, the control and direction of all expenditures from the institution's funds, and such other powers and duties as prescribed by law. It also has the authority to hire and evaluate the university president, who reports directly to the board.

Meeting Schedule
The meeting dates webpage lists the dates, times and locations of all upcoming Board of Trustees meetings.
Special meetings of the Board of Trustees will be posted on this page.

University Administration
Learn more about the other branches of university administration, including the President's Division, Academic Affairs, Extended Learning and Community Engagement, Finance and Administration, and Northern Michigan University Foundation.
History of the Board
Michigan's Constitution, which was adopted in 1963, granted constitutional autonomy to Northern Michigan University. It also vested governing authority in an eight-member Board of Trustees. Each trustee is appointed by the Governor to serve an eight-year term, subject to confirmation by the Senate. Trustees may also be reappointed at the pleasure of the Governor.
The Board of Trustees affirms its obligation to the citizens of Michigan to provide high quality education to people from all walks of life. It correspondingly pledges itself to the wisest use and distribution of resources at its disposal to meet this major objective.
Contact the Board
NMU Board of Trustees
603 Cohodas Hall
1401 Presque Isle Ave
Marquette, MI 49855 | 906-227-2232