


Minutes of the Formal Session


Friday, September 20, 2024


A formal session of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University was held on Friday, September 20, 2024, in Peninsula II Conference Room, Northern Center, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan.  The meeting was convened at 9:11 a.m. by Chair Stephen E. Young.


Trustees present included:

Mr. Stephen E. Young, Chair

Mr. Steven W. Lindberg

Ms. Lisa I. Fittante

Mr. Gregory J. Seppanen

Ms. Alexis M. Hart, Vice Chair

Mr. Greg M. Toutant

Ms. Melissa A. Holmquist

Dr. Brock F. Tessman, ex officio

Ms. Brigitte R. LaPointe-Dunham



Senior Staff and Counsel present included:

Ms. Cathy A. Andrew, Secretary of the Board of Trustees

Mr. Michael J. Bath, Chief of Police / Safety Director

Dr. Shawnrece D. Butler, Assistant Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion

Mr. Brad Canale, Chief Executive Officer – NMU Foundation

Mr. Richard B. Comley, Athletic Director

Dr. Anne Dahlman, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ms. Rhea E. Dever, Vice President – People, Culture, and Wellbeing

Ms. Laura J. Glover, Sr. Executive Assistant to the President

Dr. Derek J. Hall, Chief Marketing Officer

Ms. Deanna K. Hemmila, Executive Director – Board/Government Relations

Mr. Jeff Korpi, Associate Vice President – Northern Student Experience

Mr. R. Gavin Leach, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees

Mr. David M. Nyberg, Executive Director – Business Engagement and Economic Development

Ms. Cindy L. Paavola, Assistant to the President – Strategic Initiatives

Dr. Jessica L. Thompson, Assistant Vice President for Sustainability

Dr. Abigail K. Wyche, Assistant Vice President – Wellbeing

Mr. Carrick Craig, Legal Counsel

Ms. Ashley Higginson, Legal Counsel    


The meeting was live-streamed on YouTube at:



Secretary Andrew took roll call of the Trustees and noted a quorum was met with all Trustees present.



The following action was taken:


It was moved by Trustee Seppanen, seconded by Trustee Toutant, and supported unanimously by a vote of 8 – 0, to approve the agenda as presented.



Chair Young read a memorial for the following:


·       Trustee Emeritus Dr. G. Katherine “Katie” Wright, who passed away on January 23, 2024.

·       Trustee Emeritus Dr. Douglas B. Roberts who passed away on July 11, 2024.


A moment of silence was held in their honor.



Ms. Carol Johnson, Dean – Walker L. Cisler College of Business,  Mr. Michael Sauer, Director – Upper Peninsula Cybersecurity Institute, Dr. Jim Marquardson, College of Business, students Mr. Jef Leroux and Ms. Rebecca Tatun, and alumnus Ms. Sara Hagle provided a program overview of the Information Assurance and Cyber Defense Programs, student experiences, and career opportunities.  (Addendum #1)


The meeting recessed at 9:54 a.m.


The meeting reconvened at 10:40 a.m.



There were none.



Dr. Russell Magnaghi, NMU historian, provided a report on “Northern Celebrates Its History – 1949, 1999, 2024.”  (Addendum #2)



Ms. Dana Hinckley, President – ASNMU, provided a report on semester activities and goals. (Addendum #3)



Mr. David Wiegand, President – UAW 2178 – AP Union, representing the Staff Labor Council, provided an update on university staff.  His report is appended to these minutes.  (Addendum #4)



President Tessman thanked Mr. Wiegand, Ms. Hinckley, Dr. Crabb (on behalf of the faculty during Academic Affairs Committee), for their comments noting that the success of the University is a team effort and there are hundreds of individuals who don’t get the shout out and recognition they deserve for their many contributions.  He thanked Secretary Andrew for her work with the President’s Office and the Board of Trustees meetings, noting her office has been moved into the President’s Office suite.  President Tessman provided a report on university accomplishments since the last meeting.  His report is appended to these minutes.  (Addendum #5)




Academic Affairs

Trustee Fittante, Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, reported on a meeting held earlier today, September 20, 2024.  A copy of her report is appended to these minutes.  (Addendum #6)


Finance Committee

Vice Chair Hart, Chair of the Finance Committee, reported on a meeting held Thursday, September 19, 2024.  A copy of her report is appended to these minutes.  (Addendum #7)



The following action was taken:


It was moved by Trustee Toutant and seconded by Trustee LaPointe-Dunham, that the NMU Board of Trustees approve the proposed 2025 Meeting Schedule as presented.  (Addendum #8)


Being no discussion, Chair Young called the question:


            The motion was approved unanimously by a vote of 8 – 0.



The following action was taken:


It was moved by Trustee Seppanen, seconded by Trustee Holmquist, and supported by a vote of 8 – 0, to approve the Formal Recommendations.  (Addendum #9)



Chair Young read the following statement regarding the Board of Trustees’ Conflict of Interest Policy:


The Board of Trustees has a Conflict of Interest Policy stating that when a Trustee is an employee of a party with whom the University enters into a contract, that contract needs to be vetted through the Secretary of the Board, the President, Legal Counsel, and the Board of Trustees members.


Trustee Greg Toutant disclosed a potential conflict of interest to the above parties, as the University is contemplating entering into an MOU with Great Lakes Recovery Centers, for which Trustee Toutant serves as the Chief Executive Officer.  The MOU does not involve the exchange of funds between the University and Great Lakes Recovery Centers, nor does it enter into the financial benefit of Trustee Toutant.


In addition, the MOU is in the best interest of NMU and the students as it will serve to expand wellness services available to the students.


Based on this, the Board of Trustees is comfortable to the extent that any potential conflict be waived and recommends approval of the MOU between NMU and Great Lakes Recovery Centers.


The following action was taken:


It was moved by Trustee Lindberg and seconded by Trustee Hart, that this Board does not view the MOU that is being considered between NMU and Great Lakes Recovery Centers, for which Trustee Greg Toutant serves as Chief Executive Officer, as a conflict of interest and would be in the best interest of NMU and its students, and that Trustee Toutant be permitted to abstain from voting on this motion.


Discussion followed:


Trustee Toutant said in terms of the ability to help provide co-located substance use disorder counseling services to assist the current Wellness Center and the students on campus, this is an excellent community service opportunity.


Being no further discussion, Chair Young called the question:


On a roll-call vote, the Board voted as follows:





Stephen E. Young



Alexis M. Hart



Lisa I. Fittante



Gregory J. Seppanen



Melissa A. Holmquist



Brigitte R. LaPointe-Dunham



Steven W. Lindberg





Greg M. Toutant


Motion carries 7 – 0, 1 abstention.



Vice Chair Hart said that per Article 4.A. of the President’s contract, on a yearly basis the Board of Trustees reviews the President’s base salary and Article 4.B. grants the opportunity to look at a potential discretionary bonus in light of President Tessman’s accomplishments.  The following action was taken:


It was moved by Trustee Hart and seconded by Trustee LaPointe-Dunham that the NMU Board of Trustees approve the following compensation for President Brock F. Tessman, effective July 1, 2024:


·       2% increase to base salary, which mirrors the non-represented increase that took place July 1, 2024,

·       $50,000 performance bonus in recognition of the significant work that has been done and progress the Board is already seeing.


Discussion followed:


Trustee Hart provided the following context to her motion:

·       Goals were established November 2023 as the Board wanted President Tessman to have a few months to get some grounding and footing as he came on board physically February 2023.

·       Bonus perspective is in recognition of longer than a one-year period, recognizing the 18 months President Tessman has been in this role.

·       Focused on specific goals:

o   Enrolment – pleased to see numbers trending in a positive direction with an almost 3% increase according to the 10th day numbers, as well as the diversity of the enrollment numbers which is around 15%

o   Retention – seeing greater retention, around 78%, as a result of many efforts and investments taken related to student success, which exceeded expectations

o   Sustainability – with the gold stars rating that was recently received

o   Organizational structure – NMU is well-placed to succeed and sustain:

§  Academics – with the appointment of Dr. Anne Dahlman as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

§  People, Culture, and Welbeing Pillar – the new pillar that includes Dr. Shawnrece Butler in her role as the Assistant Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion

·       Energy on campus is felt and seen among students, faculty, staff, as well as throughout the Marquette community

·       Words that come to mind with President Tessman’s leadership: humility, authenticity, transparency, collaboration, strong vision that is being seen

o   Supporting our people, partnering in place, furthering potential

·       She thanked President Tessman for the wonderful transition and the difference he is making on campus.


Being no further discussion, Chair Young called the question:


On a roll-call vote, the Board voted as follows:




Stephen E. Young


Alexis M. Hart


Lisa I. Fittante


Gregory J. Seppanen


Melissa A. Holmquist


Brigitte R. LaPointe-Dunham


Steven W. Lindberg


Greg M. Toutant



Motion carries 8 – 0.


Chair Young thanked Vice Chair Hart for her work developing the goals and objectives, meeting with President Tessman, and bringing everything back to the full Board for consideration and discussion.


President Tessman thanked the Trustees for the way they have all worked together since his arrival to develop smart goals, thinking of ways to drive the University forward, and recognizing he is a cog in a much larger team.  He noted the following in his remarks:


·       He is proud of what has been achieved so far, noting this is just the beginning

·       What is most important is the way in which NMU is achieving success; hearing the progress Vice Chair noted is the most meaningful part of the vote

·       The base salary and bonus are deeply appreciated, significant, and humbling

·       He and his wife, Kristin, talked about a potential bonus should it come to pass – stating it all comes down to the students.  They are committed to taking this amount, and perhaps more, and investing it as part of their emerging campaign into student success and scholarships.

·       He appreciates the recognition and the ability to use that recognition in order to further the  progress as a university and service to the students.



The following action was taken:


It was moved by Trustee Fittante and seconded by Trustee Toutant that the NMU Board of Trustees confer Trustee Emeritus status to former Trustees Robert E. Mahaney and Tami M. Seavoy.


Discussion followed:


Trustee Fittante said she was lucky to serve with Mr. Mahaney during his last six years and noted the following:

·       Served on the Board 2015 through 2022

·       Chaired the Board twice – 2018 through 2019

·       Vice Chair – 2017

·       Member of the following committees:

o   Executive Committee for five years

o   Finance Committee for five years, of which he chaired for two years

o   Presidential Search Advisory Committee

o   Ad hoc Committee for External Partnerships, which he chaired

o   Ex Officio of the Ad hoc Committee for Policy Review

o   Liaison and Ex Officio of the NMU Foundation Board for five years

·       Continues to support Northern as a long-time donor to the NMU Foundation and Wildcat Athletics, including creating and funding the popular “Score for Scholarships” program that provided financial support for many NMU students

·       Has led, with Northern, other key enterprises, which included the establishment of InvestUP, the first region-wide economic development organization for the Upper Peninsula

·       Willingly shared is knowledge and experience by offering wise advice and counsel, especially regarding Northern’s physical campus.


Vice Chair Hart said she had the pleasure to serve with Ms. Seavoy and made the following comments:

·       Served on the Board January 2015 through December 2022

·       Served a full term and was an extremely active Trustee

·       Served as Vice Chair in 2020

·       Served as Chair in 2021

·       Served on the following committees during her tenure:

o   Finance Committee for three years, chairing for one year

o   Academic Affairs Committee for three years, chairing for one year

o   Extended Learning and Community Engagement Committee for two years, chairing for one year

o   Executive Committee for five years

o   Ad hoc Nominating Committee

o   Ad hoc Committee for Policy Review for five years

o   Chair of the Ad hoc Committee for Indigenous Peoples Day

o   Presidential Search Advisory Committee

·       Ms. Seavoy was a leader during her tenure on the Board during some difficult times

·       Great mentor and leader for all Trustees


Chair Young stated both Mr. Mahaney and Ms. Seavoy are very worthy candidates for Emeritus status.  He had the pleasure and honor to serve with both and learned a lot from both.


Being no further discussion, Chair Young called the question:


On a roll-call vote, the Board voted as follows:




Stephen E. Young


Alexis M. Hart


Lisa I. Fittante


Gregory J. Seppanen


Melissa A. Holmquist


Brigitte R. LaPointe-Dunham


Steven W. Lindberg


Greg M. Toutant



Motion carries 8 – 0.



President Tessman made this announcement for the public record.



Chair Young opened the floor to the Trustees for Good of the Order.


Trustee Hart made the following comments:

·       Exciting to be here during the 125th Anniversary and being a part of the amazing things happening on campus

·       Getting nostalgic as this is her last homecoming and year on the Board

·       She enjoyed hearing from ASNMU, working and engaging with the NMU Foundation and Alumni Board of Directors

·       Wonderful to see all of the positive momentum happening around campus.

·       Looking forward to a fun homecoming game on Saturday


Trustee Fittante touched on the following:

·       Started as a student at Northern in its 78th year – to be here for is 125th year is something and she’s honored to be a part of it

·       The 125th Celebration Thursday evening was spectacular – the video with Northern’s history, the talented performers, the singing of the new Alma Mater – all very emotional

·       This is her last year on the Board


Trustee Seppanen reflected on the following:

·       As an NMU alum and Trustee this is a good time to reflect on what it means to have NMU as  part of this community for the past 125 years

·       His family emigrated from Finland around the same time Northern was established

·       Like his family, and many others in the region, Northern has grown and changed and is now in a new era

·       NMU is poised to become a stronger and better university

·       Marquette is identified as “someplace special” – NMU with its great students, talented faculty and staff are a major part of making all of this “someplace special”


Trustee Holmquist touched on the following:

·       Excited to celebrate NMU’s 125th birthday

·       Proud alum with both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees

·       Happy to be able to continue to serve on the Board

·       Thanked President Tessman, is excited to have him leading the university into the future, excited about the vision, strategic plan, and the trajectory the University is on – very student focused, supportive of the staff and faculty

·       A great time to be here at NMU


Trustee LaPointe-Dunham said the following:

·       NMU changed her life for the good – her degrees opened up doors – it’s a very special place.

·       Small size classes, one-on-one with the professors – we can’t lose site of that aspect NMU provides


Trustee Toutant touched on the following:

·       Theme of the meetings – Vision in Action:

o   An element about NMU’s 125 years is it took constant vision, constant transformation.

o   Impressive nature of that vision in action when thinking about academics, physical operations, facilities, intentionality of how NMU takes care of faculty, staff, and students is not by accident – it takes a constant vigilance around vision, planning, and intense amount of work that goes into it

o   NMU wouldn’t be here without vision

o   Excited about what the future holds because of the vision with the strategic plan initiatives and everything happening on campus

o   A part of “Always Northern” is the vision


Trustee Lindberg made the following comments:

·       What has not changed over the years at NMU are people and place

·       Students come here for the place but it’s the people that make this place

·       Marquette community embraces NMU and its young people – having the students back on campus is one of the highlights of this community


Chair Young made the following comments:

·       His interactions with President Tessman, First Lady Tessman, and their family reinforces that the Board made the right decision to bring him to the campus and lead us

·       President Tessman has done an outstanding job whose strong commitment is one of his greatest strengths

·       Pleasure to watch him work and bring the University back – we are making progress

·       The 125th Celebration Thursday evening with the students, performers, community members, was a wonderful event



Chair Young adjourned the meeting at 11:50 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,


/signed/Cathy A. Andrew

Secretary of the Board of Trustees