SOM - Title IX: Third Party Review

Regulation Reference Cite FY 2018-19 Higher Education Appropriations Report
Report Due Date (Actual) July 19, 2022; once every three years thereafter
Level Compliance Report
Person Responsible Janet Koski
Secondary Person Responsible Rhea Dever
President / VP Level Finance

Next review due July 19, 2022. Last review completed July 19, 2019.
The NMU compliance system requires annual attestation that the assigned person understands the requirements. In this case, the external review is only required to be performed every 3 years; however, the person assigned will still recieve a notice of attestation annually.

The university has or plans to have a third party review its title IX compliance office and related policies and procedures by the end of the 2018-2019 academic year. A copy of the third-party review shall be transmitted to the state budget director, the house and senate appropriations subcommittees on higher education, and the house and senate fiscal agencies.

After the third-party review has been conducted for the 2018-2019 academic year, the university shall have a third-party review once every three years and a copy of the third-party review shall be transmitted to the state budget director, the house and senate appropriations subcommittees on higher education, and the house and senate fiscal agencies. 

Contacts and Data Sources

The May 3, 2021 attestation is a reminder that the third party review must be submitted by May 3, 2022. Regulation found in:

Internal Notes

This compliance item has notes that are available internally to the oversight unit. Please contact the Risk Management Department for more information