F-1 Recertification

URL: https://www.ice.gov/sevis/schools/reg#214
Regulation Reference Cite 8 CFR §214.3
Report Due Date (Actual) 2/28/2021 (every 2 years)
Level Compliance Report
Person Responsible Lila Isleib
Secondary Person Responsible Ellen Doan
President / VP Level Extended Learning

Every two years, SEVIS requires that schools submit an F-1 visa re-certification document. This enables the university to continue issuing I-20 documents for student visas.

The purpose of the recertification is to review the I-17 for updates and to ensure that all student files are in order.

Six months before the recertification due date, the PDSO (Primary Designation School Official) will receive an “alert” by email and on the SEVIS website. This informs the PDSO when the recertification document is due and links to information websites. Two of the most useful resources are:

It is essential that the PDSO begin this process immediately because the process takes time, and it is common for the recertification to be returned to the PDSO for additional information.

The most recent F-1 Recertification document was submitted and approved in November 2020. The notice was sent to the PDSO on August 30, 2020, and the due date is on February 28, 2021.

Original documentation is located in the International Programs files. Paper files must be maintained per U.S. Immigration regulations. The documents are also located on the International Programs share drive.

Contacts and Data Sources

Lila Isleib, Ellen Doan - International Programs

Internal Notes

This compliance item has notes that are available internally to the oversight unit. Please contact the Risk Management Department for more information