HEOA - Annual Cost Report

URL: https://www.nmu.edu/financialaidtoolbox/ConsumerInfo
Regulation Reference Cite Public Law No. 110-315: 34 C.F.R. §§ 668.41-668.49
Report Due Date (Actual) 09/01/2019 (Suggested)
Level Consumer Protection Posting
Oversight Unit TBD
Person Responsible TBD
Secondary Person Responsible TBD
President / VP Level Provost

Annually the University must distribute to all enrolled students a notice of availability of the following: 1) Financial assistance available; 2) institutional information (e.g. cost of attendance including tuition, room, board, books and transportation; refund policy; description of academic programs and facilities; withdrawal requirements, facilities for the disabled; names of accrediting or licensing entities); 3) completion, graduation, and transfer-out rates; 4) annual security report; 5) report on athletic program participation rates and financial support data; 6) FERPA notice regarding how to obtain student information. The foregoing must also be made available to prospective students upon request. Notice may be given online.

Contacts and Data Sources

https://www.nmu.edu/financialaidtoolbox/ConsumerInfo https://www.nmu.edu/registrar/registrars-update

Internal Notes

This compliance item has notes that are available internally to the oversight unit. Please contact the Risk Management Department for more information