American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) Jobs Accountability Act

Regulation Reference Cite Public Law No. 111-5, § 1512
Report Due Date (Actual) Quarterly Reports
Level VNA - Verified Not Applicable
Person Responsible
Secondary Person Responsible Lisa Eckert
President / VP Level Finance

ARRA requires federal contractors receiving awards or modifications to awards funded in whole or in part by the Act to report quarterly on use of those funds. Reporting must be no later than 10 days after end of each calendar quarter and report must have the following: 1) Total amount of ARRA funds received; 2) total amount of ARRA funds expended; 3) detailed list of projects/activities for which funds expended including an evaluation of completion status and estimate of the number of jobs created or retained for each; and 4) detailed information on sub awards including info required by Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006.

Annual verification on July 10th that all quarterly reports were made.

Reporting and compliance requirements related to the ARRA Jobs Accountability Act were scheduled to end in 2012 or at the end of the contract associated with any ARRA funds. The funds for this Act are discontinued (as of 2012) and NMU does not have any existing contracts assocaited with the one-time stimulus.

Contacts and Data Sources

Erica Goff

Internal Notes

This compliance item has notes that are available internally to the oversight unit. Please contact the Risk Management Department for more information