The Student Handbook informs the NMU community about expectations, acceptable standards of behavior, and procedures for addressing issues/concerns. It is intended to protect the rights of all members of the NMU community.
The Student Handbook supports the educational mission of NMU by helping to maintain a campus environment that is conducive to learning. On a college campus, learning is pervasive and extends far beyond the traditional classroom. This handbook contains regulations, procedures and policies that impact a student both in and out of class.
Part 1: Student Rights and Responsibilities
This section of the handbook addresses students' rights and duties, and institutional responsibilities pertaining to academic and administrative matters. Part 1 also describes the procedure for the resolution of grievances relating to academic and administrative matters, including the areas of grading and academic dishonesty. Students' rights and freedoms outside of the classroom are also addressed.
Part 2: Student Code
The Student Code is intended to inform the Northern Michigan University community about the acceptable standards of student behavior. This section lists university regulations and administrative policies, created through the input of students, faculty, and staff, which govern student behavior. The Student Code section of the handbook describes the adjudication procedures for and due process rights of students who are charged with violations of the stated regulations and policies.