Katherine C. Teeter
Associate Professor
Contact Information:
2015 Weston Hall
Phone (906) 227-2177
Email: kteeter@nmu.edu
- University of Michigan, Ph.D. 2005
- University of Michigan, M.S. 1997
- Princeton University, A.B. 1995
Research Interests:
My research interests are in population and evolutionary genetics. I’m especially interested in the genetics of speciation; in identifying the genetics changes associated with speciation, and if there are general patterns we can identify in these genes. Much of my work on these questions has been using a “natural model system” – the house mouse (Mus domesticus - Mus musculus) hybrid zone in Europe. I’m also interested in projects examining genetic variation in natural populations, especially variation associated with adaptation.
- BI 218 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
- BI 312 Genetics
- BI 514 Population Genetics
Selected Publications:
- A Rankin, K Galbreath, K Teeter. 2017. Signatures of adaptive molecular evolution in American pika (Ochotona princeps). Journal of Mammalogy 98:1156-1167.
- Teeter, K.C., L.W. Harris, M.A. Bakewell, L.M. Thibodeau, J.E. O’Brien, B.A. Payseur, J.G. Krenz, M. Sans-Fuentes, M.W. Nachmanand P.K. Tucker. 2008. Genome-wide patterns of gene flow across a house mouse hybrid zone. Genome Research,18:67-7
- Moehring, A.J., K.C. Teeter, and M.A.F. Noor. 2007. Genome-wide patterns of expression in Drosophila pure-species and hybrid males. II. Examination of multiple-species hybridizations, platforms, and life cycle stages. Molecular Biology and Evolution 24: 137-145
- Noor, M.A.F, K.J. Zimmerman, and K.C. Teeter. 2006. Data Sharing: How much doesn't get submitted to GenBank? PloS Biology, 4:e228-e229
- Bozikova, E., P. Munclinger, K.C. Teeter, P.K. Tucker, M. Macholan and J. Pialek. 2005. Mitochondrial DNA in the hybrid zone between Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus: a comparison of two transects.Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 84:363-378.
- Teeter, K., M. Naeemuddin, R. Gasperini, E. Zimmerman, K. White, R. Hoskins, and G. Gibson. 2000. Haplotype dimorphism in a SNP collection from Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Experimental Zoology 288:63-75.
- Birdsall, K., E. Zimmerman, K. Teeter, and G. Gibson. 2000. Genetic variation for the positioning of wing veins in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution and Development 2:16-24.