Your input is important to the success of AQIP.

Please view the following Proposed Action Projects and submit your comments to be posted on the view comments page for review by the NMU community.

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Submitted: 21 March 2007
Planned project kickoff date: 1 July 2007
Target completion date: 30 June 2009

A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Career and Placement Opportunities for NMU Graduates

B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

The goal of this Action Project is to increase the number, variety, size, and reputation of employers who actively recruit new and impending graduates of Northern Michigan University, either on campus or through off-site arrangements.  Students will become familiar with and have the opportunity to consider a wider array of employment options and employers will be able to tap into a pool of well prepared graduates.  In turn, the University would be creating successful and well-placed alumni around the world.  Given the University’s rural location the need to familiarize out-of-area employers with the University’s programs and students is crucial.

C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:

Building Collaborative Relationships

D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:

Surveys of students and alumni consistently point to the desirability of having a larger number and variety of employers actively recruiting on campus.  Given the University’s rural location, many employment and career opportunities tend to exist outside this region.  With the preparedness of incoming students on the rise and major revisions in the curriculum, the University’s students are better positioned to compete for well-paying and fulfilling jobs.  Hitherto, many employers have not recruited on campus because of the University’s location and because of their unfamiliarity with the quality of the University’s students and programs.  The successful placement of the University’s graduates is a tangible and enduring indicator of not only personal accomplishment but also of the quality of the University’s academic and co-curricular programs.

E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:

Student Services, JobSearch Center, Alumni Relations

F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:

1. The process by which employers are contacted and invited to recruit NMU graduates.

2. The process by which NMU maintains a continuing relationship with its alumni employed in particular organizations.

3. The process by which NMU communicates with students, student organizations, faculty, and academic departments about employers and employment opportunities.

4. The process by which information materials about employment opportunities and university programs are prepared and distributed.

G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):

Suitable employers have to be identified, relations with employers have to be built, and student and faculty input on placement have to be gathered.  In addition, informational brochures and other materials have to be prepared.  Finally, most job fairs are scheduled only so many times and at particular periods during the year.  That to some extent also drives this timetable.

H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:

These would be monitored through the presence of the employers at job fairs on campus and enquiries/requests from employers for applications from students at other times.

I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:

Increase in the number of employers, the types of employers (government, not-for-profit, for profit), the types and varieties of positions, and the repetition of their visit to campus (or to hire new NMU graduates) from year to year would be indicators of success.  Specific bench marks may be such –

1. Have the five largest employers in the State of Michigan recruit on campus annually starting 2009-10 academic year.

2. Have 5 percent of Fortune 500 companies recruit on campus or through off-site mechanisms starting 2009-10 academic year.

3. Have an annual employer “return rate” of 80 percent (that is, 80 percent of the employers who hired the previous year return to hire again).

4. Have employers on campus or contact the University who can offer positions for employing graduates of every program offered at the University.

J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):

Academic departments, student organizations, and alumni office have to work collaboratively with the Job Search Center to achieve this Action Project.

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Submitted: 3/30/07
Planned project kickoff date: ????
Target completion date: ????

A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Fast Track Faculty Replacement / Recruitment

B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

Departments currently submit staffing plans in August, and learn in October (at the earliest) whether they are authorized replacement or enhancement positions. With deadlines for placing ads in discipline-specific venues what they are, recruitment plans frequently specify the review of applications will begin in December. Given the steps in moving from a pool of applicants to having finalists on campus to interview, offers frequently can’t be made until mid-March or later. Along the way some of the most attractive applicants have been hired elsewhere. Since departments know in April (or earlier) what their needs will be, submitting staffing plans and getting authorization earlier would allow advertising to commence at the start of Fall semester rather than half way through it. With the entire process moved forward, we would be in a better position to compete for the most attractive candidates. 

C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:

Helping students learn

D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:

The university not only has a commitment to adding 60 faculty over a five year period, it has a large number of senior faculty who will retire within the next 5 to 10 years. While we may be different from other institutions in the first goal, we are no different in the second since the influence of the post-war Baby Boom is ubiquitous and not confined to the academy. Competition for new faculty will not diminish in the future and our current procedure puts NMU at a competitive disadvantage.

E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:

Academic Affairs, the colleges of Arts & Science, Business, and Professional Studies, all academic departments and centers

F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:

See B above.  Specifically current practice regarding the timing of requests for departmental staffing plans and the decision making process leading to activation of the “Steps in the Faculty Recruiting Process” developed by the Office of Academic Affairs in January 1999.

G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):

It should take no more than 60 days to conduct a review of current practice to determine whether the envisioned benefits of change are outweighed by reasonably foreseeable costs to the institution. 10 years ago we used to do what is being proposed. 

H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:

We will lose a smaller percentage of semi-finalists and acceptable finalists to offers from other institutions prior to our ability invite them to campus for an interview, in the case of semi-finalists, or make an offer in the case of acceptable finalists. 

I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:

Departments currently file information with the EOE/AA office regarding their applicant, semi-finalist, and finalist pools. These data provide both the benchmark for the “lost opportunity percentage” under current practice but would also provide data subsequent to the change to enable us to document the amount of improvement.

J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):

As a department head, I know my peers are frustrated by current practice so I’d be surprised if there weren’t a couple dozen people besides myself who would sponsor or champion such an action project.

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Planned project kickoff date: October 15, 2007
Target completion date: September 14, 2008
Actual project completion date: October 15, 2008


A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Improve and Expand Online Learning

B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

Document the current state of online learning at Northern Michigan University to create a baseline from which to measure growth, improve the quality and consistency of the online learning experience for students and faculty, identify stakeholders in need of support and/or training which may be inhibiting them from participating, and identify new opportunities and increase the number of online offerings.

C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:

Helping Students Learn

D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:

This project follows the (OIC) final report of the Online Infrastructure Committee, a 2006-2007 Task Force charged with developing and implementing the infrastructure necessary to support 1,000 true distance, education students.   This suggests that background work has been done.  The topic of online learning repeatedly surfaced as a desirable AQIP project topic in campus-wide discussions.  A hiring search for a new position of Director of Instructional Design, Technology, Media has begun, which will provide additional support for this project. There is an increase in the number of curriculum proposals for online entities, suggesting that faculty are envisioning ways to integrate online learning. Enrollments are stable or increasing in the limited number of current online courses, and thus student demand is increasing. A desire to have 1000 distance learners by 2008 has been voiced, indicating that the administration is supportive. From many vantage points, the environment for an AQIP online learning project is receptive.

E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:

Academic Colleges and Departments; College of Graduate Studies, Admissions, Continuing Education, Administrative Computing, Dean of Students, Registrar, Academic Information Services (includes library services, instructional media and technology support, academic computing), Teaching & Learning Advisory Council and Educational Technology Resources and Policy Committee (standing oversight committees of the Academic Senate), AAUP and NMUFA (faculty unions), Faculty Review Committee (oversees promotions and tenure), and ASNMU (student governance)

F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:

Admission, scheduling, marketing, curriculum development and review, provision of academic resources, technical training for faculty and students. Additionally, established processes for course evaluation must be applicable to online courses, including how these may influence promotion and tenure.

G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):

The scope of the project should fit within one calendar year timeframe.

*Fall 2007*

Collect and analyze data on the current state of online learning (numbers of faculty, courses, disciplines, enrollments, passage and retention rates, technology usage, and methods of instruction). Quantify faculty interest in the immediate future (one year) for curriculum/course development to establish realistic growth. Determine what technical skills and competencies are necessary for a student to succeed in an online course. Organize and structure faculty training to aid quality and consistency. Enable faculty to identify and discuss other possible program offerings and methods to ensure quality.

*Winter 2008*

Curriculum development currently underway will enter the approval process, or if already approved will move to implementation. Complete analysis of data collection.  Create a pilot process for student training and support based upon data collection results. Recommend methods to ensure quality. Disseminate information and solicit feedback.

*Summer 2008*

Write a project final report to measure the project’s success comparing the baseline to the scheduled Fall 2008 courses and number of involved faculty. Disseminate all information, proposals, and action plan(s).


H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:

Information on AQIP projects are regularly covered by various University publications: student newspaper, employee newsletters, and website articles. In addition to the online AQIP portfolio, there are bi-annual reports to administration and the Board of Trustees. At least one presentation will be made to the standing oversight bodies of Deans and Department Heads, Academic Cabinet, President’s Council, and the Academic Senate.

I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:

Using the baseline data collected and analyzed in Fall 2007, as referenced in Section G, all general goals stated in Section B will be implemented. Specific outcomes from the following goals identified by the Online Infrastructure Committee should be implemented, revised with new dates, or removed.

These goals were:

• An AQIP Committee will be created in fall 2007 which has oversight provided by the Office of Academic Affairs.

• Training and Support

    - By the end of the fall 2007 semester, develop an online course specifically designed for        
      faculty using NMU’s course management system where content about online    
      instruction is conveyed in an online environment. Faculty teaching, or who anticipate    
      teaching, online will be encouraged to take this course.

    - Provide at least two opportunities each academic year for faculty to learn about online

    - By winter 2008, hire an additional professional staff person to help with design and    
      delivery of online courses. Review current staffing assignments and identify    
      cross-training and inter-office cooperative efforts when feasible.   

    - Make online orientation and course management system information available for    
      students via NMU’s web pages. 

• Curricula

    - Develop procedures to identify new online courses and programs that are consistent    
      with the NMU mission

    - Utilize identified procedures to increase the number of online programmatic course
      offerings, to meet the recommendations of the 2006-07 Online Infrastructure
      Task Force

• Policies, procedures, and guidelines

    - Establish a formal mechanism for reviewing new technologies for class use by
      Winter 2008.

    - Establish guidelines with respect to issues regarding the quality of online courses,
      including but not limited to:  types of courses to put online, definition of hybrid courses,
      faculty qualifications to teach online, registration restrictions (e.g., can local students    
      take online courses for convenience when a face-to-face section is offered?), offerings
      outside of the traditional academic calendar, types of office hours, testing/assessment,
      minimum components of an online course, course evaluations, peer evaluations, impact
      on tenure/promotion.

Note: All reports generated by this project will be shared with the campus community including administration, students and faculty.

J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, external partners, etc.).

External Influences

• In April 2006, MI Governor Granholm signed a law requiring all Michigan high school students successfully complete an online course or learning experience. Michigan is the first state to impose such a requirement. The new law is effective for all students entering high school in 2006. Established in 2000, Michigan Virtual High School is one of the largest accredited virtual schools in the nation.  (Michigan Virtual University Press Release April 21, 2006).  As one of Michigan’s regional state universities, Northern Michigan University should prepare for the incoming class of 2010.

• We are experiencing changing demographics of a work force that needs to update their skills and knowledge base, to remain competitive in a dynamic work environment. These individuals may be bound by constraints such as place, winter travel conditions, workday, and family obligations. Providing educational opportunities for these students is consistent with Northern Michigan University’s mission.


An existing AQIP e-Portfolio provides documentation on all AQIP projects, goals, progress, and reports. University forums, newsletters for faculty/staff, parents, and alumni, and student school newspapers will keep interested parties informed and solicit input. Northern Michigan University Board of Trustees meetings also will include an update on our AQIP projects.


K. Project Leader and contact person

Judith Puncochar, Associate Professor
Phone:  906.227.1366

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Submitted: 26 April 2007
Planned project kickoff date: August of 2007
Target completion date: May of 2010

A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Integration of Goals across the University

B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

First Year: Departments and programs (interdisciplinary programs like International Studies and Environmental Science, as well as the Honors Program) examining and clarifying the goals of their programs, and establishing a laddered set of benchmarks to indicate degrees of accomplishment appropriate to various levels of coursework.

Second Year: Each College would bring together the departments and programs within the College to examine more broadly inclusive intellectual goals and benchmarks toward attainment.

Third Year: The University would bring together College goals in order to define broad university-wide goals and benchmarks.

C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:

The project would cut across several AQIP categories but would most impact "measuring effectiveness." It would clearly have a dramatic impact, as well, on "helping students learn".

D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:

Few programs have clearly defined, publicly articulated learning based goals; therefore, it is rather difficult to assess how well a program or department's goals are being met. Furthermore, even fewer departments and programs have clearly laddered benchmarks. While some departments may have these goals and benchmarks, it is unclear that these have been effectively communicated to the students. Additionally, Northern does not have generally accepted student learning goals on the more macro levels of the Colleges or of the University.

E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:

The entire academic side of the University were both affected and involved.

F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:

The entire teaching and learning environment at Northern would be transformed by the mere having of department-wide, college-wide, and university-wide discussions of our intended learning outcomes for our students. Even if the project were a complete and utter failure in the sense that NMU were to fail to define broadly based student learning goals, faculty will have finally talked about such issues on broad levels rather than in microscopic curriculum committees (though, clearly, conversations would be needed at the micro as well as the macro level).

G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):

Three years is the maximum allowable time-frame. It's rather ambitious to believe that it could happen that quickly since the English Department abolished the Writing Proficiency Exam at the beginning of the current academic year on the justification that it would be replaced with a C standard in EN 211 but, now, at the end of the year has admitted that it has been unable to yet come to an agreement about what that C standard actually is (according to interviews in the Northwind).

H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:

Success would be documented at each level by the production of a document explicating the goals and benchmarks to be targeted.

I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:

Clearly, the establishment and public availability of department/program, college, and university learning expectations and benchmarks would indicate that the project was a success; failure to achieve these would not necessarily mean the project was a failure if it, at least, spurred campus-wide discussion about legitimate learning outcome expectations for the University and its component parts.

J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):

Clearly, the time has come for Northern to abandon hap-hazard "development by accretion" and inertia and approach the issues of teaching and learning with concerted intentionality.

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Submitted: 2007 - 05 - 09


A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Four Years and Out: a four year undergraduate degree.

B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

Most undergraduates attending NMU take five years to graduate with a Bachelor degree.  Data needs to be gathered in order to understand the underlying causes to this phenomenon. Assumptions point to fiscal situations of the student and/or student’s family, the credit load taken per semester, the structure of course offerings or program expectations.  This project would define the underlying reasons for the extension of years to get a degree and determine what issues lay within university control.  If feasible a plan could be developed for addressing those concerns and restructuring the university so that an entry level student can plan on progressing to a completed degree within four years.

C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:

AQIP Category #1: Helping students learn.

D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:

Students, parents, legislators, Board members, etc are all concerned with the rising cost of higher education.  Calculations are based on a five year matriculation rate instead of the historic four years.  Having matriculation occur within four years could potentially reduce student’s cost of getting their degree.

E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:

All areas of campus would be involved but most affected would be the academic affairs area of the university, plus select administrative areas e.g. admissions, registration, and institutional research.

F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:

Course offerings, student tracking, general studies requirements and the advising of students.

G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):

Year 1:  Gather data on reasons for increase in number of years.  For those reasons within university control, identify causes and solutions to address the reasons

Year 2:  Implement proposed changes

H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:

Four years will be needed to track changes to the progress and graduation rates  following implementation..

I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:

Current % of NMU students graduating in four years is ________.  The national % rate, in comparable 4-year comprehensive regional universities is ______.  NMU will meet or surpass this number within 8 years.

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Submitted: 30 May, 2007
Planned project kickoff date: now
Target completion date: ongoing
Actual completion date: ongoing but could set anytime for formative evaluation


A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Increasing Diversity and Unity in Diversity at NMU


B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

Efforts to attract more diverse faculty, staff and students to NMU and to increase our appreciation of diversity with the goal of unity in diversity for NMU.


C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:

1-5 and 9.


D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:

Diversity at NMU does not reflect the diversity in the state or society.


E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units most affected by or involved in this Action


Admissions, Equal Opportunity Office


F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:


G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):

It has been ongoing and this would just give it focus and more support


H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:

Qualitative assessment of indicators of diversity on campus and level of unity along with the activities and efforts to promote unity and diversity.


I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:

see H.


J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):

ECDC, President

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Submitted: 30 May, 2007
Planned project kickoff date: Fall 2008
Target completion date: Winter 2009
Actual completion date: August 2009

A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:



B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

Technology is an integral part of the NMU learning environment.  This project will evaluate what students know about technology and how to use it when entering NMU.  It will then track their progress. A pre and post assessment tool will developed and/or identified from a credible source.


C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:

"Measuring Effectiveness" examines how our institution collects, analyzes, and uses information to manage itself and to drive performance improvement.


D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:

Technology is an integral part of the global marketplace and it is one of the primary drivers behind labor productivity increases.  Students should be able to use current technology effectively while quickly adapting to technological changes in a rapidly changing market.


E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:

All departments and online courses


F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:

TLC initiative at NMU


G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):

Four years -- tracking academic progress of a student from his or her first to fourth year


H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:

Use a valid survey tool and random sample of students operating under the same academic bulletin


I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:

Significant progress as measured by a valid survey instrument

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Submitted: 30 May, 2007
Planned project kickoff date
Target completion date:
Actual completion date:


A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Class Rosters with Student Photos


B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

NMU claims "high touch" as a defining characteristic of its instructional program.  This project advances the "high touch" agenda by providing instructors with enhanced class rosters that include individual photos of each enrolled student.  Instructors will much more easily assimilate each semester's crop of new acquaintances - faster path to recognition of individual students yields faster attainment of meaningful individual attention for ALL STUDENTS. Project has the potential to make NMU a significantly friendlier place, at very low incremental cost. (I envision an electronic roster - no need to print anything - just link up data already in the U's computer systems).


C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:

1. Helping students learn


D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:



E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:

All academic departments offering coursework to students.

Administrative SUPPORT unit that controls ID photos.

Administrative SUPPORT unit that generates class rosters.


F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:

Class rosters


G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):


H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:


I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:

Survey/test faculty before and after implementation - survey/test

question: What percentage of your new students can you identify after 2nd week of class?


J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):

Comment - this shouldn't be too hard to do since the U already has student ID photos.


Provincial administrative penchant for controlling information will likely again derail this old suggestion - but I offer it again, hopefully. Neysayers, of which NMU ahs a seeming abundance, might cite student privacy concerns.  Clear thought unmasks that argument as ridiculous - if the INSTRUCTOR isn't to be trusted with this type of student info, how can the INSTRUCTOR be expected to prevent ringers from taking examinations, etc.?


This wouldn't cost much and would almost certainly increase our students' feeling of personal attention.


In a prior life, I worked in the banking industry.  I visited a Southern California call center with 600 employees and was very impressed that the general manager who showed me around recognized and greeted by name every single employee that we encountered.  He shared his secret - his computer screen saver was a revolving slideshow of mug shots and key info about all of his employees. He made it his priority to know his team personally, he implemented with ID photos. It was a very friendly place with happy employees who knew they were valued - the tone was set at the top!!! Why not do the same at NMU????

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Submitted: 30 May, 2007
Planned project kickoff date: 1 September, 2007
Target completion date:
Actual completion date:
 31 August, 2010


A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Recycling at Northern Michigan University


B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

The goal of this project is to make students better stewards of the environment and its resources.  NMU is situated in a beautiful and natural environment and students often choose NMU as their college for this aspect.  However, not all students are practiced in preserving and protecting natural resources.  A secondary goal is to teach some students about economics of living in a rural environment.  This project will involve expanding the current recycling efforts at NMU to include more types of refuse and to explore business opportunities connected with recycling.  The project will be student-run with faculty and staff oversight.  Currently NMU primarily recycles paper in some areas of campus and some printer cartridges.  The process could be expanded to recycle paper in all areas of campus and to include plastics and other commonly used materials.  Recycling of less commonly collected items may yield a financial gain if set up properly.  At any rate, any further recycling!

If accomplished by a student committee or student service-learning course, should reduce landfill costs for the university.  Also, the university can partner with regional businesses to make this eventually a partnership that goes beyond the university.


C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:


Student learning


D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:


Student service learning is a new focus at NMU; environmental concerns are becoming a hot global issue and students need to be educated in such matters to be good citizens and to function well in today's job market; students are interested in preserving and protecting the environment, NMU is situated in a unique geographical location to provide real educational opportunities concerning recycling


E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:


All of campus will be affected


F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:


Working environment: processes of reducing waste will be altered


G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):


Two years to expand and implement new policies on campus, the third year will be used to explore possible partnerships with businesses off campus


H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:


Facilities will be asked to monitor landfill waste production; student group will present reports of increases in paper waste and other recycled refuses, using personally collected data and also using data from commercial waste haulers involved; student, faculty, and staff surveys will be conducted to see if behaviors are changing or if awareness of new recycling options have increased


I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:


If more refuse materials are recycled and less refuse is funneled to landfill, this will an indicator of success; also if student awareness of and positive behaviors towards recycling increase this will also be a sign of success; finally establishing any community or regional partnerships and/or service learning opportunities will also be considered signs of success


J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):


We might be able to find something to put here--a student group on campus who might be interested in getting this off the ground?

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Submitted: May 30, 2007
Planned project kickoff date:  September 1, 2007
Target completion date: August 31, 2009
Actual completion date:


A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Improving Classroom Conditions at Northern Michigan University


B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

The goal of this project is to enhance student learning through improving the physical environment in which the students learn.  This includes improving instructional capabilities of classrooms, and by making the classrooms and building common areas clean and at proper temperatures.  Many classrooms on campus have features that make teaching less than optimum.  These features include poor lighting in lecture halls in JXJ, inability to use chalkboards and PowerPoint projectors at the same time, very small projection displays for PowerPoint, lack of sizeable writing surfaces for students,etc.  Also many classrooms, especially lecture halls are not adequately maintained in terms of cleanliness.  Restrooms are also not always cleaned thoroughly.  For teaching laboratories there are no campus mechanisms for basic cleaning.  Many classrooms are not properly heated or cooled, this is especially true in newer buildings that have climate control--ironically.  The temperatures in the New Science Facility range from less than 60 degrees to above 80 degrees.  All of these features distract from student learning and could be addressed with some new equipment and implementation of more structured cleaning schedules and enhanced heating and cooling regulation.


C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:


Helping students learn


D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:


The introduction of computer-based technology in classrooms has made the use of multi-media important in teaching, improving classroom space will allow faculty to take teaching to the next level; cleanliness and temperature in classrooms has been an issue ever since cut backs in support personnel and the advent of new climate controlled buildings


E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:


Faculty and students and staff


F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:


Instructional delivery: better arranged and/or equipped classrooms will improve student learning


Working environment: clean and comfortable rooms will allow students and faculty and staff to focus on course material and will increase productivity


G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):


It seems that two years is adequate to investigate and purchase necessary hardware upgrades (lights, screens, chairs/desks, temperature controls, etc.) and one year to install a better process for cleaning of buildings


H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:


Faculty can be asked to monitored the teaching spaces; the learning resources division already has a method for asking for classroom upgrades in technology, a section could be added for other hardware


A web site could be instituted where faculty and staff can report temperature problems, currently there is not an efficient method for this problem to be addressed


Faculty and students can be surveyed for opinions on cleanliness, and custodial staff can report problem areas


I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:


[not sure what to put here]

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Submitted: May 30, 2007
Planned project kickoff date: Sept 2007
Target completion date: two years
Actual completion date:


A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Supporting the intellectual life


B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:


Most very good universities have one of the best book stores in their area.  By 'best' here I mean that they carry many books that are of the sort that make faculty, serious students, and community intellectuals want to come to the store to browse, skim, discuss and buy books.

Instead, we carry remainders and a few best sellers. So, we should carry much better books and more of them.  But we should also either create a coffee shop in the book store or find a way of bringing these books closer to students and faculty. We could make it part of the Starbucks area or locate it in a room in a classroom building. We will need to raise money to provide the right sort of space and, I suppose, to stock the inventory initially.


C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:


Category 2


D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:


Snowbound is the only bookstore in the area that even carries a few of the books that ought to be available to people--students as well as faculty--who are serious about ideas. If the only basketball courts in town had no nets and were not of the proper size, it would be obvious that the sport was not taken seriously.  When we fail to ensure that the best recent books in various fields are readily available to the community, we raise real doubts about our commitment to fostering the growth of the intellectual life of all of us.


E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:


The Bookstore of course. Mike Kuzak does a great job of providing what the university wants provided by the store. We need to tell him that we want a different selection of books. Which books?  Faculty and Mike should visit a variety of good university book stores and model ours after the best models we can find.


F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:


The process of opening the community to current ideas in various fields.


G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):


[Somebody else better work on this]


H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:


This is not a hard problem. We will measure progress by counting the number of books of the kind I am suggesting are carried by the store.


I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:


What we can measure are the available books. Trying to measure the value added of the new books to the intellectual life of the community is too difficult to do.


J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):



F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:



G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):



H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:



I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:



J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):


Institution: Northern Michigan University
Planned project kickoff date:  September 1, 2007
Target completion date: September 1, 2008
Actual completion date:


A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Increase External Research Funding


B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

University-level scholarship involves the generation, integration and dissemination of knowledge, which fall under the umbrella of research.

Research requires resources, and these are limited within the university. Universities with effective research programs (i.e., those that contribute substantively to their disciplines, and hence result in publication) are also successful in obtaining external funding. This is a self-reinforcing process; productive research is necessary to compete for external grants, external grants result in greater research productivity, etc. The process also produces overhead funds and support for graduate and undergraduate research. It is emphatically a win-win situation. The goal of this action project is to modify culture and processes at NMU in ways that will encourage and facilitate research productivity and acquisition of external funding.


C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:

Accomplishing other distinctive objectives


D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:

Enhancement of external research funding will address several issues that need attention at NMU. It will necessarily increase faculty research and the the quality of the product (i.e., publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentation at national meetings rather than internal reports and on-campus meetings). This leads to enhanced ability to attract additional funding, high quality students, and high quality faculty. Grant overhead can support improvements in research infrastructure as well as administrative functions. Active research will also enhance the academic culture throughout the university community.

Currently, NMU's level of external research funding is less than half that of our peer institutions (and that is during good years; we are at about 10% of our peers during bad years). There are clear reasons for this that involve processes and bureaucracy, but probably more important is a university culture in which research, publication and grantsmanship receive low priority, little recognition, and few rewards.


E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:

Graduate Studies and Research

Academic departments in the Social, Physical, and Biological Sciences

Academic Affairs

Offices of the Deans


F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:

1) University-wide - The culture at NMU places low value on research productivity and grantsmanship. As one example, although many could be named, the only mention of research in the university mission statement is as a vehicle for teaching. Research is not simply the direction of one-on-one, hands on exercises for students.

2) Graduate Studies and Research - need for grant writers and grant administrators; This office should have funds to support the many aspects of research including presentation (not just attendance) at national conferences. This will require transfer of some budgetary control from college deans.

3) Academic Affairs - This is where the biggest changes need to occur.

Research and grantsmanship are given low value and priority. An active research program is simply piled on top of the work that other faculty do. Hence, faculty have little incentive to maintain active research programs or seek external funding. All one gets is the opportunity to work a lot more than most colleagues. There is a need for explicit and frequent emphasis on the importance of research, and there needs to be clear rewards for doing so. One example is that we have committees for everything from use of technology in the classroom to parking, but we have no committee to consider and facilitate research. Graduate programs are synonymous with research, but there is little reward for participation. Time for real research and graduate student training is a serious commitment, rather than a hobby that can be tacked on to the full-time job that other faculty in the university do. Another factor is that our graduate stipends are embarassingly low. As a result, our graduate students are often here for reasons that have little to do with quality research. Even our faculty evaluation terminology reflects the de-emphasis of research at NMU; we have a category called "professional development" rather than "scholarship." Thus, the institutional culture needs to change, if we are to catch up with our peer institutions in research productivity and grantsmanship, let alone become a leader.

Faculty tend to jump on board any initiative that the administration pushes hard for. However, research and grantsmanship have not been a priority, and faculty know it. Currently, it really does not matter whether faculty at NMU engage in research, to do so takes a huge amount of time, and most faculty only flirt with anything resembling real research. This culture needs to change.


G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):

Our current situation provides a wonderful opportunity to change the culture at NMU, as our new VPAA and deans arrive. It is very encouraging that our new VPAA comes from a position as dean of graduate studies and research. She can act as a leader in this effort at a time when the university expects and welcomes change. Similarly, reorganization of research and grant support, assessment of faculty workload, and graduate student support can be considered within an academic year. Establishment of a Research Council can occur very rapidly, if the decision is made to do so.


H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:

The university has had a fairly haphazard mechanism for tracking external research funding (again emphasizing how little attention this aspect of the academy has received), making it difficult to make longitudinal assessments. However, reorganization of the research office over the past two years has produced some consistency that will allow direct comparison of grant submissions and grant funding across years.

This seems to be the bottom line in this effort. However, many other changes that will facilitate this ultimate goal can be monitored during the process. For example:

1) Has the mission statement changed?

2) Is the need for active research programs emphasized consistently in presentations, statements, newsletters, etc from the administration?

3) How is research productivity and grantsmanship rewarded?

4) Has a research council been established? What is on their agenda?

5) How has calculation of faculty work load changed?

6) How has graduate student support changed?

7) How has funding for presentations (not just attendance) at professional conferences changed?

8) How has the bureaucracy of grant writing and administration changed?



I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:

These will be assessed on the basis of answers to the questions posed in H above.


J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):

By any measure, the best universities are those that have active research programs that actually produce something and that can attract external funding. Community colleges and low-quality universities do not care much about faculty research. I hope that we aspire to the former, rather than the latter, status. Unless we know something that prestigious universities across the country don't know, our widespread de-emphasis of these critical components of faculty activity pulls down the reputation and effectiveness of the university. This is an issue of the highest importance for NMU.

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Planned project kickoff date: Fall 2007
Target completion date: May 2008
Actual completion date:


A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Web site for student research, presentations etc


B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:


Will afford all students the opportunity to report on research, presentations, international experiences, ASL projects. Similar to Web site for COPS faculty/staff.


C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:



D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:


Will encourage students to become more active in their academic interest and will help showcase our students accomplishments to a wide audience


E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:


Primarily academic affairs


F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:


Reporting of student accomplishments in a central location.


G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):


As a prototype for faculty/staff in COPS is up and running, it should not take too long to implement


H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:


Number of students participating


I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:


Percentage of total student participation.  20% would be a good target for the first year.


J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):


Faculty announcement in classes.  Other publicity from Communications department

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Planned project kickoff date:  1 Sept. 2007
Target completion date: 1 Sept. 2010
Actual completion date:


A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Course scheduling management


B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

To develop a computer-based algorithm that increases the efficiency of course scheduling in order to:  a. decrease course conflicts for majors; b. decrease numbers of courses that are closed due to heavy enrollment; c. decrease numbers of courses that are not taught because too few students are enrolled perhaps in part because of a. and b.


C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:

Understanding students' needs...


D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:

Despite close, serious advising,good students are finding it increasingly difficult to fulfill their degree programs in 4 years.  My perception is that a major contribution to this problem is increased scheduling conflicts between classes that are required for their degrees and courses not being taught at times designated from prior schedules.

In addition, some courses that are offered every semester show heavy enrollment one semester and light enrollment the second semester.


E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:

All departments and their major programs should be affected.  Likely, computer science people could be involved...


F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:

Move the course scheduling process to one that uses computer algorithms based on all current program requirements to determine the semesters, days, and times that courses will be offered.


G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):

I have no idea what kind of data we currently have access to, but it seems likely that we can get at this information.  Therefore, the time frame is determined by how hard it will be to develop the program that can optimize course schedules.  And then we will want to collect a couple of years' data to determine whether the change made a detectable difference.


H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:

After instituting new schedule, determine whether there is a decrease in course conflicts for majors; decrease in numbers of courses that are closed due to heavy enrollment and decrease in numbers of courses that are not taught because too few students are enrolled.


I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:

There is unfortunate wording in this section:  The outcome measures will not be "failure" or "success", but whether analysis shows that using such an algorithm can show a detectable change in the direction that we wish to be going.


J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Planned project kickoff date: Fall 2007
Target completion date: Summer 2008
Actual completion date: June 30, 2008


A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:


Paperless Documentation


B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:


A large number of forms have to be filled out (for both instructional, research, and administrative puposes).  While forms are available on-line and can be downloaded, in most cases they cannot be filled out on-line and submitted electronically. To save time, paper, and mailing expenses, the necessary information technology changes should be put in place to enable on-line completion and submission of documentation.


C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:


6. Supporting Institutional Operations


D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:


The main reasons are -

1. Institute efficiency in administrative operations at a time when resources are getting scarce and faculty and administrators are bogged down with administrative tasks.

2. Hasten the pace of decision making by making the filing of documentation faster and easier.


E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:


All departments and offices in the University will benefit from the adoption of this project.


F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:


As a result of this project there will be 1. No paper forms to fill out, copy, file, and physically transport from sender to receiver 2. Archiving will be safer and easier 3. Analysis of content will be facilitated 4. Information will be transmitted quickly; delays will be minimized.


G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):


The main time requirements are -

This is not a time intensive project.  Time is needed to- 1. Prepare the forms in a manner that is accessible from the desktops/mobile devices of employees 2. Install information technology equipment that will allow the forms to be completed and submitted on-line.


H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:


The monitoring process would consist of - 1. Identifying the forms 2. Identifying the departments/units that receive the forms 3. Changing the forms 4. Educating the end users on how to use the forms on line


I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:


The best measure of success of this project would be examples such as - No paper version of change of grade forms No paper version of directed studies forms No paper version of requests for checks No paper version of budget transfers and journal entry forms No paper version of purchase/requisition forms No paper version of key request forms No paper version of approval of faculty/student  travel requests and the like (there are many others).


J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):


The University's information technology offices would be the natural champions of this project.

Planned project kickoff date: October 15, 2007
Target completion date: September 14, 2008
Actual completion date: October 15, 2008

A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Enhancing the Campus Climate for Scholarship

B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

The goal of this action project is to enhance the climate for scholarship and other creative activities on campus.  The project is designed to improve communication among interested faculty and administrators, identify and address barriers to successful scholarship on campus, and improve dissemination of approaches to research and creative work from successful on-campus and off-campus scholars.  A particular focus will be to increase undergraduate participation in scholarly activities mentored by faculty.

C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:

1. Helping Students Learn

D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:

Scholarship and creative works are at the heart of a University’s mission.  Improving the campus environment and infrastructure for all types of scholarship has clear benefits in improving the University’s ability to attract and retain faculty, recruit students and obtain outside funding.  Faculty wish to continue their creative work once they arrive on campus, and their level of satisfaction with their work environment is directly linked to their professional involvement.  Furthermore, an improved climate for scholarship on campus directly impacts our core teaching mission.  Faculty scholars bring innovation to the classroom to enhance teaching. Scholarship helps foster links between different disciplines on campus and with outside entities which enrich the university environment. Active faculty also tend to include students in their work outside the formal classroom. In several recent studies, a variety of benefits to students have been identified as resulting from participation in undergraduate research and other scholarly activities. 

Currently, there is the perception that scholarly and creative activities are not adequately supported.

• Faculty are dissatisfied with the atmosphere for conducting scholarship, the number of scholarly forums on campus that provide an environment conducive to the creative endeavor, and the level of administrative support.

• Infrastructure and administrative support are frequently mentioned by faculty and staff as hindering grant-supported work. 

• Faculty report they are overworked and have little time for scholarly activities.

• There are also issues related to the value placed on these activities by our current promotion and tenure guidelines. 

• There has been suggestion that students cannot find mentors to conduct independent projects or opportunities to be involved in research. 

• There is little appreciation by students of the opportunities made available to them for scholarly activities outside the classroom. 

All these elements have led to a general level of dissatisfaction for the conduct of scholarly activities, despite the fact that there is a significant record of quality scholarly work emanating from the university.  This state of affairs is not desirable on a university campus, and we seek to address these issues with this Action Project.

E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:

Office of Research and Development,  Academic Affairs, Academic Departments, Communications and Marketing, Student Organizations

F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:

i. Assess the number of faculty and students engaged in scholarly activities and evaluate real and perceived barriers to them. Evaluate potential mismatch between students and faculty that may result in students being unable to engage in scholarship because of a lack of mentors.  Make it easier to start scholarship projects on campus through educational seminars and improved infrastructure.

ii. Assess the university infrastructure that is in place to support scholarly projects once they are begun.  Describe barriers to effective project management. Make it easier to administer a scholarship project.

iii. Evaluate the roles of students in scholarship and the number of student participants in such projects.  Evaluate the success of the current Freshmen Fellows Program, and recommend changes to that program to enhance its success beyond the freshmen year.  Develop programs to encourage undergraduate scholarship (freshmen to seniors) outside the formal classroom.  Where graduate students are involved, incorporate them into the program.

iv. Develop an advisory committee that will use cross-campus dialogue to address issues relating to the enhancement of scholarship. 

v. Create a forum to expand publicity for successful work and opportunities for scholars to interact.  This should increase the valuation of activities outside the traditional classroom and lead to a greater appreciation of and an increased participation in scholarship by both faculty and students.

Key Processes that will change or improve:  Academic Affairs, Academic Departments, Research and Sponsored Programs, Controllers’ Department

G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):

• Fall 2007

o Survey current level of faculty scholarship at NMU

o Assess current university infrastructure that supports ongoing scholarly projects

o Evaluate current student involvement in scholarship

• Winter 2008

o Develop Council that will address scholarship when this Action Project has been completed

o Create forum to publicize NMU scholarship, including the NMU Research and Sponsored Programs website

o Use data from the Survey of Scholarship, the Assessment of Infrastructure, and the Evaluation of Student Involvement, to develop processes that will enhance the climate for scholarship at NMU

H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:

In addition to achievement of the outcomes measures shown in I, the working committee will meet biweekly and document progress towards the identified goals.   Each of the major sections of this project will have a subcommittee tasked with its accomplishment, and these subcommittees will report back to the council on a monthly basis.  Their reports will also include overviews of accomplishments and data collected.  Ultimately, we will re-evaluate scholarship participation on campus and compare this to the baseline data collected through this project.

I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:

• Establishment of clear policy guidelines for the promotion and support of scholarship, including a defined mission statement.

• Report baseline information regarding the current extent of student and faculty involvement in scholarly activity.  This will be available for comparison following initiation of other associated projects.  Report elements that have been identified by the campus community as barriers to scholarship.  Recommendations for dealing with barriers will be proposed.

• Report outlining the current status of the university administrative infrastructure supporting scholarship on campus.  Report will include recommendations for improvements to streamline the process as well as increase its utility to users.

• Action plan for the establishment of the enhanced scholarship program for undergraduates. 

• Develop plan for sustainability of projects beyond the scope of this one-year Action Project, including outreach activities to build awareness of on-campus scholarship. Elements included will build scholarship activity as well as an overall atmosphere conducive to scholarship activities.

• Initiation of a project to compile student and faculty scholarship products, likely in electronic format. 

• Benchmarks and goals clearly articulated that will describe attainment of enhanced climate for scholarship; e.g., number of papers published, performances given, works displayed, student accomplishments, grants awarded, etc.

Note: All reports generated by this project will be shared with the campus community including administration, students and faculty.

J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):

Working and RSAC webpage will outline progress and goals. CAMPUS (on-campus newsletter) and other on-campus publications will describe the activities of this organization.

K. Project Leader and contact person (First Name, Middle Initial, Last name, Title, Email, Telephone).

Jill B. Leonard, Associate Professor
Phone:  906.227.1619

Planned project kickoff date: Fall 2007
Target completion date:
Actual completion date:


A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:


High-Touch Phone Service


B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:


Each department, academic and service, have a departmental phone line that is NOT a staff person's line.  Also, all departmental lines need be answered by a person during the university's operating business hours.


This means departments pairing up with "partners" or transferring phone duties between internal departmental staff (not only clerical staff) so that there is human phone coverage at all times, including lunch hours, times when the staff member who normally answers the phone is unavailable, etc. And lastly, all departmental lines should be required to update that line's external message to explain any university closures (holidays, snow days, emergencies, etc.).


C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:


No. 3 Understanding Students' and Other Stakeholders' Needs.


D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:


If we are as "high touch" as we market ourselves to be, a person should never receive a "I'm away from my desk" voice mail message during regular business hours when calling a published/official number for an NMU department. Having human contact during regular business hours demonstrates that we understand our stakeholders have very busy lives, too, and that finding time to call us with questions should be made as easy as possible for our constituents (e.g. students, parents, alumni, business vendors). Hopefully it would also speed up our service to these constituents in that simple questions should be answerable by many staff members, and can be done so immediately without the caller leaving a message and an NMU staff member having to call the caller back later.


E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:

Every department on campus, although it has less impact to those who already have a designated departmental line that is not a staff person's line. Two other areas most impacted by the change would be the telecomm area (dealing with additional lines) and the financial area (increasing departmental budgets to cover the cost of any additional lines.)


F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:


Phone service, and thus, recruitment and retention, will be improved because students, parents and other constituencies who call Northern Michigan University with questions or who need assistance will be helped more quickly.


G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):


Lines should be installed and departmental "partners" (where needed) should be identified within three months.  A formal testing procedure should take place during the first academic year of implementation to ensure that all departments are fully participating.


H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:


A formal testing procedure could be created where students/staff could call all departments at various times to see if they can quickly get to a human being. There are probably several offices with students who could assist with the testing when they are experiencing down times in their workload. Also, a special messaging campaign could be created for parents and alumni, who are very good about giving feedback.


I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:


Results from the formal test area should indicate weak areas that can be addressed with the department and/or appropriate supervisor(s).


J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):

Planned project kickoff date: Fall 2007
Target completion date:
Actual completion date:


A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:


Streamline Scholarship Application Process


B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:


The goal would be to have one scholarship application and one scholarship application date for all scholarships funded through private giving (NMU Foundation); 2) to create an efficient online process for applying for privately funded scholarships and for distribution of applicant information to the appropriate selection committees; 3) creating an interactive, searchable and customized scholarship Web tool on the university's Web site.


C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:


No. 3 Understanding Students' and Other Stakeholders' Needs


D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:


One of the most asked questions from prospective and current students and parents is how about NMU's application process, which appears very complex to the external community because so many departments have special forms for scholarships.  There is no problem with having special requirements for a particular scholarship, and even having a form to collect this information. However, these requirements should come into play AFTER the initial application process when it has been determined that the applicant meets all of the minimum requirements and would be a serious candidate for the scholarship. Doing so would allow the university to have ONE application form for all privately funded scholarships, ONE application date, and ONE online application point, thus, drastically streamlining the application process for students (and their parents) to understand and for the university to promote and implement. This would also allow for more efficiencies for students who wish to apply to multiple scholarships. It would also make it much easier for the university to create an online system for application and information distribution.


E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:


Any department that does not use the general scholarship application form; the NMU Foundation; NMU Financial Aid Office; and the NMU technical and Web staffs.


F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:


Student (and parent) recruitment - Making it easy for prospective students to understand that NMU has a significant scholarship program for it's size, and providing a quick understanding of how, when and where to apply.


Scholarship Selection process -- make information distribution more streamlined by making more of the process online.


G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):


Should be able to implement the one standard first-round application form, one application date (pretty much already in place) and electronic distribution of application information to appropriate selection committee members prior to the December 2007 annual publicity push to students, alerting them to the February scholarship application deadline already in place.  Online searchable and customized scholarship Web function by summer 2008.


H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:


Academic Affairs should keep track of what departments have not yet converted to the standard first-round application and assist them with the conversion prior to December 2007; create the online application form and the Web application to distribute the information to selection committees by November 2007 to allow for full review by all associated parities; have online process ready for use by end of fall semester; set a timeline for the interactive, searchable, customized Web piece.


I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:


Collect scholarship application numbers from the year before implementing the one first-round application. Compare them to subsequent years' numbers. Also begin tracking use of new searchable, customized scholarship Web area, possibly from where the students are getting the information about the Web area (coded, etc., when possible.)


J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):

Institution: Northern Michigan University
Submitted: 1 July 2007
Planned project kickoff date: 1 August 2007
Target completion date:   31 December 2008
Actual completion date:

A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Making it Count:  Improving the Study Abroad Credit Evaluation Process

B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

The goal is to structure an efficient process for assessing host-institution course descriptions, recommending NMU equivalencies, and assigning consistent, accurate academic credit for students enrolled in semester-length study abroad programs.  Students will deepen their understanding of the study abroad course selection process and how those courses will be applied toward NMU degree requirements.  NMU Faculty will become confident in applying consistent standards for courses undertaken through accredited foreign institutions.

C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:

3. “Understanding Students’ and Other Stakeholders’ Needs”

D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:

The President, Board of Trustees, and Executive Committee have clearly communicated Internationalization projects as a key priority for the institution.  As international education opportunities expand, and as greater numbers of students and faculty members become involved, it is necessary that we review current procedures and identify ways to streamline processes which support students’ and faculty members’ abilities to identify appropriate study abroad programs, to select courses which fulfill degree requirements, and to determine the optimal semester(s) to undertake the study abroad experience.

E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:

Academic Divisions (Department Heads and other faculty members, as assigned); appropriate Academic Senate bodies; Office of International Affairs; Registration; Records Office; Degree Audit Office; Academic & Career Advising Center; Student Support Services.

F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:

The focus will be on student-directed study abroad course selection as well as on the course evaluation processes currently undertaken by Academic Division Department Heads. Key processes include academic advising and course evaluation; registration in course sections assigned to the study abroad experience; and successful evaluation and application of the study abroad transcript.

G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):

This project includes the formation of a temporary task force with representation from all major stakeholders, including partner organizations outside the institution.   The task force charge will include: generating systems to develop major-specific advising materials; implementing a series of workshops designed to communicate recommended course evaluation practices to each Academic Division; and, evaluating results.    We will also implement bi-monthly advising sessions for those students and staff who are actively engaged in planning the study abroad experience.  Post-study abroad survey results will be compiled over a 3- to 4-semester time period to generate a statistically meaningful body of information.    Individual task force members may attend professional seminar workshops to support the goals of the project.   Task force members will also research processes implemented by peer institutions.

H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:

Students currently complete a post-study abroad evaluation form; we will revise the form to capture specific information for measuring objectives of the planned project.  We will also develop a system to track timing from initial departmental advising and course approval through receipt of the foreign transcript and posting the course work earned on study abroad.

I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:

Academic Divisions and Department Heads will be surveyed throughout the year to assess satisfaction with the improved materials and processes.  The temporary Advisory Committee will meet periodically to review student comments from the post-study abroad survey tool and to make recommendations for further improvements.  The tracking system will be reviewed to measure improvements in the time it takes to initiate and complete the successful application of study abroad credits to the students’ NMU academic record.    At the conclusion of the project, the task force will draft a statement of recommendations and communicate project outcomes to AQIP.

J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):

Planned project kickoff date:  October 15, 2007
Target completion date: September 14, 2008
Actual completion date: October 15, 2008

A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer:

Northern Naturally:  A More Sustainable NMU

B. Describe this Action Project's goal in 100 words or fewer:

The goal of this project is to help students, staff and faculty learn about sustainability and how to develop and promote sustainable and healthy living environments on campus and beyond.

C. Identify the single AQIP Category which the Action Project will most affect or impact:

1. Helping Students Learn

D. Describe briefly your institution's reasons for taking on this Action Project now -- why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities:

Recently, there has been increased media attention on sustainability.  While our university is firmly committed to this concept, we have little data that catalog our current efforts towards sustainability.  Our data are particularly lacking with respect to student awareness of and behaviors towards creating a sustainable environment.  Nationwide data suggest that while we have become more energy conscious, we paradoxically use more energy.  NMU, situated on the southern shores of Lake Superior and whose byline is “Northern Naturally”, is in the ideal location to explore what it means to be a “sustainable” university, and increase student, faculty and staff understanding of how they can contribute to a more sustainable environment.  Finally, our process of vetting potential AQIP Action Projects has revealed extensive support for project.   The proposed sub-projects will address these complex issues with a series of small projects designed to educate students and other NMU stakeholders about their environmental impact and how it can be reduced, thereby creating a more sustainable community.

E. List the organizational areas - -institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units -- most affected by or involved in this Action Project:

Academic Departments, Facilities, Food Services, Student Organizations, Housing, University Center, Purchasing, and Recreational Sports.

F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve:

1.  Create an AQIP working committee to survey the level of sustainable activities currently active on our campus.

2.  Charge the AQIP committee with articulating the infrastructure needed to enhance the number of sustainable activities at NMU.

3.  Determine how to evaluate, with respect to the goals stated by the working committee, the extent to which the goals a) help students learn, b) decrease energy consumption, and c) increase sustainability.  The resultant rubric will be used to select the projects to be pursued by the university in the next year.

4.  Improve communication across campus constituents involved in the project and facilitate long-term collaborative efforts to sustain greener campus planning.

Key Organizational Processes that will change:  Academic Departments, Academic Service Learning, Communications and Marketing, Dining Services, Facilities/Plant Operations, and Purchasing.

G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion):

This project will take one year to complete:

Fall semester:

1.  Survey current sustainable activities across campus.

2.  Evaluate current “green product” usage across campus.

3.  Measure current recycling efforts.

4.  Assess current levels of food waste of food provided as a part of student meal plans.

5.  Begin preparing the grounds for a community garden.

Winter semester:

1.  Analyze survey data.

2.  Use survey data and information collected in the fall semester to define specific goals and benchmarks for project completion. 

3.  Implement programmatic changes to attain defined goals and benchmarks.

4.  Convert to using “green products”, where possible.

5.  Increase recycling in the campus community of paper, glass, plastic, metal, and potentially batteries.

6.  Begin an educational campaign to help students learn how to restrict their food portions, in part by providing them with the results of the fall survey of food waste.

7.  Select seeds and plant in the spring, with the harvest occurring during the late summer.

H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing:

A series of benchmarks will be established by committees responsible for implementing each activity, e.g. by the end of October, develop the survey instrument, distribute it by end of November, and analyze the data by March.  Information will be available on the progress of this Action Project via a newly created NMU “sustainable” website; via a report to the President’s Council, and the leadership of the Vice Presidents for Finance and for Academic Affairs in the fall and winter semesters; and via student groups.


I. Describe the overall "outcome" measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals:

Successful outcome measures from these projects include:

a.  established working committee for this AQIP project

b.  completed survey of current  activities

c.  identification of infrastructure needed to increase sustainability activities

d.  development of rubric for selecting AQIP sub-projects

e.  forum for communication between students, staff and faculty established and ongoing

Successful product measures from these projects include:

a. increased use of “green products”, as defined by the NMU Department of Plant Operations

b.  provide in-service experience for faculty to learn how to bring sustainability concerns into the classroom

c.  increased campus recycling

d.  decreased food waste in the resident halls

e.  establishment of a campus garden

Note: All reports generated by this project will be shared with the campus community including administration, students and faculty.

J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, etc.):

The following student organizations are potential sponsors: the Environmental Science Organization, the Green Group, Northern Veg(an)etarians, the Sustainable Agriculture Club, and Earthkeepers.  Other sponsors are university stakeholders including alumni and the Board of Trustees.  Alumni will be informed of these efforts via the alumni magazine.  The Board of Trustees will hear presentations on this project at their fall and winter meetings scheduled to coincide with convocation events.  Academic departments will be encouraged to promote student projects related to sustainability objectives.  These could include Service Learning opportunities, or curricular changes that emphasize sustainability.

K. Project Leader and contact person

Michael J. Broadway, Head and Professor of Geography
Phone:  906.227.2636