This major provides an opportunity for a diversified background in biology, applicable to a wide range of introductory positions of employment in business and industry, hospitals, universities, the military and government at the local, state and federal levels. It also provides excellent preparation for graduate work in biology or related sciences.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Biology department page.

Total Credits Required 124
Liberal Studies
Health Promotion Requirements 2
Required Courses in Major43-45
BI 111 Introductory Biology: Principles [Div II] 4
BI 112 Introductory Biology: Diversity [Div II] 4
BI 210 Principles of Ecology 4
BI 218 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology 4
BI 312 Genetics 4
BI 315 Evolution 4
Choose from the following:4
BI 327 Animal Physiology (4 cr.)
BI 406 Advanced Cell Biology (4 cr.)
BI 431 Plant Physiology (4 cr.)
Choose from the following:4
BI 230 Plant Kingdom (4 cr.)
BI 430 Plant Anatomy (4 cr.)
BI 434 Plant Ecology (4 cr.)
Choose from the following:3-4
BI 221 Comparative Anatomy (4 cr.)
BI 321 Embryology (4 cr.)
BI 322 Vertebrate Zoology (4 cr.)
BI 324 Invertebrate Zoology (4 cr.)
BI 423 Parasitology (3 cr.)
BI 424 Entomology (4 cr.)
BI 427 Ecological Animal Physiology (4 cr.)
BI 460 Ichthyology (4 cr.)
BI 461 Herpetology (4 cr.)
BI 462 Ornithology (3 cr.)
BI 463 Mammalogy (3 cr.)
BI 465 Aquatic Insect Ecology (4 cr.)
Choose from the following:5
BI 203 Medical Microbiology (5 cr.)
BI 303 General Microbiology (5 cr.)
Biology Electives3-4
Any BI course at the 200 level or above except for BI 206 and BI 305 [III]

Other Required Courses28
CH 111 General Chemistry I [Div II] *5
CH 112 General Chemistry II [Div II] *5
Chemistry electives numbered 215 or above8
Choose from the following groups:10
PH 201 College Physics I (5 cr.) [Div II] and
     PH 202 College Physics II (5 cr.) [Div II] or
PH 220 Introductory Physics I (5 cr.) [Div II] and
     PH 221 Introductory Physics II (5 cr.) [Div II]

*Transfer students may satisfy this requirement with a minimum of 4 credit hours.