
Search for courses listed in this bulletin. To find a semester course schedule (including instructors, meeting times and locations), go to

IT 291 Industrial Robotics I 3 cr.  (2-0-2)
  • Offered: Fall
  • Prerequisites: MA 100 or higher or math placement equivalency.

This course is intended for the student who must set up, record and/or troubleshoot programs on a Handling Tool software package for industrial robotics. The course covers the Robots operation, intermixed with tasks required to set up the Handling Tool application, test, run, and refine the program and production setup.

IT 292 Industrial Robotics II 2 cr.  (1-0-2)
  • Offered: Winter
  • Prerequisites: IT 291.

The first half of the course will focus on Inputs/Outputs to peripheral devices and to the robot. Students will learn how I/O correlates to work-cell setup, Macro programming, Branching, and Offsets.

IT 298 Directed Study and Research 1-4 cr.
  • Offered: On demand
  • Prerequisites: Department permission.
Selection of problem in area of emphasis, specialized instruction and experiences to reinforce technical skill and knowledge. Written reports of work are required.
IT 300 Industrial Supervision 3 cr.
  • Offered: Fall, even numbered years.
  • Prerequisites: EN 111 and upper division standing.

Designed to provide the potential first-line supervisor with the knowledge and skills necessary to function effectively in the role of directing and facilitating the work of subordinates.

IT 340 Enterprise Resource Planning 3 cr.  (3-0-0)
  • Offered: Fall, odd numbered years.
  • Prerequisites: EN 111 and Junior standing.

The concepts and techniques utilized by manufacturing practitioners to accomplish manufacturing control functions. These functions include forecasting, production planning, production scheduling, production control, inventory management, inventory control and manufacturing cost estimating.

IT 420 Quality Control 3 cr.
  • Offered: Fall
  • Prerequisites: MA 109, Junior standing or instructor's permission.

The application of product and process improvement techniques, including statistical process control methods to accomplish total quality control.

IT 483 Studies in Business and Industy 4 cr.
  • Offered: On demand
  • Prerequisites: Junior standing and instructor's permission. Cross listed as TE 483.
Cooperative work experience to provide up-to-date technical skills in the area of specialization; includes work experience with business and industrial operations, services and materials, processes and techniques.
IT 498 Directed Study and Research 1-4 cr.
  • Offered: On demand
  • Prerequisites: Junior standing and department permission.
Selection of problem in area of emphasis, specialized instruction and experiences to reinforce technical skill and knowledge. Written reports of work are required
LAT 101 Elementary Latin I 4 cr.
  • Offered: Contact Department

An introduction to the Latin language. Students will learn elementary Latin vocabulary and grammar through reading, translation and written exercises. Students gain a basic reading knowledge of Latin and a better understanding of Latin word roots in the English language.

LB 295N Special Topics in Liberal Studies: Natural Sciences 4 cr.
  • Offered: On demand

Study of a particular topic in the area of natural science. The exact title will be indicated in current course offerings on If a laboratory is included, it may be used to meet the laboratory requirement.


May be repeated for credit if topic varies.

LDR 100 Effective Communication in the Workplace 4 cr.
  • Offered: Fall

This course develops students' verbal and nonverbal workplace communication abilities. Students will learn about and practice many forms of workplace communication both oral and written. Student will learn to communicate clearly and efficiently while doing so in way that motivates others.

LDR 200 Ethical Leadership in the Workplace 4 cr.
  • Offered: Fall

The course studies ethics in the workplace and the role of organizational leaders in fostering ethical behavior, including hiring, supervision, termination, and compliance. Students will demonstrate a competency in critical thinking skills to both identify and remedy ethical issues typically encountered in organizational settings and interactions.

LDR 220 Assessment in the Workplace 4 cr.
  • Offered: Winter

Evaluation and assessments are presented as continuous improvement exercises involving employees and/or outside reviewers, vendors, funders, clients and the general public. Students are trained in setting goals, tracking performance, collecting data, making midcourse corrections and analyzing program impact.

LDR 300 Leadership in Diverse Workplaces 4 cr.
  • Offered: Winter

This course is designed to help students explore foundational information related to diversity and multiculturalism. Students will learn the importance of understanding cultural and demographic diversity in relation to effective workplace leadership.  

LDR 400 Systems Thinking in Workplace Leadership 4 cr.
  • Offered: Summer

The primary emphasis of this course will be the introduction of basic systems thinking fundamentals, i.e. defining a systems perspective about any situation or problem, solving problems with that perspective, describing and modeling a problem, and designing and improving upon system solutions.

LG 250 Overview of Linguistics for Language Educators 2 cr.
  • Offered: Fall, Even Years
  • Prerequisites: FR/GR/SN 202, or instructor permission.

A general overview of linguistics. Topics include phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, dialectology, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, and linguistic typology, as well as pertinent examples taken mostly from English, French, German, and Spanish. This course meets Michigan and national standards for language education students.


FR/GR/SN 202 have prerequisites of 101, 102 and 201, which can be waived due to high school or other experience.

LG 317 World Studies through Literature in Translation 4 cr.
  • Offered: Contact Department
  • Prerequisites: EN 211 with a grade of "C" and sophomore standing.

An examination of the art, culture, language, history and humanity of different areas of the world through their literature. At least two-thirds of the texts are translations into English of works originally written in other languages.


May be repeated if topic differs.