Status message

Operating in maintenance mode.

This program is designed to educate students looking to learn and understand the many facets of dance. This two-year associate's degree program is for students intending to work in the many fields of study and practice for dance, without looking to specialize in any one area.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Theatre and Dance department page.

Total Credits Required 64
General Education32
Human Expression - 1 course**
     DAN 305 History and Theory of Dance [HUME] (required) **4
Effective Communication - 1-2 courses
Quantitative Reasoning - 1 course
Social Responsibility in a Diverse World - 1 course
Integrative Thinking - 1 course
Perspectives on Society - 1-2 courses
Dance Technique Foundation Courses8
Choose eight credits from the following:8
     DAN 201 Beginning Ballet Technique *** (2 cr.)
     DAN 301 Intermediate Ballet Technique *** (2 cr.)
     DAN 401 Advanced Ballet Technique *** (2 cr.)
     DAN 202 Beginning Contemporary Technique *** (2 cr.)
     DAN 302 Intermediate Contemporary Technique *** (2 cr.)
     DAN 402 Advanced Contemporary Technique *** (2 cr.)
     DAN 203 Beginning Jazz Technique *** (2 cr.)
     DAN 303 Intermediate Jazz Technique *** (2 cr.)
     DAN 403 Advanced Jazz Technique (2 cr.)
     DAN 204 Beginning Tap Dance *** (1 cr.)
     DAN 307 Intermediate Tap Dance *** (1 cr.)
     DAN 405 Pointe Technique *** (2 cr.)
Required Coursework24
DAN 130 The Dance Experience 4
DAN 208 Conditioning for Performers ***1
DAN 304 Dance Improvisation 1
DAN 305 History and Theory of Dance [HUME] **4
DAN 306 Dance Practicum * (1 cr.) 2
DAN 308 Creative Composition 2
DAN 310 Choreography Audition Prep ***1
DAN 311 Dance Pedagogy 4
TH 132 Acting 1 2
TH 141 Fundamentals of Design 2
TH 432 Theatre and Entertainment Careers 1
TH 456 Entertainment Arts Management 4

*Must be taken two times for credit.

**DAN 305 double counts as a Human Expression General Education Course.

***May be taken up to two times for credit.