For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Education department page.

Total Credits Required 32*
Economics Electives8
Choose from the following:
EC 101 Introduction to Economics (4 cr.) [Div II]
EC 201 Microeconomic Principles (4 cr.)
EC 202 Macroeconomic Principles (4 cr.)
Geography Electives8
Choose from the following:
ENV 101 Introduction to Environmental Science (4 cr.) [Div II] or
     GC 100 Physical Geography (4 cr.) [Div II]
GC 164 Human Geography (4 cr.) [Div II]
History Electives8
Choose from the following:
HS 101 History of Western Civilization to 1600 (4 cr.) [Div I] or
     HS 102 History of Western Civilization Since 1600 (4 cr.) [Div I]
HS 126 The United States to 1865 (4 cr.) [Div II]
Political Science8
Choose from the following:
PS 101 Introduction to Political Science (4 cr.) [Div II]
PS 105 American Government (4 cr.) [Div II]
PS 203 Comparative Government and Politics (4 cr.)
PS 309 State and Local Government (4 cr.)

 *This minor may be met by transfer students with 6 credit hours in each area for a total of 24 credit hours.

Note: Students choosing Social Studies as an elementary education minor, must choose one of the following areas as their second elementary education minor: integrated science, mathematics, English, language arts, French, German, physical education or Spanish.