This major prepares students for careers in business and government, and for professions ranging from law and medicine to publishing.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the English department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 120
General Education
Required Courses in Major52
Pre-1800 Literature Course*4
English Core Courses24
EN 247 Introduction to Literary Studies 4
EN 283 Survey of British Literature I [INTT] or4
     EN 284 Survey of British Literature II (4 cr.) [INTT]
EN 285 Survey of American Literature [HUME] or4
     EN 286 Survey of American Literature II (4 cr.) [HUME]
EN 366 Applied Literary Theory 4
EN 493 English Capstone Seminar 4
Choose one course from the following:4
     EN 250 Introduction to Gender and Sexuality in Literature (4 cr.) [INTT]
     EN 311 World Literature in English (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     EN 311Z World Literature in English (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     EN 314 Traditional Oral Literatures: Selected Native American Cultures (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     EN 316 Native American Novels and Poetry (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     EN 317 Native American Drama, Nonfiction and Short Stories (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     EN 375 Diverse Traditions in American Literature (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     EN 375Z Diverse Traditions in American Literature (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     EN 378 Early African-American Literature (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     EN 379 Modern African-American Literature (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     EN 440 Topics in Gender in Literature (4 cr.)

Choose a Concentration: Literature or Writing
Concentration: Literature 24
Upper-Level Literature Courses (300+)8
Literature Elective4
English Electives**8
Choose one course from the following:4
     EN 412 Chaucer (4 cr.)
     EN 420 Shakespeare (4 cr.)
     EN 422 Milton (4 cr.)
     EN 430 Major Authors (4 cr.)
Concentration: Writing24
Upper-Level Writing Courses (300+)8
Upper-Level Writing Course (400+)4
Upper-Level Literature Courses (300+)8
English Electives**4
Language Requirement4
Minimum completion of EN 414: History of the English Language or one semester of a language other than modern English.

*Pre-1800 literature courses include: EN 220, EN 283, EN 310, EN 312, EN 320, EN322, EN 330, EN 370, EN 412, EN 420, EN 422, and EN 295/495/430 when topic is appropriate.

**EN 090, EN 103, EN 109, EN 111, and EN 211 may not be used as English electives.

A minor is not required for this major.