This major provides students with an interdisciplinary approach on how to apply research methods, assessment techniques and management strategies to resolve environmental problems. It provides students an opportunity to gain an understanding of how the physical, biological and social sciences interact with each other in this field of study.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Environmental Science Program department page.

Total Credits Required 128
Liberal Studies
Health Promotion Requirements 2
Required Courses in Major (Core + Emphasis + Program Electives)78
Students must complete the core and one of the three areas of emphasis, including sufficient electives. ENV 101 should be taken during the first year of the program.
ENV 101 Introduction to Environmental Science [Div II] 4
BI 210 Principles of Ecology 4
CH 111 General Chemistry I [Div II] 5
CH 112 General Chemistry II [Div II] 5
GC 100 Physical Geography [Div II] 4
GC 225 Introduction to Maps 2
GC 320 Environmental Policy and Regulation 4
GC 335 Geographic Information Systems 4
MA 171 Introduction to Probability and Statistics [Div V] or4
     BI 412 Biometrics (4 cr.) or
     GC 235 Quantitative Methods (4 cr.)
Biological Sciences Emphasis28
BI 240 Conservation Biology 4
BI 310 Ecology Theory and Methods 4
BI 402 Microbial Ecology 4
BI 411 Limnology 4
BI 441 Fisheries Management 4
BI 442 Wildlife Management 4
GC 401 Biogeography 4
Physical Sciences Emphasis27-30
CH 220 Introduction to Organic Chemistry (5 cr.) or5-8
     CH 321 Organic Chemistry I (4 cr.) or
     CH 322 Organic Chemistry II (4 cr.)
CH 241 Chemical Equilibrium 3
CH 242 Quantitative Analysis 2
CH 430 Environmental Chemistry 5
GC 202 Soils 4
GC 370 Geomorphology 4
GC 465 Hydrology 4
Environmental Policy Emphasis28
GC 330 Planning Theory and Practice 2
GC 340 Land Use Controls 2
GC 470 Environmental Ethics 4
GC 475 Environmental Impact Assessment 4
PS 301 Seminar in Public Policy Analysis 4
PS 307 Principles of Public Administration 4
PS 309 State and Local Government 4
SP 432 Environmental Communication 4
Environmental Science Electives12-15
Choose from the following or any course from one of the above emphases, other than the student's chosen emphasis. No more than 8 credits can be taken under a single prefix.
BC 415 Intercultural Communication (4 cr.)
BI 303 General Microbiology (5 cr.)
BI 305 Ecology of the Northern Forest (3 cr.) [Div II]
BI 410 Ecology of the Great Lakes (4 cr.)
BI 424 Entomology (4 cr.)
BI 433 Boreal Flora (2 - 3 cr.)
BI 460 Ichthyology (4 cr.)
BI 461 Herpetology (4 cr.)
BI 462 Ornithology (3 cr.)
BI 463 Mammalogy (3 cr.)
BI 498 Directed Studies in Biology (1 - 4 cr.)
BI 499 Internship (1 - 6 cr.)
CH 435 Gas and Liquid Chromatography (2 cr.)
CH 490 Senior Research and Seminar I (2 - 4 cr.)
CH 491 Senior Research and Seminar II (2 - 4 cr.)
EC 345 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (4 cr.)
GC 385 Weather and Climate (4 cr.)
GC 425 Remote Sensing (4 cr.)
GC 428 Spatial Analysis (4 cr.)
GC 491 Internship (2 - 6 cr.)
GC 498 Directed Studies in Geography (1 - 4 cr.)
PH 201 College Physics I (5 cr.) [Div II]
PH 202 College Physics II (5 cr.) [Div II]
PH 220 Introductory Physics I (5 cr.) [Div II]
PR 231 Introduction to Public Relations (4 cr.)
    PR 250 co-requisite is waived
PS 105 American Government (4 cr.) [Div II]
PS 215 Introduction to Law (4 cr.)
PS 332 Administrative Law (4 cr.)
PS 491 Internship in Public Policy or Law (2 - 12 cr.)
PS 498 Directed Study in Political Science (1 - 4 cr.)
SP 401 Persuasion (4 cr.)

Other Required Courses8
BI 111 Introductory Biology: Principles [Div II] 4
BI 112 Introductory Biology: Diversity [Div II] 4