This program provides a point of access into the university for individuals seeking a post-secondary education at the two-year level. It also provides maximum flexibility for students who are either undecided about their career plans or who wish to create a program that suits their unique interests. The degree also provides an opportunity for individuals wishing to build their academic skills in preparation for admittance into a restricted program.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Interdisciplinary and Individually Created Programs department page.

Total Credits Required 62
Liberal Studies18
EN 111 College Composition I 4
Natural Science Elective4
Humanities Elective4
Social Sciences Elective4
CIS/IS Electives2

Health Promotion1
HP 200 Physical Well Being 1


Other Required Courses4
MA 100 Intermediate Algebra 4
(or higher or placement test above MA 100)

*Concentration must be one of the approved minors listed below.

List of Approved Minors for Concentrations in the AAS in General University Studies

Applied Ethics        
Art and Design
Art History
Auto Service Technology
Business Administration
Clinical Lab Techniques
Construction Systems
Contracted Minor
Criminal Justice
Industrial Electrical Technology
Electronic Journalism
Emergency Medical Services
Engineering Design
Environmental Conservation
Gender Studies
Health and Nutrition
Hospitality Service Management
Human Biology
Human Geography
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC)
Industrial Maintenance Technology
International Studies
Media Production and New Technology
Office Services
Physical Geography
Political Science
Social Welfare
Speech Communication