Contact Information

Address:  200A Gries Hall
Phone:  906-227-2512
Fax:  906-227-2229
Department Email:

History at NMU

The motto of the NMU History Department is: “We Study the Human Condition—Its Problems and Its Promise.” The department’s primary objective is to study the experience of human beings during past ages in order to obtain a better understanding of the nature of the human condition. Although it is not possible to predict the future, the faculty believes it essential to be aware of the views, aspirations and struggles of prior human communities to better understand the problems and promises of today. The course offerings reflect the diversity of human history as the department faculty members have come to know it through research and teaching.

The department offers three undergraduate majors and three minors. It also participates in the international studies major. The international studies major provides students with courses and experiences that enhance their opportunities for work abroad or in international organizations. (See “International Studies” section of this bulletin.)

Student Organizations

  • Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society
  • Student Michigan Education Association

Department Facilities

The Lydia Olson Library houses more than 51,000 historical items and more than 100 historically related periodicals and journals. Students also have access to materials held by other libraries and museums in Marquette County. A large collection of audiovisual materials also enriches classroom work.

Department/Program Policies

Students in history are encouraged to complete at least one year of study in a language. Language study could be undertaken to satisfy either the formal studies requirement or, ideally, the four-semester requirement for the bachelor of arts degree.

The department strongly recommends that its students work closely with their academic advisers in order to create the best possible individual programs in their majors and minors and successfully meet all other requirements for graduation.

Grade Point Average Requirements

Secondary Education History and Secondary Education Social Studies
Students with a major or minor in secondary education history or social studies must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or greater overall, in the major, and/or minor(s) with no grade below a "B-" in the professional education sequence and no grade below a "C" in the major and/or minor(s).

Recommendations for Graduate-Bound Students

Students who are planning graduate work in history choose from the same history courses available to meet the requirements for either the history or secondary education history majors. In addition, the department recommends that they do the following:

1. Take courses in at least one foreign language through the 200 level (two languages if going on to the doctorate). The exception to this recommendation would be if a student were going to a graduate school that allowed another option in place of a language.

2. Review the admissions requirements of prospective school(s). This could include direct contact, either by mail or by a visit, arranged beforehand.

3. Take courses in a variety of areas from several instructors. It is not wise to specialize too much at the bachelor’s level. Students should have the opportunity to observe several different teaching styles and areas. Graduate schools may prefer this as a criterion for admission.

4. Confer with the History Department faculty member who is designated to advise graduate-bound students.

5. Attend any sessions held by Phi Alpha Theta that orient students about graduate schools.

6. Take HS 410 Seminar in Approaches to History.


Bulletin Year: 2022 - 2023 Undergraduate Bulletin | View the current NMU Catalog.