The 60-credit major will include at least 16 credits in three of the following five areas: humanities, social sciences, formal communication studies, natural sciences/mathematics and visual and performing arts, with at least 28 credits at or above the 300 level.

Applicants usually have completed 60 credits of college work, including 40 credit hours of the university’s liberal studies requirements, with a minimum grade point average of 2.25. At least 30 credit hours must be completed after the applicant is admitted into the program, regardless of the number of hours already completed.

Note: Courses in both programs must be planned in consultation with the program director. Courses may not count toward both the liberal studies requirements and the liberal arts and sciences degree (no double counting).

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Liberal Arts and Sciences Program department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 124
Liberal Studies
Health Promotion Requirements 2
Upper Level Courses Suitable for Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences
All language courses at the 300 level and above are acceptable. Substitutions can be made with the approval of the director. Lower-level courses (100-200) must be chosen from the approved list of liberal studies courses. Students must satisfy all prerequisites for courses.
The 60 upper level credits required are in addition to the 3-4 upper division credits required in the liberal studies program.
Foundations of Humanities
Communication and Performance Studies
SP 402 Communication Criticism (4 cr.) [Div I]
TH 385 Theatre in Perspective: The Stratford Festival Stage (3 cr.) [Div IV]
Engineering Technology
TE 351 Humanity and Technology (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 300 Creative Writing: Fiction (4 cr.)
EN 301 Creative Writing: Poetry (4 cr.)
EN 302 Nonfiction Writing (4 cr.)
EN 303 Technical and Professional Writing (4 cr.)
EN 310 Literature and the Bible (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 311 World Literature in English (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 312 Medieval British Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 314 Traditional Oral Literatures: Selected Native American Cultures (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 316 Native American Novels and Poetry (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 317 Native American Drama, Nonfiction and Short Stories (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 320 Renaissance British Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 322 Restoration Eighteenth Century British Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 330 British Romantic Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 340 Victorian Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 360 Modern British Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 361 Studies in Genre, Poetry (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 362 Studies in Genre, Narrative (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 363 Studies in Genre, Drama (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 364 Studies in Genre, Film (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 370 American Literature I: Columbus to the American Revolution (1492-1800) (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 371 American Literature II: Emergent National Voices (1800-1865) (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 372 American Literature III: Realism, Naturalism, through WWI (1865-1930) (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 373 American Literature IV: Modern Voices (1930-1970) (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 375 Diverse Traditions in American Literature (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 376 American Literature V: Contemporary Voices (1970-Present) (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 385 Theatre in Perspective: The Stratford Festival Stage (3 cr.) [Div IV]
EN 400 Narrative Writing Seminar (4 cr.)
EN 401 Poetry Writing Seminar (4 cr.)
EN 402 Nonfiction Writing Seminar (4 cr.)
EN 403 Drama and Script Writing Seminar (4 cr.)
EN 405 Technical Writing Seminar (4 cr.)
EN 411 Topics in World Literature (3 - 4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 412 Chaucer (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 420 Shakespeare (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 422 Milton (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 430 Major Authors (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 440 Topics in Gender in Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 490 Seminar (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 493 Senior Seminar: The English Professional (2 cr.)
Health, Physical Education and Recreation
HN 362 Cultural Food Patterns (4 cr.) [Div I]
HS 302 Ancient Rome (4 cr.)
HS 304 The Middle Ages (4 cr.)
HS 305 Renaissance-Reformation (4 cr.)
HS 307 Themes in Early Modern Europe (4 cr.)
HS 308 Themes in Modern Europe (4 cr.)
HS 312 Revolutionary Russia (4 cr.)
HS 314 Modern Britain, 1485-Present (4 cr.)
HS 315 Imperialism (4 cr.) [Div I]
HS 316 The Holocaust (4 cr.)
HS 325 Colonial America in the Atlantic World (4 cr.)
HS 326 America from Revolution to Jackson (4 cr.)
HS 327 Civil War and Reconstruction (4 cr.)
HS 328 America in the Age of Industrialization and Reform (4 cr.)
HS 335 Michigan History (4 cr.)
HS 336 History of the Upper Peninsula (4 cr.)
HS 292 African American History (4 cr.) [Div I]
HS 360 Chinese Revolution, 1800-Present (4 cr.)
HS 361 History of the Americas (4 cr.) [Div I]
HS 362 History of Mexico (4 cr.) [Div I]
Modern Languages and Literatures
FR 310 Introduction to French Civilization and Culture (4 cr.) [Div I]
FR 438 Cultural and Artistic Heritage of Europe (4 cr.) [Div I]
GR 310 Introduction to German Civilization and Culture (4 cr.) [Div I]
SN 312 Introduction to Spanish America (4 cr.) [Div I]
SN 314 Contemporary Latin American Culture (4 cr.) [Div I]
PL 310 Social and Political Philosophy (4 cr.) [Div I]
PL 320 Philosophy of Science (4 cr.)
PL 330 Existentialism (4 cr.) [Div I]
PL 370 Theory of Knowledge: Classical and Contemporary (4 cr.)
Political Science and Public Administration
PS 319 Women and U.S. Politics (4 cr.) [Div I]
PS 411 American Political Thought (4 cr.) [Div I]

Foundations of Natural Sciences/Mathematics
BI 305 Ecology of the Northern Forest (4 cr.) [Div II]
BI 310 Ecology Theory and Methods (4 cr.)
CH 325 Organic Chemistry II (3 cr.)
CH 430 Environmental Chemistry (5 cr.)
CH 435 Gas and Liquid Chromatography (2 cr.)
CH 450 Biochemistry I (4 cr.)
GC 365 Historical Geology (4 cr.)
GC 370 Geomorphology (4 cr.)
GC 385 Weather and Climate (4 cr.)
GC 390 Oceanography (2 cr.)
GC 401 Biogeography (4 cr.)
PH 320 Physical Electronics (4 cr.)
PH 322 Modern Physics (4 cr.)
PH 330 Optics (4 cr.)
PH 393 Experimental Instrumentation and Analysis (4 cr.)
PY 302 Causes and Control of Aggression (4 cr.)
PY 304 Animal Behavior (4 cr.)
PY 305 Psychological Statistics (4 cr.) [Div V]
PY 320 Psychological Measurement (4 cr.)
PY 355 Abnormal Psychology (4 cr.)

Foundations of Social Sciences
EC 320 Money and Banking (4 cr.)
EC 337 American Economic History (4 cr.) [Div II]
EC 345 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (4 cr.)
EC 401 Intermediate Microeconomics (4 cr.)
EC 402 Intermediate Macroeconomics (4 cr.)
EC 405 Public Finance (4 cr.)
EC 410 Managerial Economics (4 cr.)
EC 415 Labor Economics (4 cr.)
EC 340 Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (4 cr.) [Div II]
EC 425 International Economics (4 cr.)
EC 330 Law and Economics (4 cr.)
EC 335 Health Care Economics (4 cr.)
EC 460 Economic Development (4 cr.)
EC 490 Seminar in Economics (1 - 4 cr.)
EN 313 Introduction to Linguistic Theory (4 cr.)
GC 300 Regional Studies: World Cultures (4 cr.) [Div II]
GC 305 Regional Studies (4 cr.) [Div II]
GC 310 Urban Geography (4 cr.)
GC 316 Geography of Tourism (4 cr.)
GC 320 Environmental Policy and Regulation (4 cr.)
GC 360 Population Geography (4 cr.) [Div II]
GC 435 Geography of Michigan (4 cr.)
Health, Physical Education and Recreation
HL 322 International Health Issues (4 cr.) [Div II]
HL 450 Human Sexuality: Educational Issues (3 cr.)
HL 485 Drug Use and Abuse (3 cr.)
HS 337 American Economic History (4 cr.) [Div II]
HS 360 Chinese Revolution, 1800-Present (4 cr.)
Political Science and Public Administration
PS 202 Seminar in Public Policy Analysis (4 cr.)
PS 303 Public Opinion and Voting Behavior (4 cr.)
PS 307 Principles of Public Administration (4 cr.)
PS 309 State and Local Government (4 cr.)
PS 312 War and Peace in the 21st Century (4 cr.) [Div II]
PS 319 Women and U.S. Politics (4 cr.) [Div I]
PS 331 Judicial Process (4 cr.)
PS 332 Administrative Law (4 cr.)
PS 340 International Organizations (4 cr.)
PS 341 Social Welfare Policy (4 cr.)
PS 402 Political Economy (4 cr.)
PS 404 Politics of East and Southeast Asia (4 cr.)
PS 406 Legislative Politics (4 cr.)
PS 415 Politics of American Foreign Policy (4 cr.) [Div II]
PS 430 American Constitutional Law (4 cr.)
PY 313 Introduction to Linguistic Theory (4 cr.)
PY 335 Social Psychology (4 cr.)
PY 344 Lifespan Developmental Psychology (4 cr.)
PY 345 Psychology of Exceptional Young Children (4 cr.)
PY 390 Western Childhood (4 cr.)
PY 400 History and Systems (4 cr.)
Sociology and Social Work
AN 320 Native Peoples of North America (4 cr.) [Div II]
SO 312 Religion and Society (4 cr.)
SO 322 Social Class, Power and Mobility (4 cr.) [Div II]
SO 343 Sociology of Deviant Behavior (4 cr.)
SO 351 Social Change (4 cr.) [Div II]
SO 355 Introduction to Social Psychology (4 cr.) [Div II]
SO 372 Minority Groups (4 cr.) [Div II]
SO 382 Health, Society and Culture (4 cr.)

Formal Communications Studies
Communication and Performance Studies
SP 300 Rhetorical Theory (4 cr.)
SP 310 Communication Theory (4 cr.)
SP 401 Persuasion (4 cr.)
SP 402 Communication Criticism (4 cr.) [Div I]
SP 404 Communication and the Arts (4 cr.)
SP 410 Advanced Interpersonal Communication (4 cr.)
SP 412 Nonverbal Communication (4 cr.)
SP 421 Organizational Communication (4 cr.)
SP 432 Environmental Communication (4 cr.)
Modern Languages and Literatures
All 300 and 400 Modern Language and Literature courses, except those listed in other areas.
PY 305 Psychological Statistics (4 cr.) [Div V]
PY 311 Thinking and Cognition (4 cr.)
PY 351 Psychology of Personality (4 cr.)

Foundations of Visual and Performing Arts
Art and Design
AD 300 Asian Influence in Modern Art (4 cr.) [Div IV]
AD 355 Twentieth Century Art and Architecture (4 cr.) [Div IV]
AD 365 History of Modern Design (4 cr.) [Div IV]
Students may enroll in any 300 or 400 course, but they must consult with the department head before enrolling.
Communication and Performance Studies
TH 341 Stage Properties (4 cr.)
TH 352 Directing Theory (4 cr.)
TH 358 Directing Practicum (1 cr.)
TH 360 History of Theatre (4 cr.) [Div IV]
TH 361 Modern Drama (4 cr.) [Div IV]
TH 404 American Musical Theatre (4 cr.)
TH 432 Theatre and Entertainment Careers (1 cr.)
Health, Physical Education and Recreation
Students may enroll in any 300 or 400 theory or performance course, but they must consult with the department head before enrolling