Contact Information

Address:  2200 Jamrich Hall
Phone:  906-227-2020
Fax:  906-227-2010
Web Address:
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Mathematics and Computer Science at NMU

The overarching mission of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is to serve society through education and scholarship within and across each of our disciplines:  mathematics, mathematics education, and computer science. Specifically, our primary mission is to guide our students in the acquisition and development of a suite of skills necessary for the pursuit of a professional career in or further academic study of mathematics, mathematics education, and computer science. An additional mission of the department is to provide service and liberal studies courses for the broader university community, fostering critical and independent thinking, creative problem solving, and lifelong learning habits in all students. The department is committed to furthering the professional development of mathematics teachers throughout their careers and to provide leadership in mathematics education at all levels. Finally, in support of our educational efforts, the department fosters an atmosphere of inquiry and innovation through original contributions to each of the department’s academic disciplines and their associated professions. 

Computer science is the study of what is possible through computation. It is a rapidly changing field with a variety of exciting job opportunities. Computer science majors get substantial amounts of programming and problem solving experience, as well as significant internship opportunities. Writing software also offers ample opportunity for creative expression. A computer science degree provides a deep and thorough understanding of modern computers, from their theoretical limitations to the next great leap in their practical application.

The study of mathematics develops the critical and analytical skills needed in medicine, law, business, and industry and supports majors such as physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, economics, sociology, geography, and engineering, among others. It provides an understanding of the contributions of mathematics to philosophy, the arts, science and technology, and provides an exciting intellectual experience.

Programs in secondary and elementary mathematics education prepare students for K-12 teaching and provide professional development for in-service teachers.

Successful completion of a computer science, mathematics or mathematics education major prepares students for graduate work in mathematics, mathematics education or computer science and for professions in statistics, actuarial sciences, applied mathematics, computer science and teaching.

Student Organizations

  • Actuarial and Risk Management Club (Beta Eta Chapter of Gamma Iota Sigma
  • Computer Science Club (Student Chapter of A.C.M.)
  • Elementary Education Mathematics Club
  • Mathematics Club

Department/Program Policies

To ensure student success, the department does not allow students to enroll in the same course more than two times. If a student must take a course for the third time, he or she must first take the prerequisite course(s) and obtain a grade of “B-” or better in each.

All non-teaching majors and minors offered by the department require a 2.00 or higher overall grade point average in required courses and a grade of “C” or better in each required course.

All students must pass prerequisite courses with a grade of “C-” or higher unless otherwise indicated.

Secondary Education Mathematics
Students with a major or minor in secondary education mathematics must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or greater overall, in the major, and/or minor(s) with no grade below a "B-" in the professional education sequence and no grade below a "C" in the major and/or minor(s).

Mathematics courses with a middle digit of “5” will not count toward the requirements of a non-education major or minor. Students pursuing minors in the department are urged to consult with their advisers in determining an appropriate selection of courses.


Bulletin Year: 2022 - 2023 Undergraduate Bulletin | View the current NMU Catalog.