Provides a solid foundation in science, mathematics and engineering principles. Graduates are employed as designers, manufacturing engineers and in related positions.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Engineering Technology department page.

Total Credits Required 128
Liberal Studies
Health Promotion Requirements 2
Technology Core57
DD 100 Technical Drafting with Introduction to CAD 4
DD 102 Engineering Graphics 3
DD 202 Product Development and Design 4
ET 112 DC Circuit Analysis 4
ET 201 Visual Programming for Technicians 4
ET 410 Advanced Linear Circuits or3
     ET 420 Microcontroller Applications (3 cr.)
IT 180 Introduction to Fluid Power 3
IT 214 Industrial Observation 1
MET 211 Mechanics-Statistics 4
MET 213 Materials Science I 3
MET 216 Materials Science II 3
MET 310 Mechanics-Dynamics 3
MET 311 Strength of Materials 4
MET 320 Mechanical Design 4
MET 410 Applied Thermodynamics 4
MET 431 Senior Project I 1
MET 432 Senior Project II 1
MF 134 Manufacturing Process 4

Other Required Courses34
CH 105 Chemical Principles [Div II] 4
EN 211D Technical and Report Writing [Div I] 4
IS 100 Introduction to Windows, E-mail and the Internet [Div V] 1
IS Electives [V]3
MA 104 College Algebra with Applications in the Sciences and Technologies [Div II] 4
MA 171 Introduction to Probability and Statistics [Div V] 4
MA 271 Calculus with Applications 4
PH 201 College Physics I [Div II] 5
PH 202 College Physics II [Div II] 5

Technical Electives12
Choose from the following:
DD 103 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (2 cr.)
DD 105 Schematic/Diagram Drafting (2 cr.)
DD 203 Industrial Drawing and Design (4 cr.)
ET 113 AC Circuit Analysis (4 cr.)
ET 250 Industrial Electrical Machinery (4 cr.)
ET 252 Industrial Motor Controls (4 cr.)
ET 311 Applied Programmable Controllers (2 cr.)
ET 360 Process Control Systems (3 cr.)
IT 265 Total Productive Maintenance (2 cr.)
IT 300 Industrial Supervision (3 cr.)
IT 340 Enterprise Resource Planning (3 cr.)
IT 380 Facility Planning (3 cr.)
IT 420 Quality Control (3 cr.)
MF 233 Numerical Control (4 cr.)
MF 383 Computer-Aided Manufacturing (4 cr.)
BI 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4 cr.) [Div II] or
     BI 201 Human Anatomy (3 cr.)
PE 317 Anatomical Kinesiology (2 cr.)
PE 417 Biomechanics (2 cr.)
DD 295, ET 295, IT 295 or MF 295 Special Topics (1-4 cr.)
DD 298, ET 298, IT 298 or MF 298 Directed Study and Research (1-4 cr.)

This major does not require a minor.