Contact Information

Address:  101 Walter F. Gries Hall
Phone:  906-227-2236
Fax:  906-227-1567
Web Address:
Department Email:

Military Science at NMU

The Military Science Department offers a minor in military science and trains and commissions the future leadership of the U.S. Army and the nation. The department’s courses teach leadership skills that are highly sought by major corporations.

Participation in the NMU military science program has a profound impact on any student, even through a single class. The program emphasizes modern leadership, team building, teamwork, problem solving, self-confidence development and ethical behavior. Military science courses or enrollment in the department’s military science minor complement any student’s major by broadening his or her educational experience and teaching a variety of personal and professional skills.

Students who enroll in military science classes or in the minor program incur no military obligation, nor do they commit themselves to continue taking military science courses (unless they commit to becoming a U.S. Army Officer in the active Army, Army Reserves or Army National Guard). Students may add, drop or withdraw from military science courses as in any other academic program.

Student Organization

  • Ranger Club

Leader’s Training Course

The Leader’s Training Course (LTC) is an obligation-free, five-week course held each summer at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Students who have not completed basic training, JROTC, or the four basic courses, and have junior status or higher (minimum 56 credit hours), may attend LTC. Upon completion of the program, they will be invited to contract into the commissioning program. All basic necessities, transportation and equipment are provided by the U.S. Army.

Commissioning Program

Only those students who volunteer for and meet U.S. Army qualifications may enter the commissioning program. Students contract with the U.S. Army to complete the required program of instruction in return for a stipend and/or scholarship monies and the training required to earn a commission. Veterans may also compete for U.S. Army ROTC scholarships without affecting their veteran’s benefits. Qualified cadets may attend the U.S. Army Airborne, Air Assault, Nurse Summer Training Program or Northern and Mountain Warfare Schools during the summer when openings are available. Overseas and other leadership training is also available on a regular basis.

Cadets are also required to take one history class to satisfy the Professional Military Education requirement. This requirement may be satisfied through several history courses offered at NMU.

The ROTC Scholarship Program

NMU U.S. Army ROTC has scholarships available to qualified students wanting to earn a commission in the U.S. Army. Special incentives exist for nursing students to become army nurses. For information about NMU scholarship opportunities, contact the department. To learn more about U.S. Army ROTC scholarship opportunities and requirements, visit the U.S. Army ROTC scholarship Web site at

Leader Development and Assessment Course

All contracted cadets must complete the five-week Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) at Fort Lewis, Washington. This is normally done during the summer between a cadet’s junior and senior year, but it is required prior to his or her appointment as a commissioned officer. This training supplements campus instruction by providing practical leadership experience in the form of problem analysis, decision-making and small group leadership experiences. This camp is an intense experience that matures and forges each individual. The U.S. Army provides transportation, food, shelter, clothing and other basic necessities.

Options Upon Commissioning

Army ROTC provides careers in 21 branches and 47 different fields. Candidates compete for an appointment to the active Army for three to four years, or they may serve on active duty for a period and then with an Army Reserve or National Guard unit for the remainder of their obligation (a total of eight years). Service as a Reserve or National Guard officer allows the individual to pursue a civilian career while serving for approximately 38 days per year.

Department/Program Policies

Uniforms, Texts and Special Equipment

Basic course cadets are not required to wear a uniform to their military science classes but must wear a uniform to the leadership lab. Advanced course cadets wear uniforms to their military science classes and to the leadership lab. All cadets must comply with military appearance standards while in uniform. Students who are taking military science classes only for academic credit or to fulfill the military science minor do not wear uniforms to class, nor are they required to comply with military appearance standards. The department furnishes all required military equipment as a temporary loan to students. Textbooks are provided by the department for required minor courses.

Advanced Course Requirements

Advanced course students seeking commissions are required to participate in the following activities:

1. Physical Trainingconducted by the department for one hour, three times a week.

2. Mandatory Training Eventsincluding leadership laboratories, field training exercises, some extracurricular events and social events.

Advanced Placement Credit for Veterans

Students having prior military service may receive advanced placement credit equivalent to the basic courses upon the recommendation of the department head.


Bulletin Year: 2015 - 2016 Undergraduate Bulletin | View the current NMU Catalog.