Students must achieve a 2.5 overall GPA in the minor.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Music department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 20
MU 101 Theory 1 2
MU 103 Class Piano 1 2
MU 145 Introduction to Music Literature [HUME] or3
     MU 125 Music in Society (3 cr.) [HUME]
Music Electives13

Note: A student can have no more than five repeats of “failed” courses in the music minor. 

Preapproved Elective Courses for Music Minor
Departmental approval is required to declare this minor. Upon approval, students may schedule the required classes above and choose from the pre-approved music electives below. After sufficient progress is made and elective requirements are met (see below), the student should meet with the department head for final approval of the minor. The department head will submit the approved plan to the Registrar. 

Music minor electives should represent a variety of ensemble participation, performance lessons, and additional academic music classes. A minimum number of credits for each category is required as follows:

Performances LessonsAll courses 1 credit each. Minimum 2 credits. Courses may be repeated for credit.

MU131, 231 Performance - Brass

MU141, 241 Performance - Keyboard

MU151, 251 Performance - Percussion

MU161, 261 Performance - Strings

MU171, 271 Performance - Vocal

MU181, 281 Performance - Woodwind

Ensembles – All courses 0.5 credits each. Minimum 2 credits. Courses may be repeated for credit.

MU108 Arts Chorale

MU111 University Choir

MU112 Marquette Choral Society

MU114 Marching Band

MU116 University Orchestra

MU117 Jazz Band

MU118 Chamber Ensemble

MU120 Percussion Ensemble

Academic CoursesAll courses listed below are 2 credits. Minimum 4 credits.

MU102 Aural Skills 1

MU105 Aural Skills 2

MU202 Aural Skills 3

MU210 Aural Skills 4

MU211 Orchestration and Arranging

MU104 Music Theory 2

MU201 Music Theory 3

MU204 Music Theory 4

MU106 Class Piano 2

MU140 Class Piano 3