This minor examines the contemporary and historical experiences and ways of life of the indigenous people of North America from their perspective. It is designed to provide a study of Native American issues from a holistic and humanistic viewpoint by focusing on their cultural, historical and contemporary life.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Native American Studies department page.

Total Credits Required 24
Required Courses5-8
NAS 204 Native American Experience [Div I] 4
NAS 488 Native American Service Learning Project 1 - 4
All students must take at least four credits from each category unless an alternative plan is pre-approved by the director of the Center for Native American Studies.
Native American Content Courses in Anishinaabe Language, Art and Design and Music4
Choose from the following:
AD 200 Native American Art and Architecture (4 cr.) [Div IV]
AD 295 Special Topics in Art and Design * (1 - 4 cr.)
MU 325 World Music * (4 cr.) [Div IV]
NAS 101 Anishinaabe Language, Culture and Community I (4 cr.) [Div V]
NAS 102 Anishinaabe Language, Culture and Community II (4 cr.) [Div V]
Native American Content Courses in Anthropology, History and Sociology4
Choose from the following:
AN 320 Native Peoples of North America (4 cr.) [Div II]
AN 330 Indians of the Western Great Lakes (4 cr.)
HS 233 Native American History (4 cr.) [Div II]
HS 234 Indigenous People of Latin America (4 cr.) [Div I]
HS 295 Special Topics in History * (1 - 4 cr.)
SO 295 Special Topics in Sociology * (1 - 4 cr.)
Native American Content Courses in Education and Political Science4
Choose from the following:
NAS 287 The Legal and Political History of Michigan Indian Education (2 cr.)
NAS 288 The Politics of Indian Gaming (4 cr.) [Div II]
NAS 310 Tribal Law and Government (4 cr.) [Div II]
NAS 340 Kinomaage: Earth Shows Us the Way (4 cr.)
NAS 484 Native American Inclusion in the Classroom (2 cr.)
NAS 485 American Indian Education (3 cr.)
PS 295 Special Topics in Political Science * (1 - 4 cr.)
Native American Content Courses in English and Oral Traditions4
Choose from the following:
EN 311Z World Literature in English * (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 314 Traditional Oral Literatures: Selected Native American Cultures (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 316 Native American Novels and Poetry (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 317 Native American Drama, Nonfiction and Short Stories (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 430 Major Authors * (3 - 4 cr.)
NAS 280 Storytelling by Native American Women (4 cr.)
*Note: EN 311Z, EN 430, HS 295, SO 295, AD 295, MU 325, and PS 295 are courses of variable content. Credit only applies to the minor when these courses deal with Native American subject matter.
NAS 295 Special Topics in Native American Studies may include course content that is not presently included in these categories. NAS 298 Directed Study in Native American Studies may also be taken for 1-4 credits with approval.