Contact Information

Address:  200A Gries Hall
Phone:  906-227-2512
Fax:  906-227-2229
Department Email:

Philosophy at NMU


Philosophy courses are designed to make students aware of major philosophical questions, the alternative answers proposed by philosophers and the ways answers are achieved, and to assist students in developing a view of life. In addition, philosophy courses help students achieve the goals common to all liberal arts studies.

The department offers course work leading to baccalaureate degrees in philosophy and minor programs in philosophy, applied ethics and religious studies.


Student Organization


  • Student Philosophy Club


Department/Program Policies

Students are strongly encouraged to work closely with their academic advisers to create the best possible individual programs in their majors and minors and successfully meet all other requirements for graduation.


Bulletin Year: 2023 - 2024 Undergraduate Bulletin | View the current NMU Catalog.